Action Comics #624 is an issue of the series Action Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of November, 1988.
Synopsis for Green Lantern: "Faith!"
Priest trains Green Lantern to use his power ring without the Central Power Battery's guidance in an unknown space sector. Priest explains that he was a Green Lantern once, but he resigned to pursue a "more spiritual calling." He also explains that the Green Lantern of the space sector they are currently in was considered a god by its residents. Hal insists that he needs his Power Battery restored to recharge his ring, although Priest says otherwise. The teacher gives Hal his Battery but says that Hal needs to find its power essence elsewhere. Priest sends him to sub-sector 82, where Hal finds the battery's power source inside a satellite. Suddenly, a group of Dreadnaughts, the same species in war with the yellow-skinned aliens, attacks him. Green Lantern fends off against the hostiles, and they claim that he is desecrating the "symbol of their god," referencing the former Green Lantern. Hal's ring reaches its limit of energy, and his life support starts to fail. While the Dreadnaughts escape, Hal approaches the satellite, grabs the green-glowing rock, puts it inside the battery, and recharges his ring with seconds to spare.
Hal returns to Priest's, who claims Hal didn't need his power battery, as the one he had was a fake. Priest grabs the bag where Hal carried his battery's fragments and rebuilds it. When Hal charged his ring with the fake battery, he was tapping directly into the source of his power ring instead. Priest walks away, saying Hal has much to learn, and that in a thousand years he might be ready to discard his crutches.
Appearing in Green Lantern: "Faith!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Dreadnaughts
- Sector 1634
- Sub-Sector 82
Synopsis for Shazam: "Welcome to Aryan Acres"
Billy has arrived at “Aryan Acres,” a Neo-Nazi summer camp run by Ham Davis, who likes him because he doesn’t cry like someone he considers inferior. He is under the assumed name of Duane McCullers, since his dead father is considered a martyr to them. He goes off with the Youth Leader, Jake, who says the adults are at a big meeting that Ham goes off to join. A nearby Nazi counselor shows them their barbed-wire-gated main building and says the kids will be living in the woods and mountains. When Billy asks another kid, Sam, what they do in the building, he says it’s better not to ask Jake, since it’s upsetting. Billy soon learns the kids are called “Odinists” due to Nazi co-opting of Norse mythology and the cabins are filled with racist posters that glorify Hitler, but mostly decry invented Jewish conspiracies. Billy soon finds out that Ham is a pastor as well, the kids are taught to hate other races and to shoot small arms and automatic weapons at pictures of Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and the Reverend Jesse Jackson. Ron is apparently a bully who feels the need to pick on “Duane” for being the known “Martyr’s son” and that Sam is seemingly having doubts about the racist ideologies involved. Sam implies that Billy agrees and Billy tries to dissuade him of such ideas (mostly since he doesn’t trust him either.) Sam says he’s heard Ham and Jake discuss a “graduation exercise” that sounds like a terrorist attack on Frisco and they even have something they believe will be able to stop every superhero at the main building.
Billy sneaks into the compound and finds that Ham Davis has recruited a mad scientist, Dr. Patterson, who discovered a “Formula X” in postwar Bavaria that he’s perfected to create a Nazi superhuman, injecting it into a boy named Lester. Lester starts to freak out and is overcome with horrible pain as he becomes a powerful superhuman white supremacist. Suddenly, Billy falls through the roof, but is caught by… not Lester, but the man they want to lead the Sons of Valhalla… Captain Nazi!
Appearing in Shazam: "Welcome to Aryan Acres"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Sam
- Captain Nazi (Lester Abernathy) (First appearance)
- Leader Ham Davis
- Youth Leader Jake
- Dr. Patterson
- Ron
Other Characters:
- Other Nazis
- Earth-85
- Aryan Acres, a Neo-Nazi Summer Camp
- Aryan Acres, a Neo-Nazi Summer Camp
Synopsis for Secret Six: "The Sound of a Silent Heart"
Appearing in Secret Six: "The Sound of a Silent Heart"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Shelley
Synopsis for Superman: "Pin the Tail"
Appearing in Superman: "Pin the Tail"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Bob Galt
Synopsis for Deadman: "Wildwood"
Appearing in Deadman: "Wildwood"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Delia and Stella Peckshaw
Other Characters:
- Tyson Peckshaw
- Luke
Synopsis for Black Canary: "Knock 'Em Dead Part 1"
Appearing in Black Canary: "Knock 'Em Dead Part 1"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Deborah Tilden
- "Welcome to Aryan Acres" is reprinted in Shazam!: The New Beginning: 30th Anniversary Deluxe Edition. Crisis on Infinite Earths: The Compendium states this storyline happened on Earth-85.
- "Pin the Tail" is reprinted in Superman: The Power Within.
See Also