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"Bog of Blood, Part One": While kayaking through the Bogue Chitto river, Kimberly and Ryan get told to get back on land for camping. The two are displeased about having a sing-along and Kimberly states that campfires should be used for telling terrifying stories. Bryan agrees and states that he

Swamp Thing Giant #2 is an issue of the series Swamp Thing Giant (Volume 1) with a cover date of May, 2019. It was published on March 17, 2019.

Synopsis for "Bog of Blood, Part One"

While kayaking through the Bogue Chitto river, Kimberly and Ryan get told to get back on land for camping. The two are displeased about having a sing-along and Kimberly states that campfires should be used for telling terrifying stories. Bryan agrees and states that he one, but allows her to narrate one first after she states she has a better one. She narrates to him the story of Swamp thing's origin, wherein a scientist named Alec Holland and his wife were awarded with a government contract and a secret lab after developing a way to make plants grow faster. They were visited by some thugs who threatened him to share his work with him, but he rejected it.

The thugs later planted a bomb under his desk and his body was set on fire in the explosion, but it also covered his bodies with the chemicals in his lab. He ran towards the water and drowned in it. Kimberly states that according to some, the chemicals saved him by replacing his body with plants, however others state that they mutated the plants in the pool which became the Swamp Thing who thought he was Alec. Bryan then tries telling his own story while taking off his shirt, but remembers the scar upon his chest. Kimberly tells him to not cover it and states it's kind of beautiful. The two however smell something strange and get confronted by a mysterious figure who states he will kill them.

Later, Swamp Thing converses with the grass around the place the campers disappeared and rejects getting in idle conversation with Briar, who gets offended upon him calling her twiglet again. She tells him to just call her Briar since she had to experience a lot of difficult things and they wouldn't even be searching the scene without her poked out eye which gives her visions about the Barren's coming. Swamp Thing detects remnants of a fluid made up of various things on a blade of grass, but is unable to discover all of the ingredients that compose it. Briar then investigates the grass using her witch-eye and receives vision of blood, rust and smoke.

Briar realizes that the disappearance of the campers has something to do with the Barren and Swamp Thing flees with her before the police arrive. She later tells him that the vision she receives point her to places and crimes, before she can see nothing at all which is due to the Barren. As her eye bleeds again, she tells him to stop at a car dumping yard. Swamp Thing realizes she brought them to place she earlier saw while investigating the missing campers and assures no matter who it is, everyone doing the Barren's bidding will be defeated.

Briar wonders if the elementals they've been facing are fleeing the Barren instead of serving them as they thought. She however soon gets abducted by the same figure who kidnapped the campers and she reveals herself as Ms. Ravenmocker, before trying to kill him. As she grabs her heart it sprays her with lily pollen, which allows Swamp Thing to find her wherever she is. As he chases after her, he finds multiple people stored inside glass tubes.

Appearing in "Bog of Blood, Part One"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Kimberly
  • Ryan
  • Twiglet


  • Bruno (Flashback only)
  • Louisiana Blue (Flashback only)
  • Maxwell Ferrett (Flashback only)
  • Miss Ravenmocker

Other Characters:


Synopsis for "The Hunt, Part Two: Maps"

This story is reprinted from Animal Man (Volume 2) #2.

Buddy Baker and his wife Ellen discover their daughter Maxine playing with the reanimated corpses of several local pets. She tells them that she had heard them calling out from a certain place. When he asks which place she means, she points to his chest, and he is surprised to discover that his body is covered with an elaborate red tattoo which resembles veins. "The Red place," she responds.

In their kitchen, surrounded by mischievous dead animals, Buddy determines that the design on his chest is more or less permanent. Maxine reassures him that it will come off once he enters The Red. She shows him that the design forms a map to a special tree, and if they enter it, they will be able to enter The Red instead of merely being touched by it, however, she warns that if they don't get there soon, someone evil will get there and kill the tree. If the tree dies, everything dies.

Outside, Ellen is alerted by the screams of her son Cliff, who has been caught trying to fill in the pets' graves by their neighbour Mr. Duffy. Angrily, Buddy marches out with a threatening shout, but when Mr. Duffy sees the design on Buddy's body and the dead animals in tow, he becomes even more aggitated, calling them freaks.

In retaliation, Maxine uses her abilities to turn Mr. Duffy's hand into a bird's talon. The man squirms in horror as Buddy sees to him. Ellen begs Maxine to change the hand back, warning that it is never good to step over that line, and alter a human's body. Reluctantly, Maxine changes the hand back, and Mr. Duffy runs away.

Ellen is quite broken up about the revelation that her daughter has such destructive and terrifying power. Buddy reassures her, and decides that it would be best if he goes along with what Maxine said about the map and the tree - and if Ellen and Cliff stayed at home in the meantime. Ellen is reticent to see Buddy and Maxine leave together, but in the end, she must allow it.

At the nearby San Diego Zoo, three zookeepers notice that something strange is happening to the animals. When they discover that the hippos appear to be pregnant without any males around to mate with, they stare in horror as the animals' distended bellies undulate and grow larger. All they can think to do is run.

Buddy and Maxine travel across California from their home in San Diego to Los Angeles and beyond. Buddy senses that what he has known as the morphogenetic field or lifeweb is perhaps something more than just energy, and he worries about Maxine's powers, which seem to be greater than his own. Following the map on Buddy's chest and the directions of local wildlife, they soon find their way to the tree. Placing their hands on the tree's roots, they are sucked into The Red.

Back at the zoo, the hippos appear to have given birth to the grotesque Hunters Three that Buddy had dreamt about the night before. They assume the forms of the three zookeepers, and set their sights on Buddy and Maxine; preparing for the hunt.

Appearing in "The Hunt, Part Two: Maps"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Mr. Duffy (Baker Family's neighbor) (Single appearance)
  • The Hunters Three (Unnamed) (First full appearance)

Other Characters:

  • San Diego Zoo animals (First appearance) (Zombified)
  • San Diego zookeepers (First appearance) (All die) (Also as corpses) (Possessed)
    • Reg (First appearance)
  • Zombie animals (First full appearance)
    • Mrs. Pickles (Zombie cat) (Real name revealed) (First full appearance)
  • God (Mentioned only)
  • Jesus (Mentioned only)
  • San Diego Police Department (Mentioned only)




Synopsis for "When It Comes A'Knockin'"

This story is reprinted from Swamp Thing (Volume 5) #2.

The Swamp Thing explains to Alec Holland how he came into existence. He had been a pilot in the Royal Airforce, Calbraith A.H. Rodgers. On his fourth mission, at barely 22 years of age, his plane went down over a swamp in Germany. He had become a pilot in order to escape the call he'd been hearing all his life; the call of The Green. As he lay dying in the swamp, The Green came for him, and he became an earth elemental. Years later, he joined the Parliament of Trees, but he has come a long way today, to speak with Alec Holland.

Alec refuses to cooperate, and the elemental warns that he could make Holland listen, if necessary, but he will not. They make a deal that if Alec listens to the creature's story, and still feels the same way, the Parliament will leave him alone forever. He takes the creature's hand, and they enter The Green.

The Swamp Thing shows Alec the horrible creature known as Sethe, the bringer of storm and pestilence, a lord of something neither The Red nor The Green; lord of rot and decay. The creature warns that Sethe is the enemy that the Swamp Thing was born to defend The Green against, and he is gathering his army. He warns that the monster is likely already aware of Alec Holland, and has probably already sent envoys to find and kill him.

Alec wonders why he has been targeted, and the elemental explains that like him, Alec is connected to The Green in a biological way. The Parliament of Trees believes that Alec is destined to be a great leader, the greatest protector The Green has ever known. Alec counters that he has already been the Swamp Thing, and that he is no hero.

The elemental reveals that the Swamp Thing whose memories that Alec shares was never the same as Alec. Elementals had, in the past been bonded with the flesh bodies of those who were chosen, but when Alec was caught in the explosion that killed him, his body was destroyed. The Parliament decided to continue anyway, placing Alec Holland's consciousness into the local plant life. The Parliament wishes to see the Swamp Thing that Alec has never been; the Swamp Thing he could become.

As they speak, the elemental begins to die, explaining that when the human host dies, elementals return to the Parliament and take root. To leave the Parliament afterwards means true death for elementals. Having already made his choice to die, he passes the decision on to Alec to become the next Swamp Thing. Of course, Alec has doubts. As the creature dies and decays before his eyes, it makes a final request that Alec avoid the white-haired woman he has seen in his dreams.

Returning to his hotel room, Alec passes by the lobby, and Ms. Channar, the proprietress, reminds him that the week's payment will soon be due. As he gets dressed in his room, the door cracks open, and a possessed Ms. Channar charges in wielding an axe. Rushing past her into the hallway, he finds that all of the other patrons are possessed too, brandishing weapons. Slamming the door on them, he ducks another swipe by Ms. Channar and crashes through the window only to have her tower over him, readying a killing blow.

Alec is saved, suddenly, by a woman on a motorcycle, armed with a shotgun. He climbs onto the bike, and they attempt to outrun their pursuers. When they fall out of sight, Alec demands that she pull over. When he asks who she is, she pulls off her helmet, revealing that she is Abigail Arcane, and she is about to watch him die.

Appearing in "When It Comes A'Knockin'"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Sethe (Real name revealed) (First full appearance) (In a vision)
    • Rot Zombies
      • Ms. Channar (Totleben's Motel owner) (Single appearance; dies) (Zombified)

Other Characters:

  • Luftwaffe (First appearance) (As merchandise only) (Flashback only) (Cameo)
  • Royal Air Force (First appearance) (Flashback only)
  • Druids (Mentioned only)
  • Linda Holland (Deceased) (Mentioned only)
  • Shamans (Mentioned only)
  • Saints (Mentioned only)




  • Abigail Arcane's Motorcycle (First appearance)



Synopsis for "Pentacle"

This story is reprinted from Shadowpact #2.

The Present:
The Phantom Stranger consults with Witchfire and Rex, the Wonder Dog. Unable to pierce the barrier that has surrounded the town of Riverrock, the Stranger has called upon the aid of others to help him guard it.

One Year Ago:
Nightshade finds the Pentacle member known as Sister Witch, and the two begin fighting one another, each one creating various umbral-projections for combat. Both appear to be evenly matched as shadow-dragon squares off against shadow-genie.

Strega and Jack of Fire meet up at the center of town to begin construction of the Murder Hole. This is the location where their great human sacrifice is scheduled to take place. While she continues to coordinate the mass culling, she instructs Jack to hunt down the other members of the Shadowpact and bring them to heel.

Meanwhile, Bagman comes upon Ragman and recognizes him as his own counterpart within the Shadowpact. Before Ragman can make a move, Bagman extends his form around him, swallowing him inside of his massive, translucent stomach.

Nightmaster pits his Nightsword against the White Rabbit, but the Pentacle member proves to be the better swordsman. The White Rabbit nicks Nightmaster's chin with his mystical blade, producing a magic effect forcing Nightmaster to fall asleep.

Jack of Fire eventually finds Blue Devil and pounces on him. Claiming to be his brother, he accuses Blue Devil of sacrificing his entire family to Hell for the deal he made with Neron.

Karnevil meanwhile, captures Detective Chimp and ties him to a wooden stake. With an array of broken instruments at his disposal, he prepares to mercilessly torture him.

The Enchantress comes upon the Murder Hole to face Strega, but Strega's magic proves too powerful for her. She transforms the Enchantress into a hideous mockery of her true self.

Appearing in "Pentacle"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
