DC Database

"Dialogues": Firestorm returns to Professor Stein's old office at Vandermeer University only to find Bernard Ferguson waiting for him. Ferguson reveals that he is actually a Manhunter agent. He tries to convince Firestorm that the Manhunters cr

Quote1 My first awareness of my self came in the burst of heat and light in the desert. Before that, I could not have existed. Could I? Quote2
— Firestorm

Firestorm (Volume 2) #67 is an issue of the series Firestorm (Volume 2) with a cover date of January, 1988.

Synopsis for "Dialogues"

Firestorm returns to Professor Stein's old office at Vandermeer University only to find Bernard Ferguson waiting for him. Ferguson reveals that he is actually a Manhunter agent. He tries to convince Firestorm that the Manhunters created him to combat the "evil" Guardians of the Universe. Firestorm doesn't know what to make of this. Inside the Firestorm matrix, Ronnie Raymond and Mikhail Arkadin struggle to maintain a sense of cohesion. They try to convince Firestorm that Ferguson is lying to him, but they can not reach him. Ferguson convinces Firestorm to come with him to the Manhunter command base in the swamps of Louisiana. Firestorm agrees and flies off.

In Siberia, Major Zastrow drives out to the middle of the forest with a Russian agent. They find an old Cold War agent named Ivan Illyich Gort, also known as Stalnoivolk - the Steel Wolf.

Appearing in "Dialogues"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





  • This issue is a "Millennium" Week One tie-in issue.
  • Firestorm appeared last in Millennium #1.
  • Ed and Felicity Raymond appear in a flashback to events that take place immediately prior to Millennium #1.
  • The appearances of Hawkman and Hawkwoman in this issue have been retroactively attributed to Thanagarian spy Hawkman and Earth actress Hawkwoman.


See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

Millennium 1
Millennium Crossover
DC Bullet 2024

The events from this issue are related to Millennium, a 1988 crossover event spanning through all DC Titles, in which the Guardians of the Universe left and Earth was put in danger by the robotic Manhunter Cult.
