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Category:Signa Holding

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<nowiki>Signa Holding; シグナ・ホールディングス; Signa Holding GmbH; Сігна; Signa Holding; Signa Holding; Signa Holding GmbH; Signa Holding; 西格纳控股; impresa tedesco; österreichisches Immobilien- und Handelsunternehmen; entreprise autrichienne; прыватны холдынг Аўстрыі ў галіне нерухомасьці, заснаваны ў 1999 годзе ў Інсбруку пад назвай «Імофіна»; شركة; німецька компанія; Austrian company; Імофіна; SIGNA; Signa Holding; SIGNA; SIGNA</nowiki>
Signa Holding GmbH 
Austrian company
Upload media
Instance of
  • Austria
Headquarters location
Legal form
  • Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
Founded by
  • 2000
official website
Authority file
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This category has the following 12 subcategories, out of 12 total.

Media in category "Signa Holding"

The following 9 files are in this category, out of 9 total.