DC Database

"Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Capt. Marvel, Jr. and The Sun War"": Freddy Freeman is peddling papers when Ajax Dudd, crackpot scientist, offers that he’s finished his new Heat Machine. He has the same temperament as Dr. Sivana (wanting to be King of Earth,) but has none of the capability. He thre

Quote1 Just remember! All people, anywhere, have a responsibility towards all other people! In carrying on your war, you endangered Earth... and yourselves! Don't forget this ever... that war does not pay! Quote2
Captain Marvel Jr., solving all war on the Sun.

Captain Marvel, Jr. #76 is an issue of the series Captain Marvel, Jr. (Volume 1) with a cover date of August, 1949.

Synopsis for Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Capt. Marvel, Jr. and The Sun War"

Freddy Freeman is peddling papers when Ajax Dudd, crackpot scientist, offers that he’s finished his new Heat Machine. He has the same temperament as Dr. Sivana (wanting to be King of Earth,) but has none of the capability. He threatens that all human life would die if he jacked the temperature above 130F. Freddy thinks aloud in Dudd’s junkyard how none of these machines work and soon returns to his Newsstand. He finds that it’s become hot enough to remove his jacket and he figures it’s likely over 100F now. He hopes it’ll get cooler by nightfall, but it doesn’t. Instead, it just gets hotter until it’s a deadly 120 out, causing a dog to go mad and attack a woman. Freddy calls CAPTAIN MARVEL to become Captain Marvel, Jr. and drags the dog to the pound, finding many more mad dogs on the way. Soon, a radiator busts and nearly scalds a child to death standing on the street nearby, but Junior guards him with his cape. He finds a man suffering from dreaded heat syncope and moves him into the shade so he can recover somewhat, but notes that it won’t help from the inherent heat in the air. Junior soon realizes that Ajax Dudd did create a Heat Machine that works (he’s just sitting on a large ice cube to counteract it.) Junior smashes it and finds that somehow destroying it only made things even hotter, discovering the Heat Machine never worked the whole time and the Sun itself is the real issue. Consulting the Palomar Observatory, he finds that their solar telescope indicates that the Sun is getting hotter!

So, he dives into the heart of the sun and finds there’s a city there and that the telepathic Sun People there have ratcheted the heat up to 25,000,000 to be more comfortable. They notice that it’s a million degrees hotter in the Sun that day, something they don’t notice themselves, though Junior points out it’s killing the world. He soon finds there’s a Sun War between rival Sun Peoples with billion degree heat rays and that neither side is willing to stop to let the Earth live. Junior realizes that this will cause the Sun to go nova, eradicating all life on the Sun too. Junior shows them this by creating a tiny nova that terrifies the Sun People into signing a peace treaty. The United Sun lives on as Captain Marvel, Jr. throws the nova rock into space and hard enough to enter a different Solar System. Returning to Earth, stray dogs are now friendly. Later, Freddy discovers that the heat somehow made Ajax Dudd sane and he now makes helpful inventions.

Appearing in Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Capt. Marvel, Jr. and The Sun War"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Ajax Dudd


  • The Warring Sun Peoples

Other Characters:



  • A Miniature Nova
  • Dudd's Heat Machine


Synopsis for Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Capt. Marvel, Jr. and The Circe Lamp"

“Prowler” Pete is a burglar who has snuck into someone’s attic to finds a strangely powerful lamp that works without being lit. When the homeowner catches him coming down, Pete shines the Lamp on him, turning him into a bear! This is the Circe Lamp, a black magical device that turns people into animals they resemble when exposed to its rays. Pete is still alack to be followed by an angry bear. Nearby, Freddy Freeman hears him being attacked by a bear from his room and calls CAPTAIN MARVEL to become Captain Marvel, Jr., defeating the bear and taking it to the zoo where Pete mildly suggested it may be from. Pete soon turns an athletic man into a lion and runs off before it kills him. He hires some goons and decides to turn people into animals to sell to rich folks and turns a portly man into a small elephant, capturing him to sell to the zoo. Freddy reads about it in the paper and finds the homeowner has managed to write I AM A MAN CHANGED TO A BEAR on the ground and figures out that Prowler Pete is turning people into animals, catching him turning a woman into a doe. Junior defeats the others and finds that the inscription on it reads that if he just breaks the lamp, everyone will return to normal, but Pete releases a Cape Buffalo on him from their truck, forcing him to drop the Lamp and let Pete escape with hit while wrestling the buffalo to the ground.

The next day, the goons return to the Zoo to turn in the animals, not seeing Captain Marvel, Jr. there. However, this is because Freddy is there instead and he tries to lean over and snatch the Circe Lamp from him, only for Pete to use it on Freddy, turning him into a dog! He soon manages to tackle Pete as a dog, breaking the Lamp and turning himself back to normal to call CAPTAIN MARVEL and punch out the goons, arresting them. Later, Freddy presumes that if he’d use the Lamp on Pete, he’d turn into a rat, but he’s glad it was destroyed.

Appearing in Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Capt. Marvel, Jr. and The Circe Lamp"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • People Turned into Animals


  • "Prowler" Pete

Other Characters:



  • The Circe Lamp (Destroyed)


Synopsis for Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Capt. Marvel, Jr. and 'The Terror in Treetop Town!'"

Freddy Freeman sees an ad for Captain Marvel, Jr. in the paper asking him to come to the Osgood Museum and lets people run the Newsstand on the honor system. Calling CAPTAIN MARVEL, he soon arrives at the Osgood as Captain Marvel, Jr. and speaks with curator, who says that Sir Henry Todd, an anthropologist looking for uncontacted tribes, has gone missing after some weeks with adventurer Steven Black, so the World’s Mightiest Boy takes an Amazonian map and heads out to find them. He soon encounters quicksand and a crocodile until he’s pulled to safety by a rope lowering from the canopy. He soon finds this lost tribe are former settlers (who still dress like Pilgrims) and they live a semi-modern lifestyle in a city built atop the canopy, Treetop Town, and have for 200 years. He soon finds that Sir Henry is there, but Steven Black has become evil and wants to take over the town, ordering his goons to chop down a playground to dump it into the swamps hundreds of feet below. One of the children Junior is able to catch, but the other is picked up by a giant condor, only to find that these condors live in symbiosis with the Treetop People specifically to save children like this. Sir Henry says Steven is evil and likes abusing Natives. Black soon tries unleashing a stampede of apes into Treetop Town, so Junior just knocks them off a bridge where they can climb back easily. To keep an eye out for him covertly, Junior returns to being Freddy and tries to keep an eye out. Freddy wakes up bound and gagged when Black and his goons kill one of the condors with an axe so he’ll fall into the quicksand or be eaten by crocodiles and dump him over the bridge. Freddy manages to slip his gag on a crocodile’s approaching maw and calls CAPTAIN MARVEL to become Junior again and flies back up to Treetop Town, breaking a bridge and dropping Steven and his men into being captured by condors. Sir Henry says Treetop Town is safe now and Junior flies him home and Steven Black to jail.

Appearing in Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Capt. Marvel, Jr. and 'The Terror in Treetop Town!'"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Sir Henry Todd, Anthropologist


  • Steven Black, Evil Adventurer

Other Characters:

  • Giant Rescue Condors




Synopsis for Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Sivana, Jr's Lightning Rod!"

The 280-carat Rohino Diamond has been stolen by Sivana, Jr. and leaves, only to be caught out by Freddy Freeman, who is on the street nearby. He calls CAPTAIN MARVEL to become Captain Marvel, Jr. and catches Sivana, Jr.’s goons as Young Thaddeus legs it into a manhole. He finds the Rohino Diamond has been stolen and Sivana, Jr. figures out he’ll try to use a lightning rod to catch the Magic Lightning that is 40,000,000 times stronger than a normal one. The next morning, Freddy gets a letter from Mrs. Wagner at home and threatens that Sivana, Jr. is going to steal the Ruby of India from Aly Balivah at midnight. That night, Freddy spots Officer Jim Bellows at Aly Balivah’s house, finding that the NYPD also got a similar letter. Soon, Sivana, Jr. drops a gas bomb on him and Officer Jim. When Freddy calls CAPTAIN MARVEL to become Captain Marvel, Jr… the lightning rod absorbs it and Freddy passes out from the gas. Soon enough, Young Thaddeus reveals that he used the magic lightning to break into the vault, keeping the rod inside it in advance. Sivana, Jr. pistol-whips him and steals the Ruby of India. Freddy, recovering outside, calls CAPTAIN MARVEL and becomes Captain Marvel, Jr., pushing the vault back into place with his hands. After some hours, he goes home and finds another note that says Sivana, Jr. is intent on stealing the Emerald Eye of Sarukar from the Elite Museum. Freddy and Officer Jim arrive to defend it as Young Thaddeus arrives to snatch the emerald. Freddy calls CAPTAIN MARVEL, to become the World’s Mightiest Boy, but the lightning rod being installed in the Museum’s electric plant instead shuts off the power and a second CAPTAIN MARVEL instead just blinds Officer Jim when a second lightning rod absorbs his lightning again and more. Another one stops a third CAPTAIN MARVEL and destroys a cop car in the meantime. He soon finds the lightning rod and tears it down so he can call CAPTAIN MARVEL, then becomes Junior finally to punch out Sivana, Jr. When he petulantly refuses to say where the other stolen jewels are, Junior figures out if he calls CAPTAIN MARVEL, it will destroy one lightning rod and shock Sivana, Jr. in his butt. Once they’re all gone, Sivana, Jr. is soon arrested and the stolen gems are returned and Freddy says that Young Thaddeus still freaks out hearing lightning and has to be locked in solitary to escape it.

Appearing in Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Sivana, Jr's Lightning Rod!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • Sivana, Jr.'s Magic Lightning Rods (Destroyed)
  • The Rohino Diamond
  • The Ruby of India
  • The Emerald Eye of Sarukar


See Also

Links and References
