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"Wolves": After a mission to prevent a major corporation from being damaged by terrorists, Black Canary and Oracle's conflict from Revolutions comes to a head. Black Canary resents being used to support major corporations while Oracle wishes BC could see the big picture. They agree to go their

Quote1 I can't pretend to know everything. Quote2
— Oracle

Birds of Prey: Wolves #1 is a one-shot with a cover date of October, 1997.

Synopsis for "Wolves"

After a mission to prevent a major corporation from being damaged by terrorists, Black Canary and Oracle's conflict from Revolutions comes to a head. Black Canary resents being used to support major corporations while Oracle wishes BC could see the big picture. They agree to go their separate ways, for now, and Canary takes off the communicator.

The two women then face to similar but separate adventures. Black Canary's ex arrives, chased by the Ukrainian mafia and looking for help. Black Canary helps him escape, and they begin to rekindle their romance until the mob catches up with them. She learns that he stole from the Ukrainians and that is why they are after him. She fights them all.

Barbara, meanwhile, is attacked by muggers after her van. She fights them, but is shoved into the street, her chair hit by a car. The man is apologetic, and takes her to dinner.

As they return to her apartment, she learns he's working with the muggers and it's a home invasion. Killing the lights, she defeats the villains and turns them over to the police.

Black Canary calls Oracle. She's had a bad night and is sorry. She wants to come back. Barbara apologizes and admits that she doesn't know everything and that BC should have more freedom to act on her own.

Appearing in "Wolves"

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