DC Database

"Metropolis Doom!": Metropolis stands in ruin. Superman has been heavily injured in his battle with Lex Luthor and his Legion of Doom, but Batman and Wonder Woman help him stand back up. Lex gloats his victory over Superman, who promises to surrender if Luthor spares Metropolis from further dama

Quote1 You know, the bare minimum requirement of the job of a reporter. Quote2
— Superman (Clark Kent)

Action Comics #1017 is an issue of the series Action Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of January, 2020. It was published on November 27, 2019.

Synopsis for "Metropolis Doom!"

Metropolis stands in ruin. Superman has been heavily injured in his battle with Lex Luthor and his Legion of Doom, but Batman and Wonder Woman help him stand back up. Lex gloats his victory over Superman, who promises to surrender if Luthor spares Metropolis from further damage. Lex refuses, as he wants a genuine surrender from Superman.

Yesterday was just another day for the people of Metropolis. Clark had agreed to interview Marisol Leone, who was having a hard time talking about herself. Perry and Jimmy listen to the interview from outside Leone's office but suddenly, a giant streak of fire flies across the city, dodging buildings along the way. Clark is forced to abandon the interview and address the emergency.

As Superman attempts to grab the fireball, he tells Kelex to prepare the Fortress of Solitude's A.I. to analyze, but before anything can be done, the fireball engulfs Superman in a blue light and teleports him right into Gorilla City, where he is surrounded by gorilla soldiers. Superman apologizes for the sudden intrusion, but the soldiers reveal to Superman he wasn't brought to Gorilla City by accident, and that it was an ambush and the people of Gorilla City no longer consider Superman an ally. The soldiers attack Superman, forcing the Man of Steel to defend himself.

Sometime later, the Daily Planet staff plans their next move until Clark returns to his desk and begins to write a new story, remaining silent the whole time. Noticing Clark's behavior, Perry and Jimmy think something bad must have happened to him. Perry tells Leone that Lois is still working in a secret project while Robinson Goode has been missing for 3 days. Trish Q gets a message from her phone that the Ace Club has been destroyed. Sure enough, Clark catches a glimpse of an explosion with his telescopic vision and rushes off to help.

Superman arrives at the destroyed Ace Club and helps Melody Moore and her firefighters in restoring order. Melody says the mayor of Metropolis was seen at the Ace Club and it might have something to do with the club's destruction. She asks Superman to tell Clark to call her.

Sometime later, Superman visits Lois at her apartment and they share their suspicions about recent events. Leviathan technology was used to both teleport Superman to Gorilla City and destroy the Ace Club, which had been used by the Invisible Mafia as their headquarters. That must mean that Leviathan and the Invisible Mafia are at war with each other, with Metropolis as their battlefield. Husband and wife wonder why would Leviathan be interested in Metropolis and why exactly does Metropolis' criminal element have to offer Leviathan, until they come to the only logical conclusion: Lex Luthor.

In the present, Superman and Lex continue their battle as Trish Q publishes her newest story.

Appearing in "Metropolis Doom!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


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See Also

Links and References
