DC Database

"Summoned": In a pre-recorded message from Vic Stone, Cyborg tells Jessica Cruz that he wants her to lead the Justice League Odyssey — that maybe she should have been leading all along.

Quote1 Darkseid corrupted them all. Made them into puppets. New New Gods. I'm going to damn well save them. Quote2
— Green Lantern

Justice League Odyssey #13 is an issue of the series Justice League Odyssey (Volume 1) with a cover date of November, 2019. It was published on September 11, 2019.

Synopsis for "Summoned"

In a pre-recorded message from Vic Stone, Cyborg tells Jessica Cruz that he wants her to lead the Justice League Odyssey — that maybe she should have been leading all along.

On a Zamaron research station; Arla Hax, Dex-Starr and an enigmatic Okkult are united in purpose — kill Darkseid -— but are very different individuals. On the monitor, they see Sepulkore being formed, and have minutes to act. Hax activates "The Summoner", which draws in Jessica's corpse, the irate Blackfire and the inert Eskaton Demons.

Analysing Jessica's remains, they find that her shattered ring has been embedded in her broken bones, and they have absorbed Omega Energy. Blackfire proves that she could be a potential ally, but only wants to return to Tamaran; which is now impossible. Into this discussion staggers Jessica Cruz — who has been healed by the Omega Energy and awoken to find unknowns and enemies arguing around her.

Arla Hax is the technician; Okkult is a brash enigma; Blackfire is obstinate; and Dex-Starr is hungrey. And Jessica, full of new confidence and power, takes charge of this group. First she calls the Justice League and the Green Lantern Corps for backup, but is secretly blocked by Hax.

Searching for Jessica's friends — who now work for Darkseid — they are sensed by Him, and the Para-Angels are sent from Sepulkore to kill them. They Boom Tube into the Zamaron station, overwhelming the small group, until Jessica demonstrates a whole new level of power...

Appearing in "Summoned"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




See Also

Links and References
