DC Database

Quote1 Less powerful than you? I lied about that too. Quote2
— Omen src

Omen, real name Lilith Clay, is a former member of the Titans with powerful psionic powers.

Early Career

Lilith was a member of the original Teen Titans alongside Robin, Wonder Girl, Speedy, Kid Flash, and Aqualad, having at some point been romantically involved with Kid Flash.[1]

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Lilith and the Teen Titans

However, at one point, they faced the being known as Mister Twister, who took control of them and started manipulating them so he could fully enter their reality. In a last effort to defeat him, Lilith used her psionic powers to make everyone in the team forget about their time together, effectively putting a stop to Twister.[2]


At some point, Lilith Clay became affiliated (either by force or voluntarily) with the organization N.O.W.H.E.R.E., growing psychotic and helping the Harvest torture the new Teen Titans. Red Robin tried to reason with her saying that she had been brainwashed to work for Harvest, but she claimed that she shared the same ideals of Harvest.[3] She then watched as the young heroes were sent to an arena called The Colony to fight other metahumans and fend for themselves.[4]

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Appearance during her time with N.O.W.H.E.R.E.

After the Harvest's defeat, he relocated to Africa, where he designed a new Colony as a sanctuary for metahumans and came up with a way to cure them of their powers. Lilith was one of them, now living a calm life as a regular teenager. When the Teen Titans paid the new Colony a visit, they were initially surprised by the Harvest's apparent change of heart, but eventually they discovered that he was secretly storing the meta DNA as a weapon to destroy the powered teenagers permanently. The young heroes fought him once again and Raven destroyed the DNA and Harvest's life support armor, crippling him as the Colony exploded around him. After this, Lilith and the others were allowed to go on with their lives.[5]


Lilith somehow got her powers back and went on to become an addiction counselor, with Roy Harper being one of her clients.[6] Shortly after that, Mr. Twister began a new attempt to enter the Earth reality by whispering the truth to Lilith and the other Teen Titans and awakening their lost memories.[7] As the former Teen Titans faced Mr. Twister, history began repeating itself with him gaining control over the young heroes. Unlike the previous time, however, they were able to resist him thanks to their growth over the years, and they defeated him, casting him back to outside of reality.[8]

With their memories back, they decided to reform the team, renaming themselves the Titans, but they felt something was off, since there was someone they couldn't remember still unaccounted for.[8] Months later, the Titans came face-to-face with a red-haired Flash lookalike going through their old possessions and engaged him in battle, but, one by one they came in contact with him and realized they were dealing with their old teammate, Wally West, previously known as Kid Flash.[1]

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Dawn of DC

Meeting Power Girl

After Power Girl gained psychic abilities from the Lazarus rains, she accidentally entered Lilith's mind, resulting in the two getting telepathically connected. They decided to open a superhero counseling service together, where Power Girl would use her astral-punching abilities to help patients under Lilith's guidance. Their first client was Beast Boy.[9][10] Power Girl was later forced to sever her link with Lilith in order to defeat Johnny Sorrow.[11]

Later, Lilith was one of the many heroes that joined Justice League Unlimited.[12]

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Psionics: Omen is a powerful psychic with vast telepathic, telekinetic and empathic powers. In terms of mental fortitude she's shown to be more apt at her powers than even Psimon.[13]

  • Empathy: Due to Omen's potent psychic abilities, She has the ability to sense, interpret, and manipulate the emotional states of other's at will.[14]
  • Telepathy: Due to being a incredibly powerful telepath, Omen has the ability to read minds, communicate telepathically, and experience the memories and thoughts of others. She can also project her own thoughts across vast distances.[14]
    • Mind Control: Omen is able to manipulate the memory, thoughts, actions, emotions, and senses of others at will, as well as to induce sleep or pain and create illusions without any difficulty.[14]
    • Illusion Casting: Omen can create realistic illusions in a person's mind and make them witness anything she can come up with.[14]
  • Telekinesis: Lilith is a skilled telekinetic, who can move, levitate and otherwise manipulate objects using her psionic energy. She uses this energy to affect and control molecules and particles, allowing her to fully control matter and energy.[14]
    • Psionic Blasts: Omen is able to project energy blasts, streams, waves and bolts of her own psionic and telekinetic energy, allowing her to hit, push/pull or blow away her targets, potentially exerting enough force to destroy them.[14]
    • Psionic Shield: Omen is able to create a telekinetic field to shield her and her teammates from physical and energy-based attacks.[13]


Other Characteristics

  • Blindness (Formerly): During her time with N.O.W.H.E.R.E., Lilith had her eyes leaking. She could only see through the eyes of others via telepathic link.[14]

  • During her time with N.O.W.H.E.R.E., Omen had blond hair with red highlights on its tips.[14]



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Justice League member
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Power Girl Supporting Cast
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Teen Titans member
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This character is or was primarily a member of the younger superhero team known as the Teen Titans, in any of its various incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Teen Titans members" category.

A large "T" building
Titans member
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This character is or was primarily a member of the superhero team known as the Titans, in any of its various incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Titans members" category.

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Titans Villain(s)
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This character has been primarily an enemy of the Teen Titans, the Titans, or any of the other various Titans incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Titans Villains" category.
