Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki

Critical Hit Chance (abbreviated in-game as CRIT% or CRIT Chance) determines the probability of an attack to critically hit and deal critical damage.

The base CRIT% for most Cookies is 5%.

Status CRIT Chance Up Increasing Chance[]

Cookie Method Effect Duration
Cookie alchemist card
Alchemist Cookie
Alchemist skill
Unstable Formula
Chance to increase own CRIT% by 30%.
Cookie blackberry card
Blackberry Cookie
Blackberry skill
Ghost Servants
Increases all allies' CRIT% by 20%.
Cookie black pearl card
Black Pearl Cookie
Black pearl cj skill
Duskgloom Hatred
At Max Hatred, increases own CRIT% by 3.0%.
Cookie blueberry pie card
Blueberry Pie Cookie
Blueberry pie mc skill
Secrets of the Tome
Grants Electricity ElementElectricity-type Cookies Status Current Charge Current Charge, increasing their CRIT% by 10%.
Cookie burning spice card
Burning Spice Cookie
Burning spice skill
Tyrant's Wrath
Status Enrage Enrage
For every stack of Enrage, increases own CRIT% (up to x5) by 3.5% (17.5%).
Until Fire Pit
Status Revelry of FlamesStatus Undispellable Buff Revelry of Flames
Increases own CRIT% by 3.5% for every Status BurnElement Fire Burned target in the area, capped at 50%.
Beast Passive: Firestorm
Increases all allies' CRIT% by 5%
Cookie camellia card
Camellia Cookie
Camellia skill
Battle Scene Painting
Increases all allies' CRIT% by 20.0%.
Cookie caramel arrow card
Caramel Arrow Cookie
Caramel arrow mc skill
Finality of Resolution
Whenever a ranged attack hits a target with Status Consuming Darkness Consuming Darkness, increases own CRIT% (up to x3) by 7.0% (21.0%).
Cookie carol card
Carol Cookie
Carol skill
Magic Songs
Increases all allies' CRIT% by 15%.
Cookie choco drizzle card
Choco Drizzle Cookie
Team Drizzle
Increases own CRIT% by 10% if Pudding à la Mode Cookie Pudding à la Mode Cookie and Green Tea Mousse Cookie Green Tea Mousse Cookie are in the team.
Cookie cream ferret card
Cream Ferret Cookie
Cream ferret skill
Snuggly Ferret
Increases all allies' CRIT% by 20%.
Cookie cream puff card
Cream Puff Cookie
Passive (if Extra Cream Skill icon Extra Cream is unlocked)
Increases own CRIT% by 10~25%.
Cookie crunchy chip card
Crunchy Chip Cookie
Has an additional 5% base CRIT%.
Cookie frilled jellyfish card
Frilled Jellyfish Cookie
Frilled jellyfish mc skill
Snare of the Deep
Increases all allies' CRIT% by 15%
Frilled jellyfish mc skill
Snare of the Deep
Increases all Water ElementWater-type allies' CRIT% by 25%/30%/35%
Cookie linzer card
Linzer Cookie
Linzer skill
The Culprit... is YOU!
Increases all allies' CRIT% by 15%.
Cookie macaron card
Macaron Cookie
Macaron skill
Mighty Macaron Parade
Increases all allies' CRIT% (up to x2) by 15.0% (30%).
Cookie mala sauce card
Mala Sauce Cookie
Mala sauce skill
Spicy Mala Strike
Increases CRIT% of two highest CRIT% allies by 25%.
Mala sauce mc skill
Flaming Mala
Instead grants all allies Status Spicy Mala Spicy Mala, increasing their CRIT% by 25%.
Cookie nutmeg tiger card
Nutmeg Tiger Cookie
Nutmeg tiger skill
The Great General
Summoned Rider: Burning Nutmeg
If defeated, increases Burning Spice Cookie Burning Spice Cookie's CRIT% by 7%.
Cookie okchun card
Okchun Cookie
Okchun skill
Okchun Pouch
Increases all allies' CRIT% by 15.0%.
Cookie oyster card
Oyster Cookie
Oyster skill
Might of House Oyster
Increases all allies' CRIT% by 16.5%.
Cookie pastry card
Pastry Cookie
Pastry skill
Battle Prayer
Increases all Wind ElementWind-type allies' CRIT% by 15%.
Cookie pitaya dragon card
Pitaya Dragon Cookie
Pitaya dragon skill
Draconic Bladestorm
Increases own CRIT% when using enhanced skill by 10%.
Cookie prophet card
Prophet Cookie
Prophet skill
Seven Prophecies
Increases CRIT% of two highest CRIT% allies by 17%.
Cookie pudding a la mode card
Pudding à la Mode Cookie
Pudding a la mode skill
Plasma Cannon
Increases all allies' CRIT% by 10%.
Cookie purple yam card
Purple Yam Cookie
Purple yam mc skill
Berserker's Fury
After receiving Status Berserker's FuryStatus Undispellable Buff Berserker's Fury (up to x4), increases own CRIT by 20% (80%).
See notes[1]
Cookie rebel card
Rebel Cookie
Rebel skill
Here, There, Everywhere!
Increases all allies' CRIT% by 15%.
Cookie rockstar card
Rockstar Cookie
Rockstar skill
Legend of Rock
Increases all allies' CRIT% by 7% for each +1% to his CRIT% in Toppings (capped at +35% CRIT%).
Cookie smoked cheese card
Smoked Cheese Cookie
Smoked cheese skill
Get Smoked!
Grants ally with the highest ATK Status Guardian's Return Guardian's Return, increasing their CRIT% by 12.5%.
Cookie sparkling card
Sparkling Cookie
Sparkling skill
Sparkling Cocktail
Increases all allies' CRIT% by 25%.
Cookie star coral card
Star Coral Cookie
Star coral skill
Twinkling Coral
Increases all allies' CRIT% by 17.5%.
Cookie street urchin card
Street Urchin Cookie
Street urchin skill
Ride or Crumble
Increases own CRIT% by 25%.
Cookie stormbringer card
Stormbringer Cookie
Has an additional 10% base CRIT%.
Cookie tea knight card
Tea Knight Cookie
Tea knight skill
Increases CRIT% of two highest CRIT% allies by 12%.
Cookie twizzly gummy card
Twizzly Gummy Cookie
Twizzly gummy mc skill
Blast from the Future
Grants Electricity ElementElectricity-type Cookies Status Current Charge Current Charge (stacks up to x2), increasing their CRIT% by 7.5% (15.0%).


6 Treasures match the category selection (CRIT% Increase):

Treasure Effect Rarity Type
Treasure bear jelly's lollipop
Bear Jelly's Lollipop
Upon activation, increases the highest ATK ally's Status ATK Up ATK and Status CRIT Chance Up CRIT% by 20~40% for 5 sec. Rare Active treasure
Treasure divine honey cream crown
Divine Honey Cream Crown
Upon activation, grants Status Divine Honey Cream CrownStatus Undispellable Buff Divine Honey Cream Crown to the highest ATK Cookie (stacks up to x1). The buff is consumed after the Cookie uses their skill, increasing Status CRIT Chance Up CRIT% by 6~40% and Status CRIT DMG Up CRIT DMG by 13.5~50% for 6 sec. Epic Active treasure
Treasure dream conductor's whistle
Dream Conductor's Whistle
(Undispellable) Increases all allies' Status CRIT Chance UpStatus Undispellable Buff CRIT% by 15%, and grants Status Dream WhistleStatus Undispellable Buff Dream Whistle to the two highest ATK Cookies, increasing their ATK by 30~40% and DMG Resist by 10~20%. Upon the defeat of an allied Cookie with Status Dream WhistleStatus Undispellable Buff Dream Whistle, Status Healing restores 30% of every Cookie's Max HP. Epic Passive treasure
Treasure grim-looking electrifying scythe
Grim-looking Electrifying Scythe
(Undispellable) Increases all Electricity ElementElectricity-type allies' Status CRIT Chance UpStatus Undispellable Buff CRIT% by 40~50%. Epic Passive treasure
Treasure grim-looking scythe
Grim-looking Scythe
(Undispellable) Increases all allies' Status CRIT Chance UpStatus Undispellable Buff CRIT% by 10~30%. Rare Passive treasure
Treasure twinkling starlight crown
Twinkling Starlight Crown
(Undispellable) Grants Status Magnificent CrownStatus Undispellable Buff Magnificent Crown to the highest ATK ally. Whenever the Cookie uses their skill, increases their Status CRIT Chance UpStatus Undispellable Buff CRIT% by 10~20% and their Status CRIT DMG UpStatus Undispellable Buff CRIT DMG by 20~50% for 10 sec. The Magnificent Crown buff will only move to another Cookie with the highest ATK if its recipient is defeated, or if a Cookie with higher ATK is either added to the team or revived. Epic Passive treasure


Landmark Effect
Landmark eerie haunted house
Eerie Haunted House
Increases all Cookies' CRIT% by 3-8%.

Status CRIT Chance Down Decreasing Chance[]

See also: Status Consuming Darkness Consuming Darkness


Cookie Method Effect Duration
Cookie golden cheese card
Golden Cheese Cookie
Golden cheese skill
Brilliance of the Absolute
Decreases all targets' CRIT% by 35%.
Cookie awakened golden cheese card
Golden Cheese Cookie (Immortal)
Awakened golden cheese skill
Radiance of the Immortal
Decreases all targets' CRIT% by 40%.


  1. ↑ Technically infinite; he gains the first stack as soon as the battle starts, and it only goes away for a few seconds once he gains Berserker's Spirit.
v ⬩ e
Battle Mechanics
Damage ⬩ DMG Enhance ⬩ Healing ⬩ Intangibility ⬩ Interrupting effect ⬩ Movement-impairing effect ⬩ Passive ⬩ Safeguarded ⬩ Skill (Transformation) ⬩ Summoned Creature ⬩ Tactical Skill ⬩ Targeting ⬩ Undispellable effect ⬩ Vulnerability
Cookie Beascuits ⬩ Cookie Order ⬩ Cookie Type ⬩ Magic Candy (Crystal Jam) ⬩ Toppings
Stage Beckoning Dreams & Dream of Doom ⬩ Crystalline Radiance ⬩ Underwater Domain ⬩ Data Corruption & Data Copy ⬩ Spore Dispersal ⬩ Paper Storm ⬩ Anguish ⬩ Power of Apathy ⬩ Apathy ⬩ Yin and Yang ⬩ Land of Spice ⬩ Battlefield of Frenzy ⬩ Forces of Abundance ⬩ Confusion ⬩ Domain of Deceit
Stats Basic: HP ⬩ ATK ⬩ DEF ⬩ CRIT (Chance ⬩ DMG ⬩ Resist) ⬩ Cooldown
Advanced: ATK SPD ⬩ DMG Resist ⬩ Amplify Buff ⬩ Debuff Resist
Hidden: MOV SPD ⬩ Weight ⬩ Range
Elements Light ElementLight ⬩ Poison ElementPoison ⬩ Fire ElementFire ⬩ Water ElementWater ⬩ Earth ElementEarth ⬩ Ice ElementIce ⬩ Electricity ElementElectricity ⬩ Darkness ElementDarkness ⬩ Wind ElementWind
Status Effects Buffs: Current Charge ⬩ DMG Focus ⬩ Earth's Protection ⬩ Immortality ⬩ Immunity ⬩ Purify ⬩ Shield ⬩ Tailwind
Debuffs: Amplify Debuff ⬩ Consuming Darkness ⬩ Curse ⬩ Dampen Buff ⬩ Dispel ⬩ Frost ⬩ Injury
Crowd Control: Charm ⬩ Fear ⬩ Freeze ⬩ Polymorph ⬩ Shackles ⬩ Silence ⬩ Sleep ⬩ Stun ⬩ Taunt
Periodic Damage: Burn ⬩ Corruption ⬩ Poison ⬩ Vampiric Bite ⬩ Zap