DC Database

"Dark Moon Rising, Part IV of VI": One of the Brotherhood of Eternal Night has been locked in an Iron Maiden, as punishment for being questioned by Batman, even though he didn't answer. The spikes fatally wound him, then the Monk feeds h

Quote1 Behold, one who had stood at our side and partaken of the unholy sacraments of the night. Now, his blood is soiled and unworthy to even share with those who had been his brethren. His fluids and flesh are only fit for the fodder of the beasts. Such will be the fate of any who betray the bonds of our brotherhood. The night, you will find, is an unforgiving mistress. Quote2
— The Mad Monk

Batman and the Mad Monk #4 is an issue of the series Batman and the Mad Monk (Volume 1) with a cover date of January, 2007. It was published on November 8, 2006.

Synopsis for "Dark Moon Rising, Part IV of VI"

One of the Brotherhood of Eternal Night has been locked in an Iron Maiden, as punishment for being questioned by Batman, even though he didn't answer. The spikes fatally wound him, then the Monk feeds him to his wolves.

In Wayne Manor, Bruce researches vampire legends. He melts down some silver candlesticks, and re-molds them as batarangs.

Across town, Julie Madison wakes and answers her phone. The voice on the other end tells her to come to the castle. She obeys without question, though against her character. Watching, Batman wonders where she'd be going after 3 A.M. He follows.

James Gordon is dreaming. He sees his family threatened, because of his association with Batman. He wakes, and worries that it may come true.

Batman follows Julie to Rallstone Castle. When he tries to sneak in, he is attacked by wolves. He subdues one, but is forced to kill the other after it sinks its teeth into his leg and gets a taste. He binds the wound, but feels dizzy from some of the gas he used to subdue the wolf.

The Monk is sucking Julie's blood, when Dala interrupts to tell him that something disturbed the wolves. He tells Julie to get her father's account numbers and passwords, then goes to investigate the disturbance.

Below, Batman triggers a trick stair, and is sent headlong into a containment cell. A slab drops over head, and spikes come out of the walls, which start to close in.

Appearing in "Dark Moon Rising, Part IV of VI"

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