DC Database

Deimos is the Greek god of terror, son of Ares and twin brother of Phobos.

The twins took the soul of Dr. Veronica Cale's daughter, Izzy, to force her to rummage through Wonder Woman's mind in search of the location of Themyscira with the Cyberwalker ​​System (which led to the death of Doctor Cyber, Veronica's friend)[1], because it was in Themyscira that the other Gods of Olympus imprisoned her father Ares. According to them, the Amazons of Themyscira were created by the Gods for the purpose of guarding the god of war.[2]

Phobos and Deimos need to free their father to be able to fully utilize their powers of spreading fear, horror and despair to everyone.[2]


  • Godly: Deimos belongs to a race of ancient and inconceivably powerful beings known as the Old Gods. Because of this heritage Deimos possesses almost unlimited power.[3]
    • Bio-Fusion: Deimos can fuse and unfuse with his brother Phobos. The pair did this when they impersonated their father Ares to battle Wonder Woman.[4]
      • Metamorphosis: Deimos is capable of manipulating his physical appearance at will. He and his brother often take the shape of giant savage dogs that accompany their father Ares. When fused with his brother Deimos was also able to take the form of his father Ares.[4]
    • Cosmic Awareness: Deimos, like all Old Gods, is aware of the multiverse and the realms that lie beyond. This knowledge gives him an understanding of the universe and all life that transcends the capabilities of normal mortals.[3]
    • Fear Projection
    • Immortality: As an Old God worshipped by the ancient Greeks and Romans, Deimos has lived for at least millennia.[1]
    • Superhuman Strength
    • Superhuman Durability
    • Telepathy


  • The only apparent physical difference between the twins is that Phobos has his hair combed to the left while Deimos has his hair combed to the right.



Villainy Incorporated 001
Wonder Woman Villain(s)
DC Bullet 2024

This character has been primarily an enemy of Wonder Woman and the Amazons in any of her various incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Wonder Woman Villains category."
