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Those Obelisks are shredding our forces apart!
- GDI soldier

The "Isis" Obelisk of Light[1] is a powerful defensive structure used by Nod in the Third Tiberium War.


The terrifying power of this heavy defensive structure is a shining testament to Nod's military application of laser technology. The Obelisk's basic design is largely unchanged since its introduction in the First Tiberium War, with the only obvious differences being a longer charge time and a more powerful discharge.


First constructed to defend Nod bases during the First Tiberium War, this iconic structure is one of the best known and least loved among GDI forces. Massive capacitors charge and discharge a laser - which is aimed by advanced focusing and targeting systems - that can melt composite armor to molten slag and vaporize organic tissue.

Nod Beam Cannons, sharing the similar technology on these towers, can use their ability to fire at these towers. This improves charge frequency and damage up to the point where the Obelisks become practically immobile, very high damage artillery emplacements with higher precision, damage, and range than any other base defense structure.[2]

Game Structure[]

The Obelisk of Light is the most advanced base defense Nod can deploy. Groups of Obelisks of Light are very hazardous to any ground unit within their long range, even Epic Units (when in large enough groups).

Unlike other base defenses, the Obelisk has two modes of attack:

  • When engaging vehicles, the tower will charge and then fire a strong beam to deal damage to a single enemy unit, enough to destroy light and medium vehicles in one hit.
  • When attacking infantry, the Obelisk will fire a briefly sustained beam that sweeps enemy squads horizontally to compensate for the fact all infantry are trained in squads that consist of numerous units.

Like all advanced defenses, the power consumption of the Obelisk of Light is very high, and due to its low fire rate it may be useful to supplement an Obelisk with other forces or basic defenses.

Having a Beam Cannon charge an Obelisk will increase its damage and fire rate, achieving a combination superior to both working individually.

Like the GDI Watchtower, the Obelisk can fire over other structures. When placed behind disposable structures (i.e. Tiberium Silos), they can force their enemies to sustain damage while they attempt to break down the impeding structure.

However, the Obelisk remains vulnerable to the same weapons as their counterparts in other factions. They cannot target air, and are outranged by artillery units (such as GDI Juggernauts). Since its anti-vehicle attack is single target, an enemy could simply bait it out and proceed to swarm them with a larger attack force, hopefully destroying the structure before it does too much damage. This is particularly relevant against a Steel Talons opponent, since they can upgrade their Mammoth Tanks with Adaptive Armor to increase their resilience.



See also[]


  1. Nod Obelisk of Light (archived). C&C Frontpage (2010-03-14). Mirror: Nod Obelisk of Light.
  2. Electronic Arts Los Angeles, Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars. Intelligence Database: Kane's Arsenal, "Obelisk of Light".
Join the cause of Nod! Brotherhood of Nod Third Tiberium War Arsenal Ascend!