“ I have some other business to take care of at Camellia Cookie's orders. „
Cobalt Cookie (Simplified Chinese: 离青饼干, lí qīng bǐnggān, "Smalt Cookie"; Korean: 소마리청맛 쿠키, somalicheong-mat kuki, "Somali Blue Cookie") is an NPC who first appeared in the Perfumer's Quest update (v5.12).
Cobalt Cookie is a subordinate and close friend of Camellia Cookie who hails from outside of the Flower City. This dependable Cookie aids the Teahouse both in its business matters and in physically protecting its master. Despite his cold, humorless presence, he is prone to more emotional actions like spoiling Camellia Cookie's messenger pigeons with too many treats and stacking tangerines on capybaras' heads for no particular reason.
- Cobalt Cookie's Appearing Cookies section of The Flower City reads as such:
- Rumor has it that this cool, calm, and collected Cookie's heart and dough are even colder than his exterior.
- He shows no interest for most Cookies, except for the owner of the Teahouse.
- Although he is paid generously by Camellia Cookie, he runs out of coin quickly due to buying feed for the messenger pigeons...
- Carrying out missions alone is the most safest and most efficient option for him.
- This Cookie likes the darkness... as even the faintest glimmer of light becomes a beacon of hope within it...
- Cobalt Cookie is fully playable in 冲呀!饼干人:王国.
- Cobalt Cookie's name in Simplified Chinese (离青饼干, lí qīng bǐnggān) more accurately translates to Smalt Cookie in English. Smalt is the blue, powdered pigment form of cobalt glass used commonly in Chinese porcelain, hence the more recognizable localization of Cobalt Cookie.
- The Chinese name for such blue and white pottery (青花, qīnghuā) is derived from the characters 青 (qīng, "blue") and 花 (huā, "flower"), explaining Cobalt Cookie's place in the Flower City.
- The word 离青 (lí qīng) in Cobalt Cookie's name is comprised of the characters 离 (lí, "distant"/"faraway") and 青 (qīng, "blue") due to smalt having been imported to China from western regions. In this sense, Cobalt Cookie's name in Simplified Chinese could also be construed as Persian Blue Cookie, albeit only from a western standpoint. Additionally, the presence of 离/"faraway" in 青花 perhaps also ties to/inspired Cobalt Cookie's position as a non-native in the Flower City.
- Cobalt Cookie was commonly referred to as Persian Blue Cookie in English-speaking communities prior to his inclusion in global Cookie Run: Kingdom due to a promotional image for his 冲呀!饼干人:王国 playable release where his name was translated as such. This name likely pulls from Persian blue as a color and from Persian blue salt, both of which are evocative of smalt. His Korean name, 소마리청맛 쿠키 (somalicheong-mat kuki), which translates to Somali Blue Cookie, relates to the name Persian Blue Cookie in that both contain "Blue" with an applied country adjective.