Your face is unhurt, in case you were wondering. I bandaged it in the dark, after I figured out how to get the mask off. Because I... uh... I didn't want to know.
- — Jim Gordon
Detective Comics #1066 is an issue of the series Detective Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of January, 2023. It was published on November 22, 2022.
Synopsis for Batman: "Gotham Nocturne: Act I - Something in the Way, Part I"
Appearing in Batman: "Gotham Nocturne: Act I - Something in the Way, Part I"
Featured Characters:
- Batman (Bruce Wayne) (Also in a dream sequence) (Apparent death)
Supporting Characters:
- Barbatos (Dark Multiverse) (In dream sequence only)
- Mister Freeze
- Orgham Family
- Prince Arzen Orgham
- Gael Tenclaw
- Azmer (Behind the scenes)
- Two-Face
- Shavhod
- Gael Tenclaw
- Queen Orgham (Behind the scenes)
- Prince Arzen Orgham
- Talia al Ghul (Behind the scenes)
- League of Assassins
- Ubu (Appears only as a corpse)
- League of Assassins
Other Characters:
- Barbara Gordon (In a photograph only) (Cameo)
- Louie (Single appearance; dies)
- Gotham Organized Crime (Mentioned only)
- Maroni Crime Family (Mentioned only)
- Sullivan Crime Family (Mentioned only)
- Harvey Bullock (Mentioned only)
- Dr. Mead (Mentioned only)
- Commissioner Montoya (Mentioned only)
- Mayor Nakano (Mentioned only)
- Scarecrow (Mentioned only)
- Wayne Family (Mentioned only)
- Earth 0
- United States of America
- Gotham City
- Arkham Asylum
- Bullock & Gordon Private Investigations
- Gotham Harbor
- Old Gotham
- Sunset Central Power Station
- Water District
- Water District Mortuary
- Gotham Gazette (Mentioned only)
- Wayne Manor (Mentioned only)
- Gotham City
- Svatrstal (Mentioned only)
- United States of America
- Azmer's Poison
- Batsuit
- Cryo-Suit
- Mister Freeze's Ice Gun
- Two-Face's Coin
- Orgham Royal Sunskipper (Mentioned only)
- Fear State (Mentioned only)
- Magic (Behind the scenes)
Synopsis for Two-Face in "A Tale of Three Halves, Part 2 of 3"
Appearing in Two-Face in "A Tale of Three Halves, Part 2 of 3"
Featured Characters:
- Two-Face (Harvey Dent) (Also in a vision)
Supporting Characters:
- Unnamed boy
Other Characters:
- Dr. Annabel Mead (First appearance)
- Jim Gordon (Cameo)
- Earth 0
- United States of America
- Gotham City (Also in a vision)
- Water District
- Gotham City (Also in a vision)
- United States of America
- The Gotham Nocturne: Act I story takes place three days after the events of the Gotham Nocturne: Overture story from the previous issue.
See Also
Recommended Reading
Links and References
This page is missing a well-written and detailed synopsis. If there is already a synopsis here, it might need to be modified or expanded. You can help the DC Database by adding a summary of the story.
Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.
Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.