DC Database
DC Database

Dirk Blüd is the adoptive brother of Bea Bennet, aka Captain Blüd, and the biological son of Ruben Blüd, the previous captain.

Dirk was disowned and exiled from the Crew of the Crossed Keys by his father years ago due to his ruthless and greedy nature. He became an international criminal, wanted for murder, gun running and human trafficking in multiple countries. Dirk's father made Bea the new Captain Blüd when he retired to become the "Quartermaster" of The Hold, although many in the Crew believed that Dirk should be captain instead due to his bloodline.[2]

As long as their father was alive, the Crew would respect his decision and Dirk couldn't move against him and Bea. Therefore, he spread stories of The Hold and the riches it held among the criminal underground, hoping that someone would attempt to rob them and kill his father. Eventually Tony Zucco and Heartless did just that, although Bea had taken the precaution of relocating The Hold by that point.[3]

Dirk returned to the Crew's hidden island and holed up in the captain's house, waiting for Bea to return. Bea, who had recruited the superhero Nightwing to help her find Dirk, arrived on the island and walked into an ambush when she tried to enter the house. Dirk shot Bea's right-hand man Lucas, then ran her through with his sword and pushed her off a cliff.[4]

Nightwing dove down into the water after her. Dirk, who believed Nightwing was Bea's consort, assumed he had committed suicide out of despair and declared himself the new Captain Blüd. He imprisoned Bea's crew on her ship and used it to go after the Hold, needing it to cement his captaincy. However, when he reached the Hold the new Quartermaster refused to let him on board, declaring that Bea was their captain. Nightwing swung down and knocked out most of his henchmen. Meanwhile Bea, who was alive, snuck onto the boat and freed her crew. They came up on deck and she ordered Dirk's men to surrender, which they did. Bea punched Dirk out and handed him over to the Norwegian authorities, as that was where he was facing the most prison time.[1]




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