DC Database

"Shelflife": Green Lantern and Dorine visit an unnamed desert world. They are soon caught by the "Caretaker" of a lifeless alien race. By siphoning off the life-force from his own wife, and the now captured duo, the Caretaker believes he can c

Quote1 I think about what I've seen... a man who never gave up looking for life.... even when death was laughing in his face... and I remember the words of a poet... "Do not go gentle into that good night... Rage, rage... against the dying of the light." Quote2
— Green Lantern

Green Lantern (Volume 2) #171 is an issue of the series Green Lantern (Volume 2) with a cover date of December, 1983.

Synopsis for "Shelflife"

Green Lantern and Dorine visit an unnamed desert world. They are soon caught by the "Caretaker" of a lifeless alien race. By siphoning off the life-force from his own wife, and the now captured duo, the Caretaker believes he can cure the "sleeping sickness" his people have. While his his wife is hooked up to his experimental machine, he increases the "life-force" power which causes the machinery to go out of control and explode, killing him in the process. Later, the sadden wife explains that her husband needed a purpose and was committed to helping his people, however, his determination made him blind to the obvious, his race was not sleeping, but already dead.

Appearing in "Shelflife"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Other Characters:


  • An unnamed desert world



  • Green Lantern Cruiser

Synopsis for "Deeter & Dragons!"

After saving a boy from a humiliating experience with four girls, Green Lantern Deeter tells the lad of the time he experienced some "girl trouble" of his own.

While he trained to be Okonoko's successor, Deeter's first mission as Green Lantern consisted in saving the people of South Ouig from the terrible Grazoum. Deeter headed there and confronted a dragon that was smashing the castle. When the beast retreated, the King commanded Green Lantern to stop the dragon and rescue his daughter, Princess Oryna. Green Lantern stops the dragon and brings the Princess back to the castle, but the king has his men incapacitate Deeter, take his ring, and send him to the dungeon, along with Oryna. Then he realizes that the terrible Grazoum wasn't the dragon, but it was actually King Grazoum, and his daughter was trying to liberate the people from the oppresive ruler. Suddenly, Okonoko arrives riding Oryna's dragon and takes his ring back, destroying the castle and rescuing Deeter and the princess. Okonoko reprimands Deeter for his recklessness, and Oryna does the same for his "incompetence."

When Deeter finishes the tale, he mentions that he got his revenge on the sharp-tongued princess by marrying her.

Appearing in "Deeter & Dragons!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Princess Oryna (Flashback only)


  • King Grazoum (Flashback only)


  • South Ouig




  • Green Lantern's quote is from the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas.

See Also

Links and References
