Action Comics #1061 is an issue of the series Action Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of March, 2024. It was published on January 9, 2024.
Synopsis for "I, Bizarro Part One"
The Bizarro of Earth 29 attacks Zerox and rampages through the planet, having already forgotten why he went there. The War Wizards of Zerox gather to oppose Bizarro and he charges at them, declaring in Bizarro-speak that he hates magic even more than Superman. The sorcerors blast him with their most powerful spells, but he harmlessly absorbs the magical energy: magic is one of Superman's weaknesses, so magic makes Bizarro stronger.
Three weeks later, Bizarro arrives on Earth carrying a sack. Superman flies up and tells him in Bizarro-speak that he wants to help him, but Bizarro replies that Superman thinks he is "smart", i.e. stupid, and punches him all the way to Venus, a level of strength that Bizarro has never shown before. Bizarro swoops in and tackles him into space, declaring that he is "the same". They crash on Pluto and Bizarro freezes Superman in place with his Arctic Vision. Superman breaks free, but Bizarro has already returned to Earth.
Using a collection of magical artifacts from across the Multiverse, Bizarro begins casting a powerful spell in the air above Metropolis. Superman flies in and tries to stop him, but Bizarro's magic means he has the upper hand. As they fight, Bizarro rants in Bizarro-language that he is alone and Bizarro world is lost. Superman disrupts the spell by blasting one of the objects with his heat vision and Bizarro ties him up in magical bonds. Bizarro batters Superman and then casts a spell which allows him to talk normally. He tells Superman that he can't find his way home and has nobody and no purpose in life. He wanted to die but found Sorcerer's World, where the magic he absorbed allowed him to see new possibilities. Superman says the magic has changed him and tells Bizarro he is a good man, but Bizarro replies that Superman is a good man while Bizarro is his opposite, revealing that he slaughtered the population of Zerox.
Bizarro punches Superman away and returns to the spell. Superman is forced to abandon Bizarro to catch a falling news helicopter, allowing him to complete the spell. Superman safely returns the helicopter to the ground and flies back up, where Bizarro has created a massive vortex of magical energy. Bizarro is sucked into the vortex and Superman tries to pull him out, but the vortex rips Bizarro apart. He says "Hello... Superman", and dies weeping.
Superman returns to Earth and meets Lois on the roof of the Daily Planet. She asks him to get himself checked out by a magic user and Superman says he will once he's sure Bizarro's spell didn't do anything. He also reveals that Barry Allen confirms that Earth 29 has vanished, apparently destroyed by a multiversal upheaval.
Around the city, people get sudden intense headaches, including Superman. He suddenly realises that the spell which let Bizarro speak normally had worn off just as he died, so when he appeared to be crying, he was actually laughing. The people of Metropolis transform into Bizarros and start rampaging through the city. Superman starts laughing uncontrollably and Lois, now a Bizarro herself, says "Goodbye... Bizarro Number One".
Appearing in "I, Bizarro Part One"
Featured Characters:
- Superman/Bizarro Number One (Clark Kent) (Also as merchandise) (Transformed) (First appearance as Bizarro Number One)
Supporting Characters:
- Bibbo Bibbowski (Transformed)
- Jimmy Olsen
- Lois Lane (Transformed)
- Bizarro (Earth 29) (Apparent death)
Other Characters:
- Ace o' Clubs clients
- Georgie (Single appearance) (Transformed)
- Action News
- Super-Chopper Crew (First appearance)
- Bizarros
- War Wizards of Zerox (Single appearance)
- Sorceress Graves (Single appearance; dies)
- Sorcerer Ponderous (Single appearance; dies)
- Sorcerer Throwback (Single appearance; dies)
- Arion (Mentioned only)
- Bizarro (Mentioned only)
- Boyzarro (Earth 29) (Mentioned only)
- Doctor Fate (Khalid Nassour) (Mentioned only)
- The Flash (Barry Allen) (Mentioned only)
- God (Mentioned only)
- Hunger Dogs (Mentioned only)
- Imps (Fifth Dimension) (Mentioned only)
- Jon Kent (Mentioned only)
- Lizardmen (Mentioned only)
- Loiz (Earth 29) (Mentioned only)
- Martian Manhunter (Mentioned only)
- The Multiversal Cartographers (Mentioned only)
- S.T.A.R. Labs (Mentioned only)
- Zatanna (Mentioned only)
- Multiverse (Behind the scenes)
- Orrery of Worlds (Behind the scenes)
- Earth 0
- Solar System
- Earth
- United States of America
- Metropolis
- Ace o' Clubs
- Daily Planet
- Supercorp Tower (Cameo)
- Park Ridge (Mentioned only)
- Suicide Slum (Mentioned only)
- Smallville (Mentioned only)
- Metropolis
- Skartaris (Mentioned only)
- United States of America
- Jupiter (Cameo)
- Moons of Jupiter (Cameo)
- Pluto
- Saturn (Cameo)
- The Sun (Cameo)
- Venus (Cameo)
- Earth
- Zerox
- Solar System
- Earth 29 (Mentioned only)
- Htrae/Bizarro World (Mentioned only)
- Earth 0
- Antimatter Universe (Mentioned only)
- Qward (Mentioned only)
- Antimatter Gardens (Mentioned only)
- Qward (Mentioned only)
- Fifth Dimension (Mentioned only)
- Sphere of the Gods
- Apokolips (Mentioned only)
- Armagetto (Mentioned only)
- The Dreaming
- Gemworld (Mentioned only)
- Apokolips (Mentioned only)
- Orrery of Worlds (Behind the scenes)
- Amulet of Worlds (Mentioned only)
- Hunger Dog Tears
- Imp Tongue
- Qwardian Wolfsbane Petals
- Action News Super-Chopper (First appearance) (Destroyed)
- This story reveals that Earth 29 is currently missing as a consequence of one of the recent Crisis.
- Given that the Dark Crisis didn't alter the structure of the already existing realities, Bizarro may refer to the Last Metal War which involved the recreation of the Multiverse in the aftermath of its destruction.[1]
- Clark saying that Barry is working with the Multiversal Cartographers is a nod to the events of Dark Crisis: Big Bang #1 where he was shown describing the current state of the Multiverse.
See Also