We'll all be happy. No matter what.
- — Pariah
Infinite Frontier #6 is an issue of the series Infinite Frontier (Volume 1) with a cover date of November, 2021. It was published on September 7, 2021.
Synopsis for "Infinite Multiverses"
On Earth Omega, Justice Incarnate and the JSA battle against Darkseid's forces. Meanwhile Barry Allen continues to run in the turbine, and once he cracks open the Multiverse, Darkseid will have access to the Great Darkness beyond. To control the Darkness he needs Roy Harper, the Omega Lantern. Roy is seemingly lost to the power of the Darkness but Obsidian, drawing on his own experience, is able to help Roy break free of it.
President Superman tries to reach the turbine but is stopped by Machinehead. Batman distracts him long enough for Superman to truly take him down. Superman smashes the turbine and Barry races out of it. He shoots off into the sky and disappears, leaving cracks in reality. A gigantic explosion from the center of the cracks destroys Darkseid's energy chains and deactivates the Black Lantern Ring but leaves everyone unharmed. The cracks are gone and the villain is seemingly foiled.
Darkseid announces that his plan has failed, and that they are all doomed. Psycho-Pirate flees, claiming he is "needed in another event". Machinehead claims they can still find the crack in the Multiverse and demands that Darkseid keep fighting. But Darkseid simply executes him and teleports the heroes back to where they came from. At the Hall of Heroes President Superman calls in all members of Justice Incarnate to search for the crack and the Flash.
A few days later on Earth 0, Cameron Chase and Roy Harper meet up in New York City, just across the river from Titans Academy. Cameron is now Director of the D.E.O. and the JSA all made it home safely with seemingly no damage to the time-space continuum, but Earth Omega has disappeared from all sensors and Bones is in the wind. Roy meanwhile is still determined to find Lian, but has decided to first reveal himself to his friends and get back to real life.
On Earth Omega, X-Tract and the New Gods of Apokolips pledge loyalty to Darkseid. He reveals that there are many others seeking the power of the Great Darkness and that they will need everyone to play their parts in the coming wars, including the heroes who he spared.
Barry Allen awakens from the illusion and realises what is happening. He stops running and finds himself in the ruins of the Pre-Crisis Multiverse. He is met by Pariah, who tells him that everyone who has meddled with the Multiverse before was wrong and he has found another way. He disintegrates Barry and rematerializes him in a pocket dimension where he will always be happy "No matter what."
Appearing in "Infinite Multiverses"
Featured Characters:
- The Flash/Barry Allen (Earth 0) (Brainwashed)
- Jade (Earth 0)
- Obsidian/Todd Rice (Earth 0) (Rejoins Justice Society of America)
- Omega Lantern/Black Lantern/Roy Harper (Earth 0) (Also as a zombie) (Cured)
- President Superman (Earth 23)
Supporting Characters:
- D.E.O. (Earth 0)
- Director Cameron Chase (Flashback and main story) (First appearance as Director Chase)
- Harbinger A.I. (Post-Flashpoint)
- Justice Incarnate (Multiverse)
- Justice Society of America (Earth 0)
- Darkseid (Post-Flashpoint)
- Injustice Incarnate (Multiverse) (Disbands)
- Dr. Sivana (Earth 5)
- Fate (Earth 13)
- Jokero (Earth 32)
- Unnamed Joe Chill counterpart (Earth 32) (Single appearance) (Unnamed) (Construct) (Cameo)
- Lady Quark (Earth 48)
- Machinehead (Earth 8) (Dies)
- Magog (Earth 22)
- Superdoom (Earth 45)
- Superwoman/Lois Lane (Earth 3)
- Mister Bones/Director Bones (Earth 0) (Flashback and main story)
- New Gods (Post-Flashpoint) (Cameo)
- Psycho Pirate/Roger Hayden (Earth 0)
- Shadow Demons (Antimatter Universe)
- X-Tract/Cameron Chase (Earth-Two)
- Injustice Incarnate (Multiverse) (Disbands)
- Eclipso (Post-Flashpoint) (Cameo)
- The Empty Hand (Multiverse) (Cameo)
- The Great Darkness (Cameo)
- Nekron (Earth 0) (Cameo)
- Pariah/Kell Mossa (Pre-Crisis) (Revealed to be alive)
- The Upside-Down Man (Dark Multiverse) (Cameo)
Other Characters:
- Cameron Chase's family (Unknown Earth) (Single appearance) (On a TV or computer screen) (In a photograph only) (Flashback only) (Cameo)
- Cameron Chase's daughter (Unnamed)
- Cameron Chase's husband (Unnamed)
- Cameron Chase's son (Unnamed)
- Cameron Chase's Multiversal counterparts (On a TV or computer screen) (In a photograph only) (Flashback only) (Cameo)
- Cameron Chase's dead counterpart (Unknown Earth) (Unnamed) (Tombstone)
- Cameron Chase's insane counterpart (Unknown Earth) (Single appearance) (Unnamed)
- Cameron Chase's soldier counterpart (Unknown Earth) (Single appearance) (Unnamed)
- Checkmate (Earth 0) (Cameo)
- Green Arrow (Oliver Queen) (Cameo)
- Lois Lane (Cameo)
- Manhunter (Kate Spencer) (Cameo)
- The Question (Vic Sage) (Cameo)
- Steve Trevor (Cameo)
- The Flash/Barry Allen (Pre-Flashpoint) (As an illusion only) (Cameo)
- Flash Family (Earth-Flash.1) (First appearance) (Cameo)
- Dawn Allen (First appearance) (Cameo)
- Don Allen (First appearance) (Cameo)
- The Flash (Jay Garrick) (First appearance) (Cameo)
- Iris West (First appearance) (Cameo)
- Kid Flash (Wally West) (First appearance) (Cameo)
- Nora Allen (First appearance) (Cameo)
- Wallace R. West (First appearance) (Cameo)
- The Totality (Earth 0) (Cameo)
- Hawkgirl (Cameo)
- Lex Luthor (Cameo)
- Mr. Terrific (Michael Holt) (Cameo)
- Vandal Savage (Cameo)
- The Anti-Monitor (Pre-Crisis) (Mentioned only)
- Alexander Luthor, Jr. (Earth-Three) (Mentioned only)
- Bat-Family (Earth 0) (Mentioned only)
- Batman (Bruce Wayne) (Mentioned only)
- Damian Wayne (Mentioned only)
- Dick Grayson (Mentioned only)
- Duke Thomas (Mentioned only)
- Jason Todd (Mentioned only)
- Stephanie Brown (Mentioned only)
- Tim Drake (Mentioned only)
- Darkseid (Pre-Crisis) (Merged into Darkseid (Post-Flashpoint)) (Mentioned only)
- Darkseid (Pre-Flashpoint) (Merged into Darkseid (Post-Flashpoint)) (Mentioned only)
- D.E.O. (Earth 0) (Mentioned only)
- The Gentry (Multiverse) (Mentioned only)
- Justice League (Earth 0) (Mentioned only)
- Lian Harper (Earth 0) (Mentioned only)
- The Quintessence (Earth 0) (Mentioned only)
- Infinite Frontier/"Omniverse"
- Multiverse-2/Pre-Crisis Multiverse (Real name revealed) (In ruins)
- Earth-AD (Unnamed) (In ruins)
- Earth-Flash.1 (First appearance) (Cameo)
- United States of America
- Central City
- West-Allen House (First appearance) (Cameo)
- Central City
- United States of America
- Post-Flashpoint Multiverse
- The Bleed
- Orrery of Worlds
- Dead Cameron Chase's Earth (Single appearance) (Unnamed) (On a TV or computer screen) (In a photograph only) (Flashback only) (Cameo)
- Insane Cameron Chase's Earth (Single appearance) (Unnamed) (On a TV or computer screen) (In a photograph only) (Flashback only) (Cameo)
- Married Cameron Chase's Earth (Single appearance) (Unnamed) (On a TV or computer screen) (In a photograph only) (Flashback only) (Cameo)
- Soldier Cameron Chase's Earth (Single appearance) (Unnamed) (On a TV or computer screen) (In a photograph only) (Flashback only) (Cameo)
- Earth 0
- Earth
- France
- Paris (Flashback only) (Cameo)
- United States of America
- New York
- New York City
- Manhattan
- Titans Island (Cameo)
- Titans Tower (Cameo)
- Titans Island (Cameo)
- Manhattan
- New York City
- New York
- France
- Ryut (Cameo)
- Earth
- Earth 7 (In ruins) (Cameo)
- Earth Omega
- Earth 8 (Mentioned only)
- Speed Force
- Pre-Flashpoint Multiverse
- New Earth (Mentioned only)
- Multiverse-2/Pre-Crisis Multiverse (Real name revealed) (In ruins)
- Hypertime
- Flashpoint Timeline (Erased) (Mentioned only)
- Timestream (Mentioned only)
- Aquawoman's Trident
- Batsuit
- Beta Club (Cameo)
- Black Diamond (Cameo)
- Black Lantern Central Power Battery (Cameo)
- Black Lantern Ring
- Darkseid's Machine (Destroyed)
- Hermes' Helmet (Cameo)
- Jokero's Yellow Lantern Ring
- Machinehead Armor (Destroyed)
- Magog's Staff
- Manhunter Armor (Cameo)
- Medusa Mask
- Multi-Brewery Beer (First appearance) (Cameo)
- Multiverse Map (On a TV or computer screen) (Cameo)
- Nekron's Scythe (Cameo)
- Nth Metal (Cameo)
- Question's Mask (Cameo)
- Starheart
- Trick Arrows (Cameo)
- X-Tract's Gun
- Carrier Arks
- The Totality (Cameo)
- Final Crisis (Mentioned only)
- The First Crisis (Mentioned only)
- Infinite Crisis (Mentioned only)
- Rebirth of the Multiverse (Mentioned only)
- Anti-Life Equation (Mentioned only)
- Cracks in the Multiverse
- Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum
- Magic
- Omega Beams
- The cracks in the Multiverse storyline is continued in Justice League Incarnate #1.
- This story reveals many details of the current Multiverse as well the Infinite Frontier:
- After the rebirth of the Multiverse, Darkseid merged with his Pre-Crisis and Pre-Flashpoint selves, becoming the ultimate version of himself;
- Earth-Omega is revealed to be a living extension of the Great Darkness;
- Multiverse-2 is revealed to be the Pre-Crisis Multiverse which is still in ruins as a consequence of the events of Crisis on Infinite Earths;
- Despite having previously claimed to have personally destroyed it, the Empty Hand and the Gentry had just fed on the energy of this Multiverse.
- In the epilogue, Pariah creates an alternate reality inside Multiverse-2, where he traps Barry Allen, and plans to save everyone, foreshadowing the events of Dark Crisis.
- Pariah's story is continued in Justice League (Volume 4) #75.
- While escaping from Earth-Omega, Psycho-Pirate claims that he's "needed in another event" which is a reference to The Tower storyline from Detective Comics (Volume 1) as well as a nod to his counterpart's role in the Flashpoint Beyond event.
- During Barry Allen's run, the Psycho-Pirate whispers him "Worlds will die... and the Multiverse will never be the same..." which are a reference to his Earth-Two counterpart's iconic lines from Crisis on Infinite Earths #12.
- Similarlt to previous issues, there are many references to past events:
- Darkseid mentions being imprisoned on Earth-Omega by the Quintessence of Earth 0 and "killing" them all after breaking free from his chains in Infinite Frontier #0;
- Barry Allen reminisces "sacrificing" himself to stop the Antimatter Cannon in Crisis on Infinite Earths #8;
- Pariah banishing Barry to his paradise world also reminisces Pre-Crisis Barry's "death";
- Pariah reminisces the Pre-Crisis Anti-Monitor destroying the Original Multiverse during the First Crisis, Alex Luthor of Earth-Three trying to create a "perfect reality" during the Infinite Crisis and Pre-Flashpoint Darkseid's attempt to conquer the Multiverse during the Final Crisis.
See Also