We have both made a transformation, Hoon. You to Godhood, and me to murderer.
- — Connor Hawke
Connor Hawke: Dragon's Blood #6 is an issue of the series Connor Hawke: Dragon's Blood (Volume 1) with a cover date of June, 2007.
Synopsis for "Dragon's Blood (Part VI of VI)"
After Shado explains the rest of the World Dragon legend to Connor, Eddie suggests he follow the dragon's blood, while he and Shado explore it's lair.
Beneath the city, Zhao leads Hoon through crumbling sewers to find the dragon's blood. Up above, as firefighters douse flames around the city, Connor yanks the magic arrow out of the dragon's corpse.
As Shado and Eddie approach the dragon's lair, they discuss Shado's relationship with both Connor and his father, Oliver. Eddie subtly threatens Shado to not mess around with Connor, as he made a promise to protect him. The two enter the lair, where they find dozens of dragon eggs, ready to hatch any second.
Connor arrives at a pool of the dragon's blood, shocked to find Peng Li Zhao's dead body face down within it. Venturing deeper into the cave, he finds Edison Hoon bathing under a shower of dragon's blood, who admits to killing Zhao. Connor aims the magical arrow at Hoon and shoots, but Hoon is too quick and dodges it. He faces Connor, explaining the abilities he is blessed with now that he has bathed in the blood. He launches himself towards the Connor, knocking him down easily, not moving an inch when Connor attempts to fight back.
In the dragon's lair, Shado and Eddie kill as many baby dragons as they can, becoming overwhelmed when they begin to breath fire, burning Eddie severely.
Hoon throws Connor across the cave and into the pool of blood, kicking him again as he raves about ruling China and eventually the world. While being pushed into the blood by Hoon, Connor grabs the man's ankle and reverses their position. Hoon breaks away and acknowledges letting Connor bathe in the blood was a mistake. He grabs the arrow shot at him earlier and pierces it through Connor's hand. Connor uses this to his advantage and shoves the arrow into Hoon's heart, killing him.
Brandy and Tony run around the street until they find Connor, who asks where Eddie is. Brandy informs him of his friend's condition, recovering in the nearby hospital's burn unit. In a remote cabin, one of Zhao's men aims a gun at Tak, before being shot twice in the back by Shado, who hugs her son.
Appearing in "Dragon's Blood (Part VI of VI)"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Brandy Sloan
- Edward Fyers
- Shado
- Tony Crowfoot
- Edison Hoon (Dies)
- Peng Li Zhao (Dies)
- World Dragon (Deceased)
Other Characters:
- Shanghai
- Zhongshan Hospital
- Unknown
- Unknown
- Final issue.