DC Database

"Green Lantern: "Where the Heck is Green Lantern?"": In his apartment, Hal Jordan wakes up with Arisia reminding him of his appointment to Oprah's TV show. He realizes he overslept and hurries to get going. On his way, he stops a car chase,

Action Comics #608 is an issue of the series Action Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of July, 1988.

Synopsis for Green Lantern: "Where the Heck is Green Lantern?"

In his apartment, Hal Jordan wakes up with Arisia reminding him of his appointment to Oprah's TV show. He realizes he overslept and hurries to get going. On his way, he stops a car chase, getting wounded by a yellow bullet shot by one of the thieves in the process.

Hal arrives at Oprah's studio with seconds to spare. The TV show starts and Oprah starts asking him questions, one of them being why was he, of all people, picked to be a Green Lantern. To that, Hal replies he was chosen because he's totally without fear. The audience starts to laugh, leaving Hal confused.

Appearing in Green Lantern: "Where the Heck is Green Lantern?"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Boss
  • Morty
  • Jake

Other Characters:



Synopsis for Wild Dog: "Winged Dog"

After the Legion task force leader was blown up, their next target became the Wundram Museum and Layman had Jack knocked unconscious.

Appearing in Wild Dog: "Winged Dog"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Legion of Morality
    • B. Lyle Layman
    • Task force leader (Flashback and main story) (Dies)

Other Characters:


  • Quad Cities
    • Wheeler's Auto Repair and Customization
    • Wundram Museum

Synopsis for Secret Six: "Blind Impulse"

On June 26th, Mockingbird tasked the Secret Six with obtaining information regarding Rafael di Rienzi's whereabouts, but Vic decided to take a short leave for Boston.

In Washington, D.C., a man named Fenady was informed about the air crash in Carmel, while in san Francisco, Mitch used rubber and adhesive to make Vic look like his former self before the latter's trip to Boston.

In Boston, Vic visited a woman named Melanie, although he angered her drunk husband, who believed that she was having an affair, which led to a fight between the two men.

In Chevy Chase, Maryland, Mrs. Peterson was unsure what made her son Tommy sick, as a Farmer Ralph's Hickory Smoked Bacon wrapper sat inside of a trash can.

Back in San Francisco, Mockingbird contacted Luke and Maria with their final mission and tasked them with boarding a jet and training their successors.

Appearing in Secret Six: "Blind Impulse"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Gary

Other Characters:


Synopsis for Superman: "Questions and Mysteries"

After Clark saw a photo of Charles Culpepper (or a double) being rushed to an ambulance, he decided to question Bob Galt, as Superman.

Appearing in Superman: "Questions and Mysteries"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Hodges
  • Jacobs

Other Characters:


Synopsis for Deadman: "Gala Reception"

After escaping Hell, Deadman possessed the director of the C.I.A. and stole the ancient alien weapon found from the Mayan pyramid with the intention of stopping the Devil.

Appearing in Deadman: "Gala Reception"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Satan (Behind the scenes)

Other Characters:

  • C.I.A.
    • Stan Kriptman (Possessed)
    • Barnes (Possessed)
    • Sarge
    • Orth (Appears only as a corpse)
  • Lynn Smith
  • Marsha Kriptman (In a photograph only)
  • Mikhail Gorbachev (Mentioned only)
  • Sonja (Mentioned only)
  • Beelzebub (Mentioned only)
  • Ronald Reagan (Mentioned only)


Synopsis for Blackhawk: "Another Fine War, Conclusion!"

After Red Dragon shot Robert dead, Blackhawk and Cynthia escaped with help from Andre and Chuck.

Appearing in Blackhawk: "Another Fine War, Conclusion!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




  • The possessed director of the C.I.A. was informed that the Soviet premier's wife's name was "Sonja" on page 5 of "Gala Reception."

See Also

Links and References
