DC Database

"Do the Wrong Thing": Batman apprehends an armed man who attempted to rob a drug store to get medicine for his ill daughter. Batman tells Robin that sometimes they have to do the right thing, even if they don't like it.

Quote1 That's one of the hardest things about this job, Robin. Sometimes we have to stop someone from doing the wrong thing for the right reason. Quote2
— Batman

Batman: Gotham Adventures #23 is an issue of the series Batman: Gotham Adventures (Volume 1) with a cover date of April, 2000.

Synopsis for "Do the Wrong Thing"

Batman apprehends an armed man who attempted to rob a drug store to get medicine for his ill daughter. Batman tells Robin that sometimes they have to do the right thing, even if they don't like it.

At WayneCorp, Lucius Fox informs Bruce that his meeting with his longtime friend, Omar Alhazred, was canceled because he disappeared from his home 3 days ago. In the Batcave, Batman notes that Omar was the fourth business associate of WayneCorp to disappear in the past month.

Batman visits the Alhazred Estate and learns that Omar was approached to sell everything he owned, and was intimidated into keeping it a secret. Next, Batman finds Omar's son, who was planning to sell his father's possessions to the prince of Wales, which he doesn't admit. After, Batman pays a visit to Preston Wainwright, who has moved into seclusion, and deduces that the unnamed buyer is Ra's al Ghul. He goes undercover at Interpol and learns that Ra's gains enormous holdings in the world's oil supply.

Batman then flies to Prince of Wales Island, where he fights his way into a castle, ending up face to face with the Demon's Head. As the two men start fencing, Ra's explains that he plans to monopolize the oil to send the world into an energy crisis, where only the most energy-efficient will survive, thus returning the Earth to its former pristine self. Batman notices an out-of-place tapestry, which he tears down, revealing a locked door. Opening it, he finds the missing entrepreneurs, which Ra's denies his awareness of and is backed by the discombobulated captives. As Batman leaves, Ra's questions if the hero will still feel he did the right thing when the Earth becomes a barren waste in the future.

Appearing in "Do the Wrong Thing"

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