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- Adnan (Prime Earth)
- Alexander Luthor (My Adventures with Superman)
- Alexander Luthor (The Nail)
- Alexander Luthor (The World of the Knight)
- Alexander Luthor (Titans TV Series)
- Alexei Ivanov (Andromeda)
- Alfred Pennyworth (Beware the Batman)
- Alfred Pennyworth (Harleen)
- Alpha (Earth-One)
- Alton Carver (Prime Earth)
- Anatole Blazac (New Earth)
- Angel Breaker (Prime Earth)
- Antiope (DC Extended Universe)
- Artemis Crock (Earth-16)
- Arthur Light (New Teen Titans Shorts)
- Arthur Pendragon (Camelot 3000)
- Asclepia (Prime Earth)
- Atlantiades (Prime Earth)
- Atomia (Dimension Chi)
- Aubrey Sparks (Prime Earth)
- Aviva Metula (Arrowverse)
- Axel Walker (Arrowverse)
- Aztar (Damned)
- Aztar (Last Knight on Earth)
- Barbara Gordon (Earth -22)
- Barbara Gordon (Nolanverse)
- Barbara Minerva (Wonder Woman TV Series)
- Baron Winters (New Earth)
- Baron Winters (Prime Earth)
- Battalion (Teen Titans TV Series: Kilowatt's Dimension)
- Bette Noir (New Earth)
- Bibbo Bibbowski (New Earth)
- Bito Wladon (Prime Earth)
- Bizarro (Injustice: Earth One)
- Bruce Wayne (DC Super Hero Girls TV Series)
- Buck Wargo (New Earth)
- Bump Weathers (Doom Patrol TV Series)
- Byrna Brilyant (My Adventures with Superman)
- Caille (Prime Earth)
- Carcharo (New Earth)
- Carmine Falcone (Arkhamverse)
- Carmine Falcone (Tomorrowverse)
- Cassandra (Dark Knights of Steel)
- Cassandra Craft (New Earth)
- Cassandra Savage (Earth-16)
- Charles Rowland (Doom Patrol TV Series)
- Chic Novelle (Earth-Two)
- Christopher Smith (Absolute Universe)
- Circe (Earth-Two)
- Constance D'Aramis (New Earth)
- Cyrus Gold (Arkhamverse)
- Davis Lamond (Gotham)
- Dead Pretty Boy (New Teen Titans Shorts: Turn Back the Clock)
- Death (Earth 2)
- Dee Dee (DCAU)
- Despair (New Earth)
- Dirk Blüd (Prime Earth)
- Doctor Poison II (New Earth)
- Doile (Earth-AD)
- Drummer (Wildstorm Universe)
- Duel Eknham (New Earth)
- Duke of Deception (Earth-One)
- Duke of Deception (Earth-Two)
- Garth Ranzz (Smallville)
- Gerhard van Gehirn (Just Imagine)
- Gim Allon (Earth-Prime)
- Goldstar (New Earth)
- Gorilla Grodd (Black Label: Rogues)
- Gorilla Grodd (Injustice)
- Gorilla Grodd (Justice)
- Gorilla Grodd (New Earth)
- Granny Goodness (Injustice)
- Granny Goodness (Prime Earth)
- Gray Man I (New Earth)
- Gray Man II (New Earth)
- Greyeyes (Prime Earth)
- Guardian of the Cave (Teen Titans TV Series)
- Gudra (Prime Earth)
- Hagen (New Earth)
- Harmon (New Genesis) (New Earth)
- Harper Row (Earth-16)
- Hecate (Prime Earth)
- Henry Ballard (Prime Earth)
- Hercules (Earth-86)
- Hippolyta (DC Extended Universe)
- Hippolyta (HarperCollins Books)
- Holden Pritchard (Gotham)
- Hugo Strange (Arkhamverse)
- Hugo Strange (Earth-One)
- Hugo Strange (New Earth)
- Hugo Strange (Prime Earth)
- Jade Nguyen (Earth-16)
- Jade Nguyen (Soul of the Dragon)
- James Gordon (Ame-Comi)
- James Gordon (Harleen)
- James Gordon (The Dark Prince Charming)
- James Olsen (Arrowverse: Superman & Lois)
- Jarl Roman (Dark Knights of Steel)
- Jason Burr (Beware the Batman)
- Jason Todd (Get Joker!)
- Jay Abrams (New Earth)
- Jedidiah Rikane (Pre-Zero Hour)
- Jervis Tetch (Tomorrowverse)
- Jesus Kennedy (Impact)
- John Constantine (Harley Quinn TV Series)
- John Grayson (DCAU: A Better World)
- Johnny Singer (Prime Earth)
- Joker (Distant Fires)
- Joker-Fish (Super Pets)
- Jor-El (Lois & Clark)
- Joseph Blackfire (Arkhamverse)
- Joshua of Wainwright (Dark Knight Dynasty)
- Julie Madison (New Earth)
- June Moone (Harley Quinn TV Series)
- Lashina (Superman/Batman)
- Laura De Mille (Doom Patrol TV Series)
- Lawrence Lance (Ignite)
- Lawrence Snart (Flashpoint Timeline)
- Lex Luthor (Earth 23)
- Lian Nguyen-Harper (Earth-16)
- Lilith (Prime Earth)
- Lionel Luthor (Earth-3839)
- Lisa Morice (New Earth)
- Liza Brodner (New Earth)
- Lois Lane (Earth -22)
- Lucifer Rofocale (Constantine Movie)
- Marcus Redmond (Arrowverse)
- Marleah (New Earth)
- Martha Wayne (Earth 3)
- Matthew McLeod (Prime Earth)
- Matthew Michaelis (Prime Earth)
- Megan Dietrich (100 Bullets)
- Michael Amar (Wayne Family Adventures)
- Michael Desai (Flashpoint Timeline)
- Michael Drown (Prime Earth)
- Michael Smith (Enigma)
- Mon-El (Arrowverse: Earth-38)
- Monitor Zillo Valla
- Pallas Athena (New Earth)
- Pegasus (Prime Earth)
- Perseus (Prime Earth)
- Peter Merkel, Jr. (Harley Quinn TV Series)
- Peter Merkel, Jr. (New Earth)
- Peter Merkel, Jr. (Prime Earth)
- Peter Savage (The Batman Saga)
- Phantom-One (Prime Earth)
- Philip Kane (Prime Earth)
- Poor Fellow (Prime Earth)
- Powell Jennings (Impact)
- Professor Bibbowski (New Earth)
- Puzzler (Earth-Two)
- Pythia (Wonder Woman Historia)