You brought us 25th Century here to reveal some truth about me, to call me a liar. You talk about all the people I've hurt. All the bad that I've done. But all you did was show me what you really are. A sad little nobody who wanted to be me. But no one will ever build an Eobard Thawne Museum! You and I...this thing between us. It's over.
The Flash (Volume 5) #27 is an issue of the series The Flash (Volume 5) with a cover date of September, 2017. It was published on July 26, 2017.
Synopsis for Running Scared, Conclusion: "I Will Possess Your Heart"
As Barry became the Negative Flash, he had been concentrated with anger and roughly attacks Thawne. Iris questions his motives, but he tells her to get out of the ruckus with him and the Reverse Flash and continues his fight with Eobard Thawne. While they fight, Thawne attempts to persuade Barry by stating how they are friends and states that they can be partners as he should ditch the loser sidekicks. Barry angrily yells to his face, that they are not friends, and promptly pushing him back in time and striking Thawne with tremendous force. As they keep fighting, Thawne remarks that he didn't always appreciate violence, and the best gift he received is the idea of Barry blaming himself. As Barry gains the upper hand, he smashes Thawne into a part of the Flash museum back into the future and tears his speed out from his body. As Thawne taunts Barry about how he will be back again and again after losing his speed, while stating that he will eventually gain it back, Iris kills Thawne with the Black Hole's Speed Force weapon, and she asks Barry if he could take her home which he readily accepts. Meanwhile, in the 21st Century, Iris tells Barry to go away, while she waits for Wally to recover with him, and Barry goes back to his crime lab, sitting down ashamed at his desk.
Appearing in Running Scared, Conclusion: "I Will Possess Your Heart"
Featured Characters:
- The Flash (Barry Allen) (Infected) (Flashback and main story)
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Asmodel (Cameo)
- Anthro (First appearance; unnamed) (Cameo)
- Central City Police Department (Cameo)
- Chay-Ara (Cameo)
- Etrigan (Cameo)
- The Flash (Wally West) (Flashback and main story) (Cameo)
- Impulse (Bart Allen) (Unnamed) (Statue only) (Cameo)
- Kid Flash (Wallace West) (Flashback and main story) (Cameo)
- Khufu (Cameo)
- Shining Knight (Sir Justin) (Cameo)
- Winged Victory (First appearance; unnamed) (Cameo)
- Tornado Twins (Unknown Future) (Cameo)
- Don Allen (Cameo)
- Dawn Allen (Cameo)
- United States Army (Cameo)
- Easy Company (Cameo)
- Doctor Manhattan (Watchmen Universe) (Unnamed) (Mentioned only)
- Nora Allen (Deceased) (Mentioned only)
- Hypertime
- Eobard Thawne's Future (Unnamed)
- Timestream (Behind the scenes)
- King Turtle's Future/"The Destruction of Central City" (Unnamed)
- Multiverse (Behind the scenes)
- Earth 0
- "The Beginning of the World"
- Earth (Cameo)
- 13th Century BCE
- Ancient Egypt
- Giza
- Pyramid of Giza (Cameo)
- Giza
- Ancient Egypt
- 6th Century
- Camelot (Cameo)
- 20th Century
- France (Cameo)
- 21st Century
- United States of America
- Central City (Flashback and main story)
- CCPD Headquarters
- Central City Crime Lab (Cameo)
- S.T.A.R. Labs (Flashback and main story)
- Jitters (Mentioned only)
- CCPD Headquarters
- Central City (Flashback and main story)
- United States of America
- "The Beginning of the World"
- Negative Speed Force
- Speed Force (Cameo) (Behind the scenes)
- Earth 0
- Lightning Guns
- Nth Metal (Cameo)
- Shining Knight's Sword (Cameo)
See Also