If it takes another decade of planning, I will see you destroyed... your spirit broken. I'll make you wish you were dead... but it will be a long time before I let you die. A very long time.
- — Chronos src
David Clinton is Chronos, a time-travelling villain of the Atom.
A petty criminal all his life, David Clinton realized he was being arrested because he did not take the time to plan his crimes properly. Admiring the clockwork precision with which everything in prison was run, he decided he would make time work for him rather than against him. Fascinated with timepieces and deft with his hands, and possessing an inventive mind, he spent the remainder of his prison sentence laboring in the prison workshop, learning all he could about clocks and their mechanisms. Finally released, Clinton designed a costume and embarked on a new criminal career as the time thief called Chronos. His crimes brought him into repeated conflicts with Ray Palmer, the super-hero known as the Atom.
Powers and Abilities
- Flying Sundial: A sun-dial shaped flying platform.
- Time Gadgetry: Wide array of time inspired weapons, including exploding hourglasses, a wrist-watch that projects razor-sharp hands, a device that can slow time in localized areas. Clinton also carried a miniature hourglass filled with "compressed particles of time".
- Although this character was originally introduced during DC's Earth-One era of publication, their existence following the events of the 1985–86 limited series Crisis on Infinite Earths remains intact. However, some elements of the character's Pre-Crisis history may have been altered or removed for Post-Crisis New Earth continuity, and should be considered apocryphal.
- 114 Appearances of David Clinton (New Earth)
- 30 Images featuring David Clinton (New Earth)
- 8 Quotations by or about David Clinton (New Earth)
- Character Gallery: David Clinton (New Earth)
External Links
Atom Villain(s) This character has been primarily an enemy of one or more of the heroes called the Atom. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Atom Villains category." |
Blue Beetle Villain(s)
This character, team or organization, has been primarily an enemy of the Blue Beetle Legacy in any of its incarnations. Including Dan Garrett, Ted Kord and Jaime Reyes as well as any alternate universe equivalents. |
Secret Society of Super-Villains member |
Suicide Squad member |
Injustice League member |