DC Database

"Final Days of Superman, Part 3: Dazed and Confused": After discovering his cousin Supergirl is located at the Department of Extranormal Operations, Superman flies to the DEO headquarters at National City. He breaks through the compound's defenses, reaches Supergirl

Quote1 Be the stone, Kara, because it's the ripples that change the world. You can do this. You're so much stronger than you give yourself credit for. Sure, our family shield can be a target, but it's also a badge of honor that I know you wear proudly each and every day. Quote2
— Superman

Action Comics (Volume 2) #51 is an issue of the series Action Comics (Volume 2) with a cover date of June, 2016. It was published on April 20, 2016.

Synopsis for "Final Days of Superman, Part 3: Dazed and Confused"

After discovering his cousin Supergirl is located at the Department of Extranormal Operations, Superman flies to the DEO headquarters at National City. He breaks through the compound's defenses, reaches Supergirl and takes her to the sky.

Supergirl awakens and tells Superman she was not in trouble; in fact, she went to the D.E.O. by her own choice. As it turns out, Vandal Savage's actions with his comet also affected her powers.[1] She did her best to help people in need, but she gradually lost most of her abilities. A D.E.O. agent called Cameron Chase offered to help her replenish her powers in exchange for her occasional service to the D.E.O.. Unfortunately, her power renewals were only temporary and she needed constant recharge. The D.E.O. was in the process of another recharge when Superman showed up. Supergirl wants to the return to the D.E.O. and sort things out, but Superman abruptly faints and falls down. His cousin catches him and asks what's wrong. He explains she will soon be the last survivor of the House of El on Earth.

Meanwhile, one of the dragons that earlier attacked Superman and Batman returns to his base in China, where Dr. Omen is waiting for him. The dragon carries a sample of Superman's blood on his claw, so Omen severs the claw off, on the account she can grow a new one for him.

In Metropolis, the stranger with Superman's powers arrives at the Daily Planet and claims to be Clark Kent. A security guard is not convinced and requests an ID but the stranger punches him in the neck. Then, he goes to the desk Clark used to work on, only to find a new employee already there. The stranger assaults the new employee and a trio of security guards until Lois pulls out an electric gun and knocks the stranger out, while Perry calls A.R.G.U.S..

Superman and Supergirl fly to the Fortress of Solitude, where he shows her the results of his tests, confirming he will die soon. He asks her to take his place as Earth's protector, but she is unsure after the mistrust he endured after his identity got out. Still, Superman believes Supergirl can move past her doubts and step up to the plate. He even gives her a new key to the Fortress, one that will unlock all of the Fortress' secrets.

As Superman and Supergirl leave the Fortress, so that Superman can continue putting his affairs in order, they come across Wonder Woman, who intends to know if the rumors of Superman's impending death are true.

Appearing in "Final Days of Superman, Part 3: Dazed and Confused"

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