DC Database

"Batman Universe, Part 3": As Green Arrow and Batman interrogate the Riddler, he asks them one of his first riddles Batman had heard. Nygma responds that him being chased by around Batman has mentally exhausted him and he's been a nightmare for him since they very first time they fought. As he a

Quote1 Okay, see right here, this! This... is why everybody hates your rogues gallery. Quote2
— Green Arrow

Batman Giant #5 is an issue of the series Batman Giant (Volume 1) with a cover date of January, 2019. It was published on November 17, 2018.

Synopsis for "Batman Universe, Part 3"

As Green Arrow and Batman interrogate the Riddler, he asks them one of his first riddles Batman had heard. Nygma responds that him being chased by around Batman has mentally exhausted him and he's been a nightmare for him since they very first time they fought. As he asks another riddle in response to Batman asking about his employer, the Amsterdam police surrounds them.

Batman and Green Arrow use smoke-screens to escape but realize Riddler himself is getting away from them. They come across a breadcrumb trail, but Batman warns against following it as he's trying to fool them and suggests zipping to the top instead. Oliver grabs Nygma with a rope before he can fly away using his staff and he is knocked out by Batman.

Arrow finds a note inside the box Riddler was escaping with, asking if they thought he's stupid, and Batman thinks something's not right with him which intrigues him. The box sprays Oliver with a neurotoxin, driving him wild before Batman can use the antidote on him. As the two fight, Bruce eventually overpowers him using his shock gloves, allowing him time to use the antidote.

Arrow realizes that Riddler escaped, but Batman states he has a tracker on him. Meanwhile at the docks, Riddler delivers the Fabergé egg to his employer Vandal Savage and states his mind has been affected. Savage is intrigued by its side effects on him while also learning he hasn't looked inside it and states he has searched for the egg for a very long time.

Appearing in "Batman Universe, Part 3"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Hush, Chapter Five: The Battle"

This story is reprinted from Batman #612.

Batman and Catwoman retreat to the underwater system of Metropolis to escape from Superman, who is mind-controlled by Poison Ivy. After a while, they arrive at the main electric relay point and Batman removes the Kryptonite Ring from his utility belt in preparation for dealing with Superman. Catwoman leaves the battlefield and goes to the surface to start the next step on their plan. Superman smashes through the wall, and Batman immediately takes the offensive, battering him with a flurry of blows, while the Kryptonite in his hand steadily weakens Superman. Although he is under Poison Ivy's control, there is still a part of Superman's true intellect that keeps him from using his full strength against the Dark Knight.

Batman baits Superman into following him topside. On the top of one of the neighboring skyscrapers, Catwoman has Lois Lane hostage. Batman draws Superman's attention to them, just as Catwoman drops Lois from the top of the building. If need be, Batman knows that Catwoman can reach Lois in time, but fortunately, she doesn't have to. The shock of seeing Lois in danger breaks Ivy's hold on Superman and he flies up and catches her.

After having recovered control over himself, Superman can't tell where Poison Ivy is hiding. However, Batman takes one of Ivy's leafs and he has an idea.

Some time later, Superman, Batman and Catwoman go to Poison Ivy's penthouse to confront her. Ivy attempts to escape, but Krypto is present to block her path. Catwoman lays her out with one solid punch to the jaw. Batman's idea of using Krypto's keen smell senses to track Ivy from just her scent on the leafs, worked perfectly.

Moments later, Superman asks Batman why did Catwoman picked Lois, and Batman assures him that it was all on her own and that he didn't revealed his secret to her. Superman is thankful for the help Batman provided and they shake hands as true friends. However, from a building not far away from them, the mysterious man with bandages on his head, watches the scene and laughs in a maniacal way.

Appearing in "Hush, Chapter Five: The Battle"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "'Til Death Do Us Part"

This story is reprinted from Nightwing (Volume 3) #5.

Somewhere in New Orleans, a woman named Zohna offers the souls of her parents to a demon in exchange for having a certain someone brought to her and bonded to her eternally: Jimmy Clark, the clown at Haly's Circus.

Meanwhile, Dick Grayson has missed the circus train as a result of his activities as Nightwing. Fortunately, he has memorized the roadmaps of most US states in order that he can ride his bike parallel to the train and catch up enough to jump it straight into the open caboose, which he cleverly chose as his storage car, hoping to avoid scrutiny.

Dick is perplexed by recent events. Before watching Mr. Haly die before his eyes, his old friend had given him a clue to the secret of recent attacks by an assassin called Saiko. This clue had led to a book which Dick found hidden in the inner circle of the circus' ring, full of names including his own.

As the circus folk prepare for that night's show, Jimmy is visibly shaken by a note he has received, heavily suggesting that a woman is infatuated with him. He is startled by the approach of Raya, who becomes concerned at his apparent distress. Jimmy brushes it off, and he is saved any further discussion by Marc who tells Raya to ask Dick for approval on laying some cement to ballast the tent poles.

Reluctantly, Raya knocks on Dick's door, having avoided him since her encounter with Barbara Gordon. She happens to wake Dick from a dream in which he remembers rehearsing for the big-top trapeze show with his friend Raymond. That night would be the last time he'd ever see his parents or Raymond alive. Tersely, Raya asks about the cement, and Dick okays it. However, he presses her to discuss their relationship, as he senses her coldness. She professes that her avoidance is not related to Barbara, so he asks her on a date. Raya refuses, and so Dick assures her that he is okay with simply letting things happen rather than over-thinking their relationship, and Raya smiles.

That night during the show, Dick notices that Jimmy is sweating unnaturally, and looks like he may pass out. Jimmy claims that he's merely warm, and Dick offers to get him some water. As soon as dick is out of sight, Zohna's demon appears and captures Jimmy in a thick fist. It doesn't take much before Jimmy passes out, which gives Dick the opportunity to try to fight back without witnesses. Unfortunately, he's no match for the demon, and one punch sends him flying.

After peeking in on Raya and Marc's act and reconciling himself to the fact that dinner with the girl is probably off, Dick dons his costume and chases after the demon on his bike. He uses his thermal lenses to track the demon, but he is confused by the fact that its trail seems to be the absence of heat, rather than an abundance of it.

The demon takes Jimmy back to the ceremony where Zohna performed the ceremony that called the demon. The clown is bound to the face of Zohna's family crypt, and as she calls upon the demon to bind him to her soul eternally, she shows him the ring with which he had once been engaged to her.

Before the ritual can begin, Nightwing leaps into action, knocking Zohna off her feet and landing a kick in the demon's face. Using his acrobatics, he carefully avoids the demon's attacks, but in the meantime, Zohna manages to begin the ritual. The crest on the crypt suddenly begins to glow with a bright light, and Jimmy writhes in pain.

Nightwing gets an idea, and provokes the demon into charging at him. Dick times his dodge just right, and the demon charges straight into the crypt, destroying the glowing crest, and thereby breaking the spell that would bind the two people together. Afterward, Nightwing subdues Zohna, and frees Jimmy. Jimmy is horrified that she gave up the souls of her family in order to summon the demon, and he wishes that he could be free of his past.

The next day, Dick finds Jimmy staring at a sewer grate, and asks to know what happened last night. The clown doesn't share what it was in his past that led to the night's events, but he warns that Dick should be careful about digging up his past by joining the circus again. Some things, he says, are better left buried. With that, he tosses the ring into the sewers.

That night, Raya meets with Saiko, revealing that she has been a part of the conspiracy that surrounds Dick's return to the circus. Saiko removes his mask to reveal that he is actually Dick's old friend Raymond McCreary, still alive after all this time. He questions Raya's resolve in carrying out their plan, and after she reassures him, they embrace.

Appearing in "'Til Death Do Us Part"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Acheron (First appearance)
  • Bryan Haly
  • Saiko (identity revealed)
  • Zohna (Single appearance)

Other Characters:



  • Book of Names


Synopsis for "The Hunt for Red Octogenarians"

This story is reprinted from Harley Quinn (Volume 2) #5.

Over far too many chili dogs, Harley Quinn has a look at Sy Borgman's file, detailing the mission he gave up - to kill the Russian agents who blew him up, and made him the cyborg that he is. She is eager to get started with the killing and maiming, but he insists that she spend the night studying up. These men may be old, but they are treacherous individuals. In exchange for her help on this, he promises to help her with her problem: the bounty on her head.

Upon her return home, Harley spots her friend and tenant Big Tony taking tickets for a burlesque show outside. He offers to let her see it for free, and gleefully, she rushes inside, stuffing Sy's file into his arms and asking him to hold it for her. At the show, though, she causes a scene when she mistakes an act with knives for a legitimate threat, and tackles one of the dancers, prompting the audience to pelt everyone on stage with tomatoes. Afterwards, Tony grumpily gives her the file back, and sends her on her way.

That night, as she studies the Russian agents' photos, Harley falls asleep and has a bizarre dream, culminating with the sudden waking realization that the chili dogs she ate earlier are about to bestow upon her an unpleasant bathroom experience.

The next morning, after her regular appointment with Ida Rubenstein, Dr. Quinzel yanks off her lab coat and meets Sy up on the roof. She points out that despite his saying there were eight targets, he only gave her seven files. Sy snaps that they won't be talking about the eighth man right now, commenting that he is the most devious of them all. In the meantime, though, their first target lies just across the way in a neighbouring hospital - convalescing. Igor Lenivetskin is in a coma - the best cover possible - though he once enjoyed torturing people to death. Rappelling across the gap, Sy and Harley ride his scooter through the window of Lenivetskin's room. After struggling to find an effective way of killing the man, Harley takes one of the tubes Sy severed in a desperate attempt to speed his enemy's demise, and blows into it with such force that the arteries in Lenivetskin's head explode.

Their next target is in Mills Basin; Ivana Brekemoff. Sy explains that the she will be more difficult than the last target, and insists that he do the talking with her guards outsider he mansion. Unfortunately, Harley's penchant for ad-libbing botches that plan, and they are forced to enter via violence. Before she goes out to face Harley and Sy, Ivana calls back to one of her allies to warn of their intent. Soon, Harley and Sy find themselves needing to duck suddenly, as Ivana fires an RPG at them. Fortunately, Harley's hammer Beatrice is effective in knocking the weapon from the older woman's hands, and she grabs Ivana in a headlock. However, Ivana is crazier than she looks, and she detonates explosives that blow up her entire household with she, Harley, and Sy still inside.

Appearing in "The Hunt for Red Octogenarians"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Igor Lenivetskin (Dies)
  • Ivana Brekemoff

Other Characters:

  • Alexei "The Bear" Medvedenko (In a photograph and dream sequence)
  • Borya Tatierski (In a photograph and dream sequence)
  • Ida Rubenstein
  • Kosta Armanoleg (In a photograph and dream sequence)
  • Madame Macabre (Statue only)
  • Nathan the Dachshund
  • Poison Ivy (Mentioned only)
  • Rubenstein Family (Mentioned only)
  • TJ, Nate Man's patron
  • Yuri Beyznatofin (In a photograph and dream sequence)
  • Zena Bendemova (First appearance) (In a photograph and dream sequence)





See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
