Doom Patrol #89 is an issue of the series Doom Patrol (Volume 1) with a cover date of August, 1964.
Synopsis for "The Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Menace"
Biologist Sven Larsen, a former student who once held a grudge against the Chief has become a successful scientist and apparently buried the hatched over a perceived notion that the Chief stole one of his ideas. Inviting the Doom Patrol to witness one of his experiments, Larsen is brought to the site by the Doom Patrol in their own unique way. Conducting an experiment, Larsen tries to create new life from scratch but apparently becomes a victim of his experiment when he falls in a vat of chemicals and is seemingly turned into a gigantic amoeba.
As the Doom Patrol tries to stop the rampaging amoeba, they are surprised to find that the creature can change it's form into any shape and form it desires. The creature manages to best the Doom Patrol at every turn and escape. When they study Larsen's notes, they find that Larsen had done this to himself on purpose months before becoming the "Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man" and making the rampage appear as an accident as a bizarre revenge scheme against the Chief.
After another battle against the Doom Patrol, the A-V-M Man manages to have the advantage over the Doom Patrol, being able to transform into just about anything to counter them. Eventually, the Chief comes up with a solution: The very device that Larsen accused the Chief of stealing: a device that can freeze living creatures. Because it will only work on A-V-M Man if he assumed the form of an animal or plant, they attack him again, tricking him into turning into a tiger and using the device to freeze him so that he cannot change shape again. With Larsen's threat neutralized, the Doom Patrol are able to use his own notes in order to seemingly change him back to normal and turn him over to the authorities to seek psychiatric help.
Appearing in "The Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Menace"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man (First appearance)
Other Characters:
Synopsis for "The Private War of Elasti-Girl"
Elasti-Girl has been doing some charity work for "Kids Town", a town for orphans, appearing in advertisements with some of the children. One particular child, Kim Loo, concerns Rita. The boy brought to America from Korea was adopted by a US soldier who went missing in action during the Korean War and is presumed to be dead. When she learns that Kim Loo is ill and that the only possibility he may pull through is if he was reunited with his family and regain his will to live, Rita then decides to try and find Kim Loo's adoptive father in the hopes that it can help the boy recover.
Traveling to Korea, she learns that the man (Lester Norton) had been injured in the line of duty and developed amnesia and was returned to the states before his memory could recover. One side effect to his injuries is that loud sounds would cause bouts of shell-shock. Traveling back to the states she finds the amnesiac Norton has begun working at a construction site. At the time in which she confronts him, the sounds on the site cause him to have shell-shock and lock himself in a TNT shack thinking he is being attacked by the Korean army. Shrinking down to size, Elasti-Girl flings herself into the shack with a negative of Norton with Kim Loo. She then uses a flashlight to project an image of the negative onto the wall causing Norton's memory to return and stop his rampage. Later, reunited with Kim Loo, the two end up recovering from their ordeal and reunite as a family.
Appearing in "The Private War of Elasti-Girl"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Kim Loo
- Lester Norton
- This issue is reprinted in Doom Patrol Archives Vol. 1.