Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki

HP (or Health) is the amount of damage a Cookie can take. If their HP reaches 0, they will be defeated.

HP can be restored by Healing effects given from skills, Treasures, and other various effects. After being defeated, the Cookie can be revived from a certain effect, putting them back onto the battlefield with a predetermined amount of HP.

Max HP is the related attribute to HP, the current maximum HP of a Cookie. If the Max HP of a Cookie is changed (such as being increased or reduced), the current HP will scale to match the same percentage of total HP. Max HP is also used as scaling for Shields.

Status Max HP Up Increasing[]


Cookie Effect Duration
Passive (if Duskgloom Hatred Skill icon Duskgloom Hatred is unlocked)
Black Pearl Cookie Black Pearl Cookie
★2A Effect
Increases own Max HP by 5%.
Burning Spice Cookie Burning Spice Cookie
Status Revelry of FlamesStatus Undispellable Buff Revelry of Flames
Increases Max HP of Fire-type Cookies by 50%.
Caramel Choux Cookie Caramel Choux Cookie
Status Friendly HelperStatus Undispellable Buff Friendly Helper
Increases all allies' Max HP by 11000.
Until defeat
Cloud Haetae Cookie Cloud Haetae Cookie
Status LoyaltyStatus Undispellable Buff Haetae's Loyalty
Increases own Max HP by 100% if Mystic Flour Cookie Mystic Flour Cookie is in the team.
Crimson Coral Cookie Crimson Coral Cookie
Status Coral ArmorStatus Undispellable Buff Coral Armor
If she is the only Cookie at the front line, increases all allies' Max HP by 15%.
Until defeat
Dark Cacao Cookie (Dragon Lord) Dark Cacao Cookie (Dragon Lord)
Kingly Presence
Increases own HP by 25%
Passive (if Eternal Frost Skill icon Eternal Frost is unlocked)
Frost Queen Cookie Frost Queen Cookie
★1A Effect
Increases own Max HP by 5%.
Hollyberry skill
Oath on the Shield

Hollyberry Cookie Hollyberry Cookie
Status Seed of LifeStatus Undispellable Buff Seed of Life
Upon receiving a CRIT Hit, increases own Max HP (up to x15) by 5% (75%).
Mercurial Knight Cookie Mercurial Knight Cookie
Silver Knighthood
If Silverbell Cookie Silverbell Cookie is on the team, increases the Max HP of the following Cookies for the entire battle:
Mercurial Knight Cookie Mercurial Knight Cookie
Mercury Storm
Upon reaching x60 stacks of Status AmalgamationStatus Undispellable Buff Amalgamation, increases own Max HP by 25%.
Passive (if Twinkling Starry Sky Skill icon Twinkling Starry Sky is unlocked)
Moonlight Cookie Moonlight Cookie
★1A Effect
Increases own Max HP by 5%.
Mystic Flour Cookie Mystic Flour Cookie
Increases own Max HP by 13% if there are no Safeguarded Cookies in the team. -
Okchun Cookie Okchun Cookie
Status Okchun GiftStatus Undispellable Buff Okchun Gift
Increases all allies' Max HP by 5000.
Until defeat
Pinecone skill
Pinecone Bomb

Pinecone Cookie Pinecone Cookie
While on the Tree Golem, increases own Max HP by 200%. 15s
Passive (if Tidal Wave Skill icon Tidal Wave is unlocked)
Sea Fairy Cookie Sea Fairy Cookie
★4A Effect
Increases own Max HP by 5%.
Shadow Milk Cookie Shadow Milk Cookie
Increases own Max HP by 30%.

Power of Deceit
Increases own Max HP by 55% after exiting Shadow Form.
Smoked Cheese Cookie Smoked Cheese Cookie
Protector of the Golden City
Increases Burnt Cheese Cookie Burnt Cheese Cookie's Max HP by 31% if Golden Cheese Cookie Golden Cheese Cookie is in the team.
Star coral skill
Twinkling Coral

Star Coral Cookie Star Coral Cookie
Status Star Coral Star Coral
Increases all allies' Max HP by 15%
Stormbringer Cookie Stormbringer Cookie
Status SuperchargeStatus Undispellable Buff Supercharge
If total CRIT% exceeds 30%, each 1% to her CRIT% increases own Max HP by 5% (capped at 250%) and other Electricity-type allies' Max HP by 2.5% (capped at 125%).
Werewolf skill

Werewolf Cookie Werewolf Cookie
While transformed, increases own Max HP by 20%. 10s
Wind Archer Cookie Wind Archer Cookie
Increases own Max HP by 30%. -


3 Treasures match the category selection (Max HP Increase):

Treasure Effect Rarity Type
Treasure durianeer's squeaky flamingo tube
Durianeer's Squeaky Flamingo Tube
(Undispellable) Increases the two highest Max HP allies' Status Max HP UpStatus Undispellable Buff Max HP by 35~100%. Epic Passive treasure
Treasure great sage's gem
Great Sage's Gem
(Undispellable) Increases all allied Cookies' Status DMG DownStatus Undispellable Buff DMG Resist by 15%. Whenever an ally gains Status ImmortalityStatus Undispellable Buff Immortality, they are permanently granted the Status Great Sage's GemStatus Undispellable Buff Great Sage's Gem buff, increasing their ATK by 20%, DMG Resist by 15%, and Max HP by 35~75% (triggers once for up to 3 Cookies per battle). Additionally, their HP is Status Healing restored for 5~10% of Max HP every 4 sec (infinite duration) and gain an Status HP Shield HP Shield absorbing DMG equal to 20% of Max HP for 4 sec. Epic Passive treasure
Treasure ice-cold energy drink
Ice-cold Energy Drink
(Undispellable) Upon activation, Status Healing heals the current lowest HP ally for 15~30% of their Max HP and grants Status Energy OverflowStatus Undispellable Buff Energy Overflow for 8 sec, increasing Max HP by 20% and makes them more resistant to Movement-impairing Effects. Special Active treasure


Landmark Effect
Landmark flower garden
Morning Dew Garden
Increases all Cookies' HP by 5-10%.
Ominous Cake Tower
Ominous Cake Tower
Increases all Cookies' HP by 5-35%.
Eternal Hero Memorial
Eternal Hero Memorial
Increases all Ancient Cookies' HP by 1-20%.


HP-scaled Damage[]

Certain attacks or effects from Cookies scale based on the user or the enemy Cookie's Max HP. Most of these effects have separate damage values against non-Cookie enemies.

There are also two types of HP-scaling: Normal and True (or Fixed). Normal relative DMG scales on the enemy's Max HP and can be reduced like normal, while True relative DMG scales on Max HP as well, but cannot be reduced.

User HP[]

Cookie Effect Type
Burning spice skill
Tyrant's Wrath

Burning Spice Cookie Burning Spice Cookie
Tyrant's Wrath
Deals 5.5% True DMG to himself to activate his Transformation
Elder faerie skill
Guardian's Valor

Elder Faerie Cookie Elder Faerie Cookie
Attacks all targets dealing 22.8% DMG based on his own Max HP.

Deals 63.8% area DMG to all targets based on his own Max HP.
Financier skill
Paladin Protection

Financier Cookie Financier Cookie
Status Light's ShieldStatus Undispellable Buff Light's Shield
After 5s or its capacity depletes, attacks the targets that dealt DMG to the Shield, dealing 50% True DMG based on the Light Shield's received DMG.
Werewolf mc skill
Lone Hunter

Werewolf Cookie Werewolf Cookie
After the skill duration, attacks all targets in range dealing 30~71.5% DMG based on his own Max HP. Normal
Wildberry skill
Wild Punch

Wildberry Cookie Wildberry Cookie
At the end of Battle Rage, unleashes a Final Blow dealing 10.0% (150.0%) of own Max HP as damage for each stack of Status WildStatus Undispellable Buff Wild accumulated (up to x15). Normal

Enemy HP[]

Cookie Effect Type
Black lemonade skill
Electrifying Rock!

Black Lemonade Cookie Black Lemonade Cookie
Attacks the highest HP target, dealing an additional 25.7%-49.6% DMG to Cookie targets based on their Max HP.

Stronger Regular Attacks
For 5s after using the skill, attacks the highest HP target, dealing an additional 48% DMG to Cookie targets based on their Max HP.
Black pearl skill
Duskgloom's Sovereign

Black Pearl Cookie Black Pearl Cookie
Attacks all targets in range for x10 hits, each hit dealing an additional 6.3% (63%) DMG to Cookie targets based on their Max HP.
Black pearl skill
Duskgloom's Sovereign

Black Pearl Cookie Black Pearl Cookie
Status Terror of the Abyss Terror of the Abyss
If a carrier has this debuff dispelled and they are a Cookie, they receive 9.5% True DMG based on their Max HP.
Black pearl cj skill
Duskgloom Hatred

Black Pearl Cookie Black Pearl Cookie
Attacks all targets in range for x14 hits, each hit dealing an additional 6.3% (88.2%) DMG to Cookie targets based on their Max HP.
Blueberry pie skill
Cursed Tome

Blueberry Pie Cookie Blueberry Pie Cookie
Sealed Power
Upon reaching x7 stacks of Status Greed Greed, attacks all targets in range for x6 hits, each hit dealing an additional 0.95% True DMG to Cookie targets based on their Max HP.
Burning spice skill
Tyrant's Wrath

Burning Spice Cookie Burning Spice Cookie
Tyrant's Wrath
Deals 1.1% True DMG to Cookie targets based on their Max HP.
Caramel arrow skill
Arrow of Resolution

Caramel Arrow Cookie Caramel Arrow Cookie
After the ranged attack duration, attacks every target that has an Status Arrow Mark Arrow Mark (up to x12), dealing DMG per stack based on their Max HP:
  • Cookies: 22.1% (265.2%)
  • Others: 2.2% (26.4%)
Choco drizzle skill
Choco Penumbra

Choco Drizzle Cookie Choco Drizzle Cookie
Drizzle Strike
Deals 3% True DMG to the Cookie target with a Status Penumbral MarkStatus Undispellable Debuff Penumbral Mark on skill usage.

Drizzle Strike (Weakness)
Once the target's HP falls below 35%, immediately deals 5% True DMG to the enemy.
Clotted cream skill
Consul's Orders

Clotted Cream Cookie Clotted Cream Cookie
Status Light CageStatus Undispellable Debuff Light Cage
Applied to the highest Max HP target; After 4.8s, deals additional DMG to the target based on their Max HP:
  • Cookies: 89.9% DMG
  • Others: 1.3% DMG
Clotted cream skill
Consul's Orders

Clotted Cream Cookie Clotted Cream Cookie
Status Light CageStatus Undispellable Debuff Light Cage
Applied to the highest Max HP target; After 4.8s, deals an additional 20% True DMG to the Cookie target based on their Max HP.
Espresso mc skill
Perfect Extraction

Espresso Cookie Espresso Cookie
Final hit deals an additional 3.6% True DMG to Cookies based on their Max HP. True
Golden cheese skill
Brilliance of the Absolute

Golden Cheese Cookie Golden Cheese Cookie
Spear of the Absolute
After attacking the main target, deals 3.5% True DMG to surrounding Cookies based on their Max HP.
Awakened golden cheese skill
Radiance of the Immortal

Golden Cheese Cookie (Immortal) Golden Cheese Cookie (Immortal)
Immortal's Retribution
Single-target DMG
Deals 6%-11.5% True DMG to the main Cookie target based on their Max HP.

Explosion DMG
Deals 3.5% True DMG to surrounding Cookies based on their Max HP.
Licorice mc skill
Licorice Curse

Licorice Cookie Licorice Cookie
Licorice Servants' regular attacks deal an additional 15% DMG to Cookies based on their Max HP. Normal
Madeleine mc skill
Power of the Light

Madeleine Cookie Madeleine Cookie
Unleashed Light
Attacks all targets in range, dealing an additional 3% True DMG to Cookies based on their Max HP.
Mercurial knight skill
Mercurial Knight's Oath

Mercurial Knight Cookie Mercurial Knight Cookie
Mercury Glaive
For 8s after using the skill, regular attacks hit all targets in range dealing an additional 15.3% DMG to Cookies based on their Max HP.

Final Strike
After the skill duration, attacks all targets in range dealing an additional 58.8% (1176%) DMG to Cookies based on their Max HP per stack of Status Mercury Poisoning Mercury Poisoning (up to x20).
Milk mc skill
Noble Resolution

Milk Cookie Milk Cookie
Status Noble ResolutionStatus Undispellable Buff Noble Resolution
For each stack (up to x3), regular attacks deal an additional 1/1.25/1.5% (3/3.75/4.5%) True DMG to Cookies based on their Max HP.
Moonlight skill
Dream of the Night Sky

Moonlight Cookie Moonlight Cookie
Attacks all targets in range over x10 hits, each hit dealing an additional 5.5% (55%) DMG to Cookies based on their Max HP.
Moonlight skill
Dream of the Night Sky

Moonlight Cookie Moonlight Cookie
Attacks all targets in range, dealing an additional 3% True DMG to Cookies based on their Max HP.
Red osmanthus skill
The Pipa's Song

Red Osmanthus Cookie Red Osmanthus Cookie
During her Transformation, every instance of CRIT DMG causes her attack to be amplified, dealing 33.5% DMG to Cookies based on their Max HP. Normal
Sea fairy cj skill
Tidal Wave
(Enhanced +30)

Sea Fairy Cookie Sea Fairy Cookie
Tidal Wave
Attacks all targets in range for x3 hits, each hit dealing an additional 4% (12%) True DMG to Cookies based on their Max


Shadow milk skill
Act 1: Lies

Shadow Milk Cookie Shadow Milk Cookie
Puppet Show
Puppet Show Target
Deals 12.5% (187.5%) DMG to Cookies based on their Max HP every 0.25 sec for 3.75 sec over x15 hits.
Shadow milk skill
Act 1: Lies

Shadow Milk Cookie Shadow Milk Cookie
Puppet Show
Grand Finale Target
Deals 12% DMG to Cookies based on their Max HP.
Sorbet shark skill
Shark Splash

Sorbet Shark Cookie Sorbet Shark Cookie
After attacking all targets in range, two highest Max HP Cookie targets receive an additional 18~33% True DMG based on their Max HP. True
Tea knight mc skill
Knight's Virtue

Tea Knight Cookie Tea Knight Cookie
Regular Attack
Attacks all nearby targets, dealing an additional 1/2/3% True DMG to Cookies based on their Max HP.

Skill Attack
Attacks the nearest target, dealing an additional 10% True DMG to Cookies based on their Max HP.
White lily skill
Lily Bud

White Lily Cookie White Lily Cookie
Lily Bud
Attacks all targets in range for x3 hits, each hit dealing an additional 22.5% (67.5%) DMG to Cookies based on their Max HP.

Loss Prevention[]

HP loss can be prevented depending on certain effects.


Cookie Method Effect Duration
Cookie burning spice card
Burning Spice Cookie
When defeated for the first time, instead gain Status ImmortalityStatus Undispellable Buff Immortality for a duration.
Cookie capsaicin card
Capsaicin Cookie
When defeated for the first time, instead gain Status ImmortalityStatus Undispellable Buff Immortality for a duration.
Cookie fettuccine card
Fettuccine Cookie
When defeated for the first time, instead gain Status ImmortalityStatus Undispellable Buff Immortality for a duration.
Cookie vampire card
Vampire Cookie
Vampire mc skill
Fatal Bite
After being defeated, revives and is granted Status InvulnerableStatus Undispellable Buff Invulnerable.


2 Treasures match the category selection (Invulnerable Buff):

Treasure Effect Rarity Type
Treasure insignia of the indomitable knights
Insignia of the Indomitable Knights
Status Healing Restores 20~30% of every Cookie's Max HP each time an allied Cookie is defeated. When the last remaining non-Safeguarded allied Cookie on the team takes fatal damage, they instead block that damage and gain Status InvulnerableStatus Undispellable Buff Invulnerable for 6~9 sec, removing all debuffs from them and becoming immune to damage. This effect cannot trigger before any skill effects that trigger on a Cookie's defeat. Epic Passive treasure
Treasure jelly worm's sticky goo
Jelly Worm's Sticky Goo
(Undispellable) Upon activation, grants Status InvulnerableStatus Undispellable Buff Invulnerable to the lowest HP Cookie for 2~5 sec. Epic Active treasure
v ⬩ e
Battle Mechanics
Damage ⬩ DMG Enhance ⬩ Healing ⬩ Intangibility ⬩ Interrupting effect ⬩ Movement-impairing effect ⬩ Passive ⬩ Safeguarded ⬩ Skill (Transformation) ⬩ Summoned Creature ⬩ Tactical Skill ⬩ Targeting ⬩ Undispellable effect ⬩ Vulnerability
Cookie Beascuits ⬩ Cookie Order ⬩ Cookie Type ⬩ Magic Candy (Crystal Jam) ⬩ Toppings
Stage Beckoning Dreams & Dream of Doom ⬩ Crystalline Radiance ⬩ Underwater Domain ⬩ Data Corruption & Data Copy ⬩ Spore Dispersal ⬩ Paper Storm ⬩ Anguish ⬩ Power of Apathy ⬩ Apathy ⬩ Yin and Yang ⬩ Land of Spice ⬩ Battlefield of Frenzy ⬩ Forces of Abundance ⬩ Confusion ⬩ Domain of Deceit
Stats Basic: HP ⬩ ATK ⬩ DEF ⬩ CRIT (Chance ⬩ DMG ⬩ Resist) ⬩ Cooldown
Advanced: ATK SPD ⬩ DMG Resist ⬩ Amplify Buff ⬩ Debuff Resist
Hidden: MOV SPD ⬩ Weight ⬩ Range
Elements Light ElementLight ⬩ Poison ElementPoison ⬩ Fire ElementFire ⬩ Water ElementWater ⬩ Earth ElementEarth ⬩ Ice ElementIce ⬩ Electricity ElementElectricity ⬩ Darkness ElementDarkness ⬩ Wind ElementWind
Status Effects Buffs: Current Charge ⬩ DMG Focus ⬩ Earth's Protection ⬩ Immortality ⬩ Immunity ⬩ Purify ⬩ Shield ⬩ Tailwind
Debuffs: Amplify Debuff ⬩ Consuming Darkness ⬩ Curse ⬩ Dampen Buff ⬩ Dispel ⬩ Frost ⬩ Injury
Crowd Control: Charm ⬩ Fear ⬩ Freeze ⬩ Polymorph ⬩ Shackles ⬩ Silence ⬩ Sleep ⬩ Stun ⬩ Taunt
Periodic Damage: Burn ⬩ Corruption ⬩ Poison ⬩ Vampiric Bite ⬩ Zap