Batman: Gotham Knights #11 is an issue of the series Batman: Gotham Knights (Volume 1) with a cover date of January, 2001.
Synopsis for "Transference, Part 4"
Hugo Strange has escaped from Wayne Manor. Nightwing, Robin and Alfred Pennyworth go to pick up Bruce Wayne who surprisingly has turned up after the fire at Wayne Enterprises. However, when they are finally alone with Bruce, it is quite clear that he doesn't remember being Batman, and finds the existence of the Batcave quite disturbing. Obviously he is suffering from some kind of amnesia.
Robin and Nightwing try to rendezvous with Catwoman, but she shoots at them with an Uzi. Both allow themselves to be captured by her, and quickly find themselves in the hideout of Hugo Strange. The psychiatrist tells them that it is actually his assistant (and former patient) Dora who is wearing the Catwoman costume. But Strange has also kidnapped Bruce Wayne, and tries to force Nightwing and Robin to admit that Wayne is Batman. Neither Nightwing nor Robin will do this, and Wayne truly appears to be a scared, ineffectual rich guy, even with their lives in danger. Nightwing frees himself and is faced with the decision to save either Bruce or Robin. He choses Bruce because this time Robin is more able to take care of himself. The lack of action by Bruce Wayne totally confuses Strange because on the one hand he killed Batman but obviously Bruce Wayne is still alive. Deliriously Strange flees from the scene.
Later in the batcave, Nightwing recites an oath he once learned from his mentor and these words snap Bruce out of a post-hypnotic state. He had inflicted that on himself to make it believable that he and Batman are not the same person. Bruce explains that the computer files about his associates are written from his own perspective - not from Batman's.
Elsewhere, Strange checks himself into an asylum, still raving that he is Batman but also that Batman is dead ...
Appearing in "Transference, Part 4"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Benny
- Dora
Synopsis for "Snow Job!"
Batman dreams that he and his son Batman Junior are chasing after a kidnapped heiress on skis. They rescue her, but at the celebration for the opening of a ski resort for sick children, the gangsters attack them again. Bruce is woken by Ace licking his face.
Appearing in "Snow Job!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Ace
- Batman Junior (In dream sequence only)
- Erika Corfu (In dream sequence only)
- Paolo Gang (In dream sequence only)
- Philomena (In dream sequence only)
Other Characters:
- Julie (Mentioned only)
- Wayne Manor
- Italy (In dream sequence only)
- "Transference, Part 4" is reprinted in Batman Arkham: Hugo Strange.
- "Snow Job!" is reprinted in Batman: Black & White, Vol. 2.
See Also
Recommended Reading