DC Database

Quote1 The disproportion of superpowered beings merging there meant the rest of us—the entire world—attempted to collaborate on a single team. The Global Guardians.' Quote2
Red Starsrc

The Global Guardians, or GGI, are a United Nations-affiliated team of superheroes, formed by the international community to account for the superpower-gap between the United States of America and other individual nations.


The formation of the Global Guardians by Godiva, August General in Iron and Olympian of the Justice League International was foretold by 25th Century time-traveler Booster Gold, who claimed that the Guardians would succeed where the JLI had not.[1] By 2019, the Global Guardians had been formed and since disbanded. In the wake of an international superhuman conflict, Wonder Woman called for the team to be reformed, with heroes from India, Japan, Israel, and Australia pledging their participation.[2]

Doctor Mist took on leadership of the team, now United Nations-backed and tasked with dealing with threats before they become significant enough to warrant the attention of the Justice League, and assigned the speedster Impala to provide security for a UN-sponsored archeological excavation in collaboration with Gorilla City. When the dig uncovered an artifact that unleashed the god Nyame, Mist had the speedster recruit Vixen of the Justice League to combat him. After a defeat in Lamumba, Vixen and the Guardians pursued Nyame to Kenya, where he freed his sister goddess Yemaya by having her possess the body of Vixen. The battle was joined by Global Guardian Olympian II, and Vixen was able to free both herself and Nyame's host, ending the threat and prompting Mist to consider her as leader of the team.[3]

The Global Guardians eventually suffered a schism due to infighting, its members splitting off into the space-based fugitives Intercorps, the continent-specific Eurocorps, and the "new" Global Guardians, a group who felt the original team to be inordinately held back by bureaucracy. Retaining their UN-sponsorship, the "official" Global Guardians included the flying Cherokee Owlwoman, Taiwanese sonic-screamer Thunderlord, Chrysalis, Seraph, and their leader, the French telepath Belphegor.[4] During United States Bureau of Sovereignty head Amanda Waller's anti-superhero disinformation campaign, half of the Global Guardians' members fell victim to mob violence.[5]

Intercorps Prime Earth 002

Global Guardians reunited

The remainder of the team were contacted by Intercorps, along with their fellow schismatics, to warn of an Amazo android dispatched by Waller to bring down and drain the powers of all four groups. The Guardians traveled via jet to aid Eurocorps against the Amazo in Berlin, and after Thunderlord seemingly downed the android, attempted to recruit the European team and to arrest the "new" Global Guardians, also on the scene. A conflict between Belphegor and her former teammate Jack O'Lantern was interrupted when the three teams were teleported by Intercorps to their orbital headquarters, where Red Star encouraged them all to join forces in their common interests. They were attacked by the recovered Amazo, driving Belphegor and Jack to put their differences aside and work together, but even this effort was insufficient to prevent their defeat and power loss at the hands of the android—dubbed "The Global Guardian" by Amanda Waller for the feat.[4]


Transportation: Jet[4]


See Also

Links and References

