DC Database

"The Golden Age, Part Two": Superman and Superboy attempt to provide assistance to a S.T.A.R. Labs research satellite, which has been attacked by the monsters from beyond the breach. During the battle, Superman is left severely injured and one of the S.T.A.R. Labs scientists explained that the b

Quote1 That's enough, Clark. It was my own damned fault. Listen, Clark: there's a golden age when every kid knows their parents are indestructible. That we always know what the right thing is. We let you see us that way, so you feel... safe, I guess. Safe enough to take risks, figure out your limits. That's how a kid's supposed to feel. But everybody falls, Clark. And that's okay. Someday your kids'll see you fall. And that'll be okay, too. Quote2
— Jonathan Kent

Action Comics #1029 is an issue of the series Action Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of May, 2021. It was published on March 23, 2021.

Synopsis for "The Golden Age, Part Two"

Superman and Superboy attempt to provide assistance to a S.T.A.R. Labs research satellite, which has been attacked by the monsters from beyond the breach. During the battle, Superman is left severely injured and one of the S.T.A.R. Labs scientists explained that the breach from which the monsters are coming will have to be closed from the other side. The scientists admit that it was S.T.A.R. Labs that opened the breach in the first place, but only as an accident. Once Amanda Waller caught wind of the project, she told S.T.A.R. Labs to continue studying to breach because of its effects on Superman.

According to the scientists, the singularity cannon they have been using on the breach has an independent energy source that can ben taken deep into the breach and used to close it permanently. Superman offers to do the mission, but Superboy sees that his father is injured and offers to go in his father's place. He tells Superman that, according to history books from the 31st century, this is the day Superman will die. While the exact details are unknown, the battle at the breach was one of the last documented incidents Superman was a part of, and according to Superboy, the creatures from the breach will kill Superman. Superboy begs his father to say behind, but Superman refuses and says that he still has been saving the world for a long time and he is a long way from done.

Working together, Superman and Superboy detach the singularity cannon from its power source and race towards the breach, fighting anyone in their way. Superman suffers multiple injuries during the battle, but Superboy protects his father and weakens the creatures long enough to take the energy source into the breach. Superboy then detonates the power source, seals the breach and reunites with his father.

Back on Earth, Superman apologizes for letting his son down. He was so focused on the mission that he didn't take his son's feelings into consideration. That said, he is proud for the way Superboy handled himself and maybe, Superman's days of usefulness are coming to an end. Superboy doesn't understand how did Superman survived, as the history books from the 31st century stated that this would be the day Superman would die and Superman believes that he survived because Superboy was there.

Superboy is still worried, however, and asks his father how he is supposed to be ready when his father is no longer there to guide him. Superman tells Superboy a story about his grandfather Jonathan. Back when Clark was a teenager, Jonathan was trying to paint the barn but he fell off his ladder. Clark, worried about his father, tried to make up some excuse, like it was a windy day, but Jonathan steadily admitted that it was his own fault that he fell off. Jonathan explained to Clark that parents let their children believe they are invincible so that their children can feel safe and test their own limits, but sooner or later, that golden age ends. Parents will fall and get hurt and children will see that they are human, just like everybody else. However, that doesn't have to be a bad thing, because children step out of their parents' golden age, they will understand they are ready to begin their own lives. With the mission over, Superman expresses faith that, when he is no longer around, Superboy will be fine on his own.

Meanwhile, on a faraway planet, a group of aliens watches the Kents' battle with the creatures from the breach. The aliens observe that Superman is growing weaker while Superboy is growing stronger. While the aliens wonder whether or not beings as powerful as Superman and Superboy can die; their leader, Mongul, proclaims that all who live must die.

Appearing in "The Golden Age, Part Two"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters: Locations:


  • Singularity Cannon


Synopsis for "The Passenger, Part One"

Appearing in "The Passenger, Part One"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • The Solution (book) (On a TV or computer screen)



See Also

Links and References
