DC Database

      For Green Arrow's father, see Robert Henry Queen (New Earth).

Robert was the son of Green Arrow.

Robert was conceived when his mother Shado raped his father Green Arrow while he was delirious with a fever. Oliver had no memory of this, and did not know that Robert was his son.

As a young baby, Robert was taken hostage by the Yakuza as leverage for Shado to once again do their bidding, though is rescued just in time by his parents. Oliver gives the boy a stone arrowhead necklace he made long ago when stranded on Starfish Island, as a memento to remember him by as he grows.[1]

A while later, Robert is brought to Seattle by his mother, and is left in the care of Black Canary while Shado searches for Oliver. Dinah knows who Robert's father is, though Shado assures her Oliver does not.

When Shado is busy at an archery contest, the organizers of the event take Robert hostage, using him as leverage to make Connor Hawke, his half-brother, do their bidding. When Connor defeats his kidnapper's employer, Shado finds and saves Robert.

When Robert is eight years old, he is diagnosed with leukemia. After conventional science and medicine fails to help, Shado turns to Dr. Sivana, who agrees to help, if Shado kills Green Arrow. Unfortunately the shot that was supposed to kill Oliver missed and hit his son Connor Hawke, Robert's half-brother. Shado later kidnaps Connor, also at Sivana's request. Oliver uses Shado as a way into Sivana's facility, wanting to help both of his sons.

After saving both and transporting them to S.T.A.R. Labs, they discover that Robert is cured of his leukemia, but the treatment given to him by Sivana has aged him nine years, making him fifteen.[2]

  • Robert's Japanese name is said to be "Tak Tomonago"[3], this is likely a mispelling of Shado's family name, "Tomonaga"[4]


