Someone was being treated here. By Sanctuary. Along with a lot of other... heroes. And that someone killed Sanctuary. And a lot of other heroes. So it just... it means what we already know it means. What it always means... our hope for... redemption... is now just another hunt for vengeance.
- — Batman
Heroes in Crisis #1 is an issue of the series Heroes in Crisis (Volume 1) with a cover date of November, 2018. It was published on September 26, 2018.
Synopsis for "Part 1: I'm Just Warming Up"
Booster Gold is seen at a dinner, when Harley Quinn shows up. Then there is video showing Harley talking about her not believing in trauma and starting to cry. The view returns to the dinner as Harley orders some pie with coffee. Superman arrives at the sanctuary as crows are feeding on the body of Blue Jay and his video is shown. Back at the dinner after finishing her dessert Harley starts to attack Booster Gold with the pie knife. Booster Gold uses his powers to defend himself as he tells Harley he doesn't want to hurt her. Hot Spot, Lagoon Boy and Commander Steel are confirmed dead by Superman back at the sanctuary as Batman and Wonder Woman are on the way. Hot Spot's video about fears plays.
Back at the dinner the fight continues as Booster Gold grabs Harley by her collar and flies through the roofof the dinner. Superman enters the sanctuary house and confirms the death of The Flash and Arsenal as Arsenal's video starts.
The fight between Harley Quinn and Booster Gold continues in the sky as Harley Quinn stabs him, resulting in both of them falling from a high altitude. Back at the Sanctuary the Sanctuary robots are confirmed dead as Batman and Wonder Woman arrive at the scene. Batman tells the other how someone was treated at sanctuary along the heroes and belives that someone is responsible for the murders, their only hope for redemption being another hunt for vengence.
Both Harley Quinn and Booster Gold survived the fall, landing near a body of water. Booster gold tells Harley how they were all hurt, all of them being at sanctuary for help and then he saw her killing the other residents of Sanctuary. Harley asks him how deep he cracked and denies what his accusation, saying how it was him who she saw killing everyone else, that she regrets that she ran like a coward, how she didn't save them but she didn't kill them. Booster Gold video starts playing of him speaking to Sanctuary telling the robot what his purpose is and that he is also a patient asking for it's help.
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Appearing in "Part 1: I'm Just Warming Up"
Featured Characters:
- Batman (Bruce Wayne)
- Booster Gold (Flashback and main story)
- Harley Quinn (Flashback and main story)
- Superman (Clark Kent)
- Wonder Woman (Diana of Themyscira)
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Alfred Pennyworth (Cover only)
- Animal Man (Cover only)
- Arsenal (Dies)
- Aquaman (Arthur Curry) (Cover only)
- Batgirl (Cover only)
- Big Barda (Cover only)
- Black Canary (Cover only)
- Blue Jay (Earth 8) (Flashback and main story) (Dies)
- Captain Atom (Cover only)
- Catwoman (Cover only)
- Commander Steel (Henry Heywood) (First appearance; dies)
- Cyborg (Cover only)
- Doctor Fate (Kent Nelson) (Cover only)
- Firestorm (Cover only)
- Martin Stein (Cover only)
- The Flash (Barry Allen) (Cover only)
- The Flash (Wally West) (Apparent death)
- Green Arrow (Cover only)
- Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) (Cover only)
- Hawkgirl (Cover only)
- Hawkman (Carter Hall) (Cover only)
- Hot Spot (Flashback and main story) (Dies)
- Huntress (Cover only)
- Kite-Man (Cover only)
- Lagoon Boy (First appearance; dies)
- Martian Manhunter (Cover only)
- Metamorpho (Cover only)
- Mister Miracle (Scot Free) (Cover only)
- Nightwing (Cover only)
- Phantom Stranger (Cover only)
- Plastic Man (Cover only)
- Poison Ivy (Cover only)
- Power Girl (Kara Zor-L) (Cover only)
- Red Robin (Tim Drake) (Cover only)
- Robin (Damian Wayne) (Cover only)
- Shirley (Single appearance)
- The Signal (Cover only)
- Starfire (Cover only)
- Supergirl (Cover only)
- Vixen (Cover only)
- Silver Sorceress (Earth 8) (Mentioned only)
- Sigmund Freud (Mentioned only)
- Nebraska
- Gordon
- Rich's Cafe
- Sanctuary
- Gordon
- Hall of Justice (Mentioned only)
- Bracelets of Submission
- Kryptonite (Mentioned only)
- Wonder Woman's Tiara
- Death of Superman (Cover only)
- This issue is reprinted in Heroes in Crisis.
See Also