DC Database

"Superman: "The War Between Supergirl and the Superman Emergency Squad!"": Clark Kent and Lois Lane are called to the estate of John Kiley, a rich and charitable man who is now on his deathbed. He summons Clark in private and reveals that he has been a huge Superman fan for years. He reveals a s

Quote1 I'm no villain, although my ancestor was. Quote2
— Brainiac 5

Action Comics #276 is an issue of the series Action Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of May, 1961.

Synopsis for Superman: "The War Between Supergirl and the Superman Emergency Squad!"

Clark Kent and Lois Lane are called to the estate of John Kiley, a rich and charitable man who is now on his deathbed. He summons Clark in private and reveals that he has been a huge Superman fan for years. He reveals a secret room full of Superman memorabilia devoted to his hero. Kiley admits that his time is very limited and he explains that it has long been his goal to find out Superman's true identity. He had hired detectives in the past to investigate but his results were inconclusive. He does however state that his investigative efforts pointed to one man, Clark Kent. He then asks Clark to confirm his suspicions and confess that he is really Superman. He reiterates that he is a dying man and would present no threat with this knowledge. Clark reasons that Kiley only has moments to live so he confirms that he is really Superman. He reveals his costume underneath his clothing and demonstrates his superpowers in front of Kiley. Ten minutes later the doctor confirms that Kiley has passed away with a peaceful smile on his face. Clark leaves the estate along with a number of other reporters. As Clark is typing up Kileys obituary the setting returns back to Kileys mansion where Kiley himself is waking up from a self induced coma. He had apparently used a drug which slowed his heart rate enough to make Clark believe he was a dying man. The doctor warns Kiley that the drug he used has been known to cause hallucinations and that Clark's demonstration might have been a side effect of the drug. Kiley refuses to believe that his observations were an illusion, He reveals that he is the secret leader of the Anti-Superman Gang and that he has a secret plot to lure Superman into a Kryptonite trap. The Anti Superman gang sets up the trap in one of Kileys mines. They also prepare an electronic jamming device to prevent Superman from summoning any help from his Superman robots. Clark Kent arrives on the scene to cover the story of a collapsed mine. He is escorted into a mine shaft where he is pushed into a chamber containing a huge chunk of Kryptonite rock. Clark attempts to summon his robots but the jamming device holds them at bay. Superman now realizes that his only hope is the Superman emergency squad from Kandor. They frequently monitor Superman's activities and they see that he is in need of assistance. They receive Clark's instructions to bring a can of green paint as they arrive at the scene with Supergirl. Upon arriving, they cover the Kryptonite rock with the paint which contains lead. The lead renders the Kryptonite harmless and Clark recovers. He then asks Supergirl and the Superman emergency squad to assist him in convincing Kiley that his Superman demonstration was just an illusion brought on by the medication he used to slow his heart. Supergirl and the tiny Supermen put on a show that leaves Kiley and his gang convinced that they are hallucinating. The Anti Superman gang is arrested leaving Superman to conclude that he must utilize the Superman Emergency Squad more often in the future.

Appearing in Superman: "The War Between Supergirl and the Superman Emergency Squad!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for Supergirl: "Supergirl's Three Super-Girlfriends!"

While spending time with the other girls in the orphanage in her civilian guise of Linda Lee, Supergirl becomes upset that she doesn't have any female friends whom she can confide in. Switching to her Supergirl identity when she receives a call, she meets Saturn Girl of the Legion of Super-Heroes, along with two other newer Legion members, Phantom Girl and Triplicate Girl who have come to the 20th Century to cheer Supergirl up.

They take her back to the 30th Century and invite her to join the Legion, and introduce her to the other new members: Shrinking Violet, Sun Boy, Bouncing Boy and Brainiac 5 -- The latter being the descendant of Superman's old foe Brainiac. After partaking in the Legion of Super-Heroes' parade, Supergirl prepares to return to her own time, when Brainiac 5 asks her to stay and be his girlfriend. Supergirl politely declines because she has to return to her own time.

Back in the 20th century, Supergirl is contacted by Lori Lemaris and Jerro to test out a new force field they hope will protect Supergirl from harmful Kryptonite rays. The device works, however when Supergirl tries to throw the Kryptonite into space she scares off Krypto. burying the Kryptonite on a distant planet and returning home, Supergirl's force field device is damaged by a meteor and Lori is unable to repair it. When Supergirl returns to the orphanage as Linda Lee, the girls tease her when she is forced to lie to them and tell them she has no boyfriend, when in reality she has two admirers in both Brainiac 5 and Jerro.

Appearing in Supergirl: "Supergirl's Three Super-Girlfriends!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Superman (Flashback only)
  • Jerro
  • Krypto
  • Frankie Hudson (Single appearance)
  • Achilles
    The subject of this article has been mentioned only and never actually shown in a comic book or on-screen. Despite their lack of physical appearances, information about them might still be relevant or interesting or at least worthy of documentation. Anything known about them is to be considered second-hand information.
  • King Richard the Lion-hearted
    The subject of this article has been mentioned only and never actually shown in a comic book or on-screen. Despite their lack of physical appearances, information about them might still be relevant or interesting or at least worthy of documentation. Anything known about them is to be considered second-hand information.
  • King Arthur
    The subject of this article has been mentioned only and never actually shown in a comic book or on-screen. Despite their lack of physical appearances, information about them might still be relevant or interesting or at least worthy of documentation. Anything known about them is to be considered second-hand information.






See Also

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