DC Database

"Batman Versus the Vampire, Part 2": Continuing onward from Paris, the Batman pursues his enemy the Monk into Hungary. On a winding road thru the Ca

Quote1 You shall talk now, Dala, you witch! I thought you an accomplice of your evil master who calls himself the Monk. So you are vampires!! Quote2
— Batman

Detective Comics #32 is an issue of the series Detective Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 1939. It was published on August 30, 1939.

Synopsis for "Batman Versus the Vampire, Part 2"

Continuing onward from Paris, the Batman pursues his enemy the Monk into Hungary. On a winding road thru the Carlathian Mountains, he hijacks a speeding carriage using choking gas and kidnaps the woman inside. Traveling in his Batgyro, he takes this woman back to his hotel. The woman introduces herself as Dala. Batman has her sleep in the same room as his other guest, Bruce Wayne's fiancee Julie Madison. In the middle of the night, Dala sleepwalks out of the room. Batman realizes that she has fresh blood on her lips. Dala snaps out of her trance and hits Batman with a statue, then escapes. Batman realizes that Dala is a vampire, and she bit Julie. Batman chases Dala and makes her talk about the Monk. Dala insists that she will only tell Batman about the Monk if he promises to kill him, as she hates the Monk too.

Batman and Dala leave to pursue the Monk. Batman tells Julie that she must stay, and resist any psychic urge to return to the Monk. As Batman approaches the villain's castle by air, the Batgyro is caught in a silver net, and dragged into the castle. The Monk hypnotically overpowers Batman, and forces him to march to his doom. Dala suggests that the Monk telepathically summon Julie, to make his revenge against Batman perfect. Some time later, Julie arrives, on foot, and the Monk threatens to turn her into a werewolf such as himself. Batman is lowered into a pit of wolves that the Monk summons from the forest. It is too deep for him to get out using his silk rope. The wolves attack and Batman is able to subdue them with choking gas. Finally he escapes by using his batarang to throw the rope onto a pillar. The castle is asleep, and Batman checks that Julie is okay. Using a candle, he melts a silver statue into two silver bullets. Batman loads the silver bullets into the gun he carries with him at all times. He finds Dala and the Monk sleeping in their coffins, and shoots them both to death. The spell on Julie is broken, and they are able to safely return to America.

Appearing in "Batman Versus the Vampire, Part 2"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Dala (First appearance; dies)




Synopsis for Bart Regan, Spy: "Sabotage"

Secret agents of a hostile foreign power attempt some sabotage against the U.S. Navy. Bart Regan finds out about it and takes them down.

Batman 0585
DC Bullet 2024

Summary Needed

This page is missing a well-written and detailed synopsis. If there is already a synopsis here, it might need to be modified or expanded. You can help the DC Database by adding a summary of the story.
Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.

Appearing in Bart Regan, Spy: "Sabotage"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Spies

Other Characters:

  • Stephen Retjen (Single appearance; dies)

Synopsis for Buck Marshall, Range Detective: "The Last Act"

A cattleman is buying cattle with counterfeit money. Buck Marshall figures it out and shuts him down.

Appearing in Buck Marshall, Range Detective: "The Last Act"

Featured Characters:


  • Lawes (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Jensen (Single appearance)
  • Sam Hill (Single appearance)


Synopsis for Larry Steele, Private Detective: "Doris Dumont"

Appearing in Larry Steele, Private Detective: "Doris Dumont"

Featured Characters:


  • Count Vichini (Single appearance; dies)

Other Characters:

  • Doris Dumont (Single appearance)
  • Mr. Dumont (Single appearance)

Synopsis for Speed Saunders, Ace Investigator: "The Skull-Face Cult"

Appearing in Speed Saunders, Ace Investigator: "The Skull-Face Cult"

Featured Characters:


  • Skull-Face Cult (Single appearance)
    • Skull-Face (Single appearance; dies)
    • Sam (Single appearance; dies)

Other Characters:

  • Pierre (Appears only as a corpse)


Synopsis for Cosmo, the Phantom of Disguise: "The Governor Assassinated"

Appearing in Cosmo, the Phantom of Disguise: "The Governor Assassinated"

Featured Characters:

  • Cosmo, the Phantom of Disguise

Supporting Characters:

  • Captain Grey


  • "Red" Dorgans's brother and gang (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Judge Farrell


  • "ice bullets"

Synopsis for Bruce Nelson: "Rosemary Blaine"

Appearing in Bruce Nelson: "Rosemary Blaine"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Lee


  • Couchi (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Rosemary Blaine (Single appearance)
  • Captain George Wilson
  • Cassidy

Synopsis for Slam Bradley: "The Wrong Guy"

A hotelier plays an elaborate practical joke on Slam.

Appearing in Slam Bradley: "The Wrong Guy"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Cyrus Painter (Single appearance)
  • Rita Stanton (Single appearance)




  • This issue concludes the first-ever continued Batman story, and it was published out of sequence. Batman's next chronological appearance is in Detective Comics #31; this story follows the one in Detective Comics #30.
  • The hood of the Monk is later spotted in the Batcave's Trophy Room, along with other trophies in Detective Comics #676.
  • Batman gets his first blunt-instrument head trauma, when Dala head-konks him unconscious with a statuette.
  • The Batgyro is first referred to as the Batplane in this issue.
  • Last issue for Joe Shuster art on Slam Bradley.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

Batman 0585
DC Bullet 2024

Summary Needed

This page is missing a well-written and detailed synopsis. If there is already a synopsis here, it might need to be modified or expanded. You can help the DC Database by adding a summary of the story.
Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.