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Command & Conquer Wiki

Defense bureau is an Allied tech structure necessary to gain access to top tier weapons. It appears in Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3.


A Defense bureau provides access to the most advanced Allied weapons and technologies, such as the Spectrum tower and the Proton Collider. The primary function of the Defense Bureau is to provide administrative and technical support necessary to build these advanced weapons, and each one was part of a much larger network of such buildings, which linked into the Allied command network.

For example, due to the prototypical nature of the Harbinger gunship, the FutureTech Corporation required that one of these be built in an area first before it can be deployed, so that they could monitor its performance, identify any problems and improve on the design further.

Game building[]

All the Allied units introduced in Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3: Uprising require a defense bureau to be built.

Units and Structures requiring a Defense Bureau[]

See also[]

RA3 Allies emblem Allied Red Alert 3 Arsenal RA3 Allies emblem