This page contains a listing of all known Characters created by Gail Simone.
If you find a Character created by this person and it is not shown here, please edit that character's page by adding "Gail Simone" as a Creator.
If you find a Character created by this person and it is not shown here, please edit that character's page by adding "Gail Simone" as a Creator.
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Lori Zechlin (Prime Earth) -
Secret Six (Prime Earth) -
Scandal Savage (Prime Earth) -
Sin (Prime Earth) -
Ryan Choi (Prime Earth) -
Mary Turner (Prime Earth) -
Sara Lance (Arrowverse) -
Scandal Savage (New Earth)
All items (246)
- Ace of Spades V (New Earth)
- Achilles Warkiller (New Earth)
- Aerie One
- Agamemnon (Prime Earth)
- Agrippe (New Earth)
- Aleksandr Creote (New Earth)
- Alex Fury (Wildstorm Universe)
- Alex Merkel (New Earth)
- Alexa (Wonder Woman 2009 Movie)
- Alkistis (New Earth)
- Alkyone (New Earth)
- Alysia Yeoh (DC Bombshells)
- Alysia Yeoh (Harley Quinn TV Series)
- Alysia Yeoh (Prime Earth)
- Amanda Turner (New Earth)
- Anguish II (Prime Earth)
- Antinus (New Earth)
- Arnold Stipple (Wildstorm Universe)
- Arson (Prime Earth)
- Arson (Wildstorm Universe)
- Arthur Hensford (Wildstorm Universe)
- Ashleigh Penzler (New Earth)
- Atsuo Uchida (Prime Earth)
- Authoriteens
- Cabal (Prime Earth)
- Candace Zither (Prime Earth)
- Captain Cobra (Wildstorm Universe)
- Carl Zechlin (New Earth)
- Charis (New Earth)
- Charise Carnes (Prime Earth)
- Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe (New Earth)
- Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe (Prime Earth)
- Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe (Titans Tomorrow)
- Chick 'N' Go
- Children of Ares
- Children of Arion
- Cindy Simone (Arrowverse)
- Circle II (New Earth)
- Collette Pearson (Wildstorm Universe)
- Copernicus the Dog (New Earth)
- Coyote Kid (Wildstorm Universe)
- Craig Blackamoor (Wildstorm Universe)
- Crazy Quilt II (New Earth)
- Cross Christina (New Earth)
- Curtis Leland (New Earth)
- Jack Chifford (New Earth)
- Jackson Lindo (Wildstorm Universe)
- James Cannon (Prime Earth)
- Jayden Revell (Prime Earth)
- Jeannette (New Earth)
- Jeannette (Prime Earth)
- Jeannette (Tiny Titans)
- Jess Parker (Wildstorm Universe)
- Jia (New Earth)
- Jo Muñoz (Prime Earth)
- Joanne Raymond (Prime Earth)
- John Mercado (New Earth)
- Johnny, Jr. (Wildstorm Universe)
- Jonathan Mills (Prime Earth)
- Jongleur (New Earth)
- Josef Schuman (New Earth)
- Joseph Whitt (Prime Earth)
- Lagomorph (New Earth)
- Laurel Lance-Queen (Earth 11)
- Leona Terrell (Wildstorm Universe)
- Liana Kerzner (New Earth)
- Liberty Snots (Wildstorm Universe)
- Liberty Squad (Wildstorm Universe)
- Lisly Bonner (Prime Earth)
- Loki II (New Earth)
- Lori Zechlin (Earth-508)
- Lori Zechlin (New Earth)
- Lori Zechlin (Prime Earth)
- Lori Zechlin (Scooby-Doo Team-Up)
- Lucy (Wildstorm Universe)
- Luis Peña (Prime Earth)
- M-T (Wildstorm Universe)
- Maria Bertinelli (DCAU)
- Martin Campbell (New Earth)
- Mary Turner (Prime Earth)
- Maxine Spaulding (Wildstorm Universe)
- Meers (Prime Earth)
- Megan (Wildstorm Universe)
- Melody McKenna (Prime Earth)
- Minxy Minerva (Wildstorm Universe)
- Mister Choi (New Earth)
- Mister Terrible (New Earth)
- Mister Terrible (Prime Earth)
- Mongoose Man (Wildstorm Universe)
- Monster Baby (Prime Earth)
- The Movement (Prime Earth)
- Munira Khairuddin (Prime Earth)
- Myrto (New Earth)
- Mysia (New Earth)
- Pado Swakatoon (Prime Earth)
- Pallas (Prime Earth)
- Panda Potter (New Earth)
- Parademon (New Earth)
- Patrick Cleese (New Earth)
- Pele (New Earth)
- Peony McGill (Prime Earth)
- Persephone (Flashpoint Paradox)
- Persephone (Wonder Woman 2009 Movie)
- Persephone II (New Earth)
- Peter Cross (Wildstorm Universe)
- Peter Merkel, Jr. (Harley Quinn TV Series)
- Peter Merkel, Jr. (New Earth)
- Peter Merkel, Jr. (Prime Earth)
- Phillipe Rianne (Prime Earth)
- Philomela (New Earth)
- Phinea (New Earth)
- President of the United States (Wonder Woman 2009 Movie)
- Presley Duray (Wildstorm Universe)
- Rachel Steel (Wildstorm Universe)
- Rag Doll (Dark Knights of Steel)
- Reese Cahill (Prime Earth)
- Roger Zither (Prime Earth)
- Roshanna Chatterji (New Earth)
- Roshanna Chatterji (Prime Earth)
- Rotten (Wildstorm Universe)
- Ryan Choi (Arrowverse)
- Ryan Choi (DC Legends)
- Ryan Choi (Earth-16)
- Ryan Choi (Gods and Monsters)
- Ryan Choi (Injustice)
- Ryan Choi (Last 52: Unstable Atoms)
- Ryan Choi (Lego Batman)
- Ryan Choi (New Earth)
- Ryan Choi (Prime Earth)
- Ryan Choi (The Brave and the Bold)
- Ryan Choi (Tiny Titans)