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"Crisis Times Five Part Two World Turned Upside Down": Reality bends in Keystone City courtesy of Lkz from the Fifth Dimension. Jakeem Thunder runs to the JLA claiming he did not do this. The JLA tries to contain the chaos, but [[Patrick O'

Quote1 We're the new JLA. Bad neighborhood, Steel. Quote2
— Triumph

JLA #29 is an issue of the series JLA (Volume 1) with a cover date of May, 1999.

Synopsis for "Crisis Times Five Part Two World Turned Upside Down"

Reality bends in Keystone City courtesy of Lkz from the Fifth Dimension. Jakeem Thunder runs to the JLA claiming he did not do this. The JLA tries to contain the chaos, but Plastic Man is turned to stone and Green Lantern even gets tossed into the Fifth Dimension.

On the lunar base, Captain Marvel arrives and asks Superman to let him inside.

In New York, Triumph has used mind control to call Gypsy and The Ray to his side. They are about to go to the moon where Triumph wants to claim his spot as the leader of the JLA.

Meanwhile, Sentinel and Zauriel have traveled to an astral plane to try and free The Spectre. However, Spectre is imprisoned in a rock that actually is a living world. To free him, Sentinel and Zauriel would have to destroy millions of lives.

Inside the JLA base, Captain Marvel knocks out Superman. Triumph, Ray and Gypsy arrive at the base after Captain Marvel leaves for the 5th Dimension. Triumph knocks out Hourman (Matthew Tyler) and seats himself in Superman's chair. Steel teleports aboard.

Back in Keystone City, Jakeem lets out his genie known as Thunderbolt, and the two creatures from the Fifth Dimension begin to battle.

Appearing in "Crisis Times Five Part Two World Turned Upside Down"

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