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A coalition of Western countries bound together in defense of the free people of the world. The Allies are prepared to act decisively with their well-trained soldiers and advanced vehicles, yet long for nonviolent resolutions.
- Red Alert 3 official website

The Allied Forces,[1] also known as the Allied Nations[2] and commonly referred to as the Allies,[1] are a military alliance formed by the democratic nations of Western Europe in response to the invasion of the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin.


Second World War[]

Main article: Second World War
RAR Allies Logo

Allied Forces insignia during the Second World War


World map during the latter stages of the Second World War. Dark blue indicates Allied nations. Red indicates Soviet controlled nations. China, shown in light blue, was not a formal member of the Allies but was invaded by the USSR during the war.[3] The brown nations had outposts of the USSR but were not formal participants in the war.[1]

In the 1940s and 1950s, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, under the leadership of General Secretary Joseph Stalin, began aggressively expanding across Eastern Europe and East Asia, invading the Republic of China, annexing the Baltic states, and installing communist satellite governments in Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Finland. The Allied Forces were formed as a military and political alliance by democratic European and North American Countries to deter and defend against any further Soviet aggression. The lead countries within the Allied Forces were France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Spain, and Turkey. At the onset of the war, the Allied Forces' member armed forces consisted of 3,400,000 active and reserve troops and 1,700,000 irregular troops, such as paramilitary forces, police, and civilian resistance fighters. The primary command post for Allied Command Operations was the Unified Operations Headquarters in London, Great Britain, while Allied Command North was headquartered in Oslo, Norway and Allied Command South was headquartered in Madrid, Spain. The Supreme Allied Commander was German Army General Gunter von Esling, while the Deputy Supreme Allied Commander was Hellenic Army General Nikos Stavros[1]

The Soviet Union's initial invasion plan was to execute a strategic chemical warfare attack on Germany using Sarin nerve gas, in hope of forcing the Allied Nations to surrender, however Allied Forces Intelligence discovered the plan, and special operations forces destroyed most Soviet chemical weapons stockpiles, stopping the Soviet's plan.[4][4][5][6] While the attack was delayed, Soviet ground and air forces began massing troops on the Polish-German border. It abundantly clear that war was imminent, Allied Forces in Germany began a preemptive attack on Soviet Army positions, attempting to sabotage bridges crucial to the invasion. The sabotage effort, however, failed, and Soviet forces began their attack, routing Allied Forces.[7] In the Scandinavia, Soviet forces invading through Finland managed to conquer Norway and Sweden, while a Spetsnaz raid in German resulted in the capture of Professor Albert Einstein, a leading Allied scientist.[8] A special operations raid on the Slovak-Hungarian border led by Allied commando Tanya Adams resulted in the rescue of Professor Einstein.[9]

The Soviet invasion of Germany routed Allied Forces, and Berlin was taken by 18 December.[10] Despite significant losses in Germany, Allied Forces continued to operate in Eastern Europe, with Field Commander A9 keeping open a crucial logistical supply route in the Sudety mountains on the Polish-Czechoslovak border, resulting in Allied Forces liberating much of central and eastern Poland, executing a special operations mission with Tanya Adams to destroy bridges on the Polish-Soviet border to prevent any attempt at reconquest by the Soviet Ground Forces.[11][12][13] In Southern Europe, Soviet forces invaded Bulgaria and Turkey, resulting in Allied Forces moving forces into Iraq. Despite Tanya Adam's special operations raid, Soviet forces reinvaded Poland, resulting in a pitched armored battle in the Sudety mountains to cutoff Soviet armored divisions from reinforcing their troops.[14]

Some of the fiercest fighting of the war occurred in Greece, which suffered greatly at the hands of Soviet war crimes against civilians and indiscriminate bombing by the Soviet Air Forces - including nuclear bombing. The Allies attempted to evacuate civilians from Athens, but the Southern European front totally collapsed, resulting in total Soviet control of Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Iraq, and Syria.[15][16] Significant losses were also suffered in Central Europe, with Soviet armored forces almost completely overrunning Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg and beginning to invade eastern France and northern Italy. However, despite overwhelming military losses, Allied Forces' diplomats at the United Nations gained a crucial political victory, leading a 281 to 7 vote to gain U.N. military funding for the Allied Forces and establish a global defense agency in a European capital. Another crucial intelligence victory occurred when Tanya Adams conducted a covert operation to gain information on the Soviet Iron Curtain Project. Despite getting captured, Tanya Adams was rescued from the NKVD by Allied Forces and conveyed the information to Allied military and scientific leadership.[17][18]

Bolstered with reinforcements from North America and United Nations funding, the Allied Forces were able to seize the initiative, stopping the Soviet advance in Norway, pushing back Soviet forces in Czechoslovak, Austria, and Hungary, and in Yugoslavia massing to retake Greece. After consultation with Professor Einstein, Allied Forces under Field Commander A9 began to focus efforts to disrupt the development of the Iron Curtain Project, destroying a Soviet Navy submarine base in the Aegean Sea and gaining intelligence on the Iron Curtain research centers there.[19][20] Based on signals intelligence, it was determined that radar observation sites in Bornholm, Denmark were tied to the Iron Curtain Project, and Allied Forces were sent to capture them for intelligence analysis. Allied Forces began to push back Soviet Forces in the Middle East and Asia Minor, liberating Syria and Iraq. In the High North, Norway and most of Sweden were liberated, as were Greece and Cyprus in Southern Europe.[21]

Seeking to bring a quicker end to the war, Professor Albert Einstein began development of the Chronosphere Project for the Allied Forces out of two research centers in Leich, Austria. Soviet military intelligence obtained the location of the base, resulting in a successful Allied effort to defend the facilities until the testing was complete, however minor setbacks did occur when the Soviet Union attacked another Chronosphere program facility on Elba Island, off the Italian coast.[22][23][24][25] Allied Forces began to take the offensive once more, liberating almost all of Europe from Soviet occupation, save for an encircled Soviet army group in east Germany and some hold outs in the Balkans.[26]

General Secretary Stalin, knowing he was losing the war, became desperate, turning to his developing nuclear weapons program. A top Soviet Strategic Missile Forces atomic strategist, Major Vladimir Kosygin, was disgusted with Stalin's purges and conduct of the war, declaring his intention to defect to the Allied Forces. He was recovered from a Soviet base in Riga, Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic, marking the first time in the war where Allied Forces executed wide scale offensive operations into the Soviet Union itself.[27] Major Kosygin disclosed information on the Strategic Missile Forces' atomic bomb and intercontinental ballistic missile programs at the Dark Horseman missile base in the Ural Mountains, which possessed four operational nuclear missile silos. Acting on intelligence that Stalin intended to launch the missile at European capitals, Field Commander A9 launched a deep raid into the Dark Horseman facility, razing it to the ground. Four ICBMs were launched, including two targeted at London and Paris, but they were deactivated when the commander led a special operations raid and remotely deactivated the warheads. Following this near nuclear attack, the last remnant of Soviet forces were defeated on continental Europe.[28][29]

CNCRA Stavros and Esling

Allied generals briefed at the end of the Second World War.

The Allied invasion of the Soviet Union began with an amphibious assault on Volgograd to seize control of the Volga river and provide a path for further Allied land and maritime forces.[30][31] Further operations were conduced in the Soviet Union to disrupt prototypes of the Iron Curtain, special operations raids against underground weapons plants in Siberia, and the destruction of the remainder of the Soviet Air Forces and Strategic Missile Forces nuclear stockpiles.[32][33][34][35][36] With the primary obstacles removed and the occupation of most of the European Soviet Union, the Allied Forces began their assault on Moscow and seize the city through a coordinated combined arms campaign. In the process of securing the city, General Stavros killed General Secretary Stalin by ensuring he suffocated under the derbies.[37]

Following the end of the deadly conflict, the Soviet Union was rebuilt with Allied, and in particular American,[38] support and Alexander Romanov was installed as premier. The Soviet Union was demilitarized, however elements of the Soviet's nuclear weapons program and Psychic Corps were never discovered by Allied intelligence.

Third World War (I)[]

CNCRA2 Allied logo

Allied logo during the first two iterations of the Third World War


The Pentagon, American and Allied military HQ

While Romanov appeared to be the perfect puppet for the US, being a public advocate for peace and cooperation with the west, he secretly harboured a burning hatred for the Allies for ruining his country.[39]

Romanov secretly gathered communist allies under the guise of the World Socialist Alliance, a seemingly innocuous organization that gives financial aid to developing countries, and developed a technologically advanced military. Soon, his forces were ready. The Soviet military moved into Mexico under the pretense of quelling a civil war, and quickly knocked out the United States' early warning systems and nuclear arsenal with psychic technology.[40]

The United States quickly found itself under siege by the Soviets from all sides.[38] Many key cities, including Washington, D.C., fell to the Soviets, forcing the US military to relocate its command center to Canada. Meanwhile, Romanov erected nuclear missile silos in Eastern Europe preventing the European Allied nations from interfering with the threat of nuclear retaliation.

Fortunately for the Allies, the US military eventually managed to turn the tide of the war and liberate several major cities from the Soviets. After destroying a Soviet Psychic amplifier device capable of mind-controlling the entire country in Chicago, however, Soviet General Vladimir launched a nuclear missile at the city, obliterating it.

Alarmed by the destruction of Chicago, the leaders of America's European allies promised to aid the US if the Soviet nuclear silos in Poland are removed. Soon, an Allied strike team consisting of Agent Tanya and several spies infiltrated the Soviet launch base and destroyed the silos, allowing the European nations to join the fight against the Soviets.

With the European nations committed to the fight, the combined forces of the Allied Nations successfully pushed the Soviets entirely out of the United States and began planning on an attack on Russia itself. The Allies then secured the laboratory of Albert Einstein in Black Forest, who has being working on an improved Chronosphere design.

After securing an area in the Florida Keys by destroying the Soviet nuclear silos in Cuba, the Allies constructed a Chronosphere there. Using the device, they launched an attack on Moscow itself. Despite fierce resistance from the Soviet forces, including Romanov's elite Black Guard, the Allies managed to surround the Kremlin. Tanya herself led a team inside the palace and captured Romanov, decisively ending the war.

Third World War (II)[]

After the defeat of the USSR and the disappearance of Romanov's advisor, Yuri, he came back to conquer the world using his own armies and his Psychic Dominators. Einstein improved his 1946 Chronosphere into the Temporal Displacement Device and the Allies, again, traveled back in time to prevent the Psychic Dominator Disaster. So, back in time, the war erupts, but now the Allies had to focus on 2 enemies: Yuri's psychics and the Soviets themselves. The Allies, in the end again defeat the Soviets, but did not capture Romanov and they did not invade Moscow - and lose Carville either.

They ratified a treaty with the Soviets at the Parliament Building in London, which Yuri failed to stop, to eliminate Yuri once and for all. With Soviet assistance, the Allied forces destroyed his forces at Antarctica and imprisoned Yuri in a Psychic Isolation Chamber - thanks to the Allied Commander, Yuri will never mind-control anyone, not even a fly.

Third World War (III)[]

RA3 Allies emblem

Allied logo during the third iteration of the Third World War

Following the Soviet defeat in the wake of the Third World War, the Soviet leadership decided to eliminate the one they held most responsible for Allied technological superiority: Albert Einstein. To this end, they placed Colonel Anatoly Cherdenko in charge of a top secret project to build a time machine to eliminate Einstein. The machine, built by Dr. Gregor Zelinsky, worked well and Einstein was erased from history.

The time traveling expeditions however had unintended and, for the Soviets especially, unwelcome consequences. Even without Einstein, the Allies and FutureTech labs still managed to develop Chrono and Prism (in the form of Spectrum) technologies, as well as a host of other exotic experimental weapons. Additionally, a third contender for world supremacy now exists in the East, the Empire of the Rising Sun.

In the initial stages of the war, however, the Soviets had the upper hand, overrunning most of Western Europe. The Allies however foiled a Soviet invasion of England, and afterwards embarked on a successful campaign against both the Soviet Union and the Empire of the Rising Sun. The effects of Allied technological edge and superior tactics soon began to show. By the end of the war, the Allies emerged victorious over the other two superpowers. With Japan humbled and the Soviet leaders frozen in cryoprison, the Allies are ready to relax and enjoy their hard-won global hegemony, or so it seems.


Main article: The Uprising

After their victory in the War, the Allies now attempt to keep the peace around the world with assistance from FutureTech.

The Allies fought in Japan once again because some of the Imperial commanders refused to surrender after the Empire's defeat. However, with the help of Prince Tatsu they managed to capture all of the hostile commanders. But right after Takara Sato was defeated, Tatsu betrays them, revealing he was merely acquiring their resources for his own use to resurrect the Empire. Takara presumably escapes in the chaos, and Tatsu was defeated.

In the Soviet Union, the Allies were unaware of Rupert Thornley's plans of world domination with FutureTech and the Sigma Harmonizer, as well as a resistance movement intent on restoring the Soviet Union that was invertedly dragged into conflict with FutureTech's forces when they abducted Soviet scientists. They would only learn of this after the destruction of the Sigma Harmonizer by Soviet forces, and as a gesture of goodwill, the Allies withdrew their occupational forces.

Military doctrine[]

Prism Tanks

Prism tanks were among the prime examples of Allied technological superiority

Though their arsenal and personnel were altered many times due to time travel, Allied military doctrine was consistently characterized by an reliance on mobility and technological superiority. The Allied military tends to favor quality over quantity. Allied soldiers tend to be more well-trained and well-equipped then their Soviet counterparts, and the Allied military often employos exotic technology, such as Chrono technology and energy weapons.

Technology level[]

Second World War[]

The bulk of the Allied technology during this era can be described as conventional weaponry (based on bullets, cannons, and missiles). However, thanks to the contributions of Albert Einstein, the Allies had access to these unique and sophisticated technologies:

  • Chrono technology: Derived from Einstein's experiments with manipulating time and space. The most notable example of this technology was the original chronosphere, which allowed teleportation of ground vehicles or ships across the battlefield, but proved lethal to infantry upon direct exposure. In the late stages of the war, the technology was somewhat miniaturized so it could fit in a vehicle, thus creating the chrono tank. Each usage of the Chronosphere (but not the Chrono tank) had the chance of creating a destructive anomaly known as the chrono vortex.
  • Gap technology: The main idea behind this technology is hiding all objects found underneath a gap generator not only from enemy radar, but also physically reducing visibility of the area to any enemy units unless they are found within the radius of the generator. This technology was also miniaturized in the form of mobile gap generators.
  • Camouflage technology: Towards the end of the war, the Allies were experimenting with stealthing individual units. At least one prototype vehicle type, the phase transport, was developed.

Third World War[]

Since Premier Romanov's sudden aggression caught the Allies completely off guard, much of the Allies' advanced technologies were not ready for deployment until the later stages of the war. Nevertheless, these technologies, mostly developed by Professor Einstein, were instrumental in turning the tide of the war.

  • Gap technology: Gap technology has changed little since the last war, still capable of jamming enemy radars at the cost of a great deal of power.
  • Chrono technology: After the previous war, chronosphere technology was vastly improved, removing many of the previous side effects, such as the dangerous chrono vortex. In order to improve efficiency, portable Chronosphere devices were mounted on Allied mining vehicles. Even though infantry still cannot be Chronoshifted without killing them, infantry portable Chronospheres were developed to circumvent this problem, such as the ones used by the chrono legionnaires, specialized infantry capable of erasing enemies from the timeline with neutron rifles.
  • Prism technology: Essentially light itself weaponized, Prism technology was developed by Professor Albert Einstein. They were first deployed as stationary prism towers, capable of firing concentrated beams of light powerful enough to cut through tank armor, as well as enhancing the power of other nearby Prism towers. A mobile version of the technology named Prism tank was deployed later during the war.
  • Camouflage technology: Developed by Professor Albert Einstein during the late stages of the war, this technology allows its user to take on the exact appearance of any organic objects, i.e. trees (why it can only imitate organic objects is unknown). Camouflage devices using this technology were mounted on Mirage tanks.
  • Sonar amplification technology: Sonar amplification devices amplify the natural echolocation ability of dolphins, to the point where their sonic waves can actually damage enemy vessels and structures.
  • Weather manipulation: Invented by Professor Einstein and deployed during the last days of the war, the weather control device is the most powerful weapon in the Allied arsenal after the United States' nuclear arsenal was destroyed. It is capable of generating a powerful localized lightning storm, which jams radar signals and can devastate entire enemy bases.
  • Robotics: Robotic tanks were developed as a hard counter to Yuri's mind control technologies after the psychic madman revealed his plans for world domination. However, these tanks do not have artificial intelligence, and are instead remote controlled from specialized facilities.

Third World War (altered timeline)[]

Knowing the Einstein's inventions were responsible for the Soviet Union's previous defeats, Colonel Anatoly Cherdenko travelled back in time and assasinted Einstein as the USSR was on the verge of collapse. In the resulting timeline, much of Einstein's inventions, including nuclear weapons, were erased. However, the Allies' technological superiority over the Soviets remained, mostly thanks to a defense contractor named FutureTech.

  • Chrono technology: In this timeline, the Chronosphere was invented by the FutureTech Corporation. The Chronosphere remained largely the same as its previous iteration. FutureTech also invented several derivative technologies, such as the Time Belt, which returns its user to their position several seconds ago, negating any injuries yet retaining the memories of those events. Smaller scale uses of Chrono technology, such as Chrono Swap and Chrono Rift, are available as Top Secret Protocols.
  • Spectrum technology: Similar to the Prism technology invented by Einstein in many ways, Spectrum technology is a weaponized version of laser technology. It focuses and amplifies light waves to form an extremely destructive (though short-ranged) burst of high-energy photons, which can cut through any known substance easily. Similar to Prism technology, Spectrum beam disperses from its targets, reflecting onto nearby enemies. Spectrum cannons are used by both stationary Spectrum towers (which, like prism towers, can charge each other) and mobile Mirage tanks.
  • Camouflage technology: Similar to its previous iteration, the Mirage tank is equipped with reactive camoscanner technology, allowing it to blend into its environment when immobile. Unlike the previous iteration, however, the Mirage tank is capable of disguising as inanimate objects as well, such as a truck, a lamp post, or a shipping crate.
  • Cryo technology: Developed by the FutureTech corporation, Cryo technology rapidly draws all heat from an area using an energy absorption system, while spraying it with pure water and a burst of liquid helium. This causes the target to flash-freeze, thrusting it into a state of suspended animation. Frozen targets become more brittle, to the point where even small arms fire can shatter a frozen battle tank.
  • S.H.R.I.N.K. technology: Strong homogenous residual-interactive neutron kinetic beam, or S.H.R.I.N.K. beam, compresses molecular bonds in an object. This reduces its size, yet somehow conserves its energy in such a way that its mobility actually increases.
  • Sonic technology: Allied dolphins are equipped with sonic disruptors, which are capable of breaking apart enemy vessels. The dolphins are able to ignore the weapon frequencies and still communicate effectively with each other and their commanders even in battle. A modified version of the sonic disruptor is used by attack dogs, allowing them to stun enemy infantry with an amplified bark.
  • Proton collider: With the Weather Control Device erased by Einstein's assasination, the Allies developed a new super weapon: the Proton Collider, which is capable of devastating densely packed structures by triggering a destructive chain reaction. This technology was later miniaturized and used by the FutureTech's Harbinger gunship and Pacifier FAV. It can also be used to generate tremendous amount of power in the form of Collider fuel cells.
  • Space technology: The Allies have a network of satellite-based beam cannons, the Athena SatNet, which can fire powerful proton beams at designated targets. Cryoshot is another example of Allied space-based weapon.
  • Robotics: After the end of the war, FutureTech developed a vehicle that combines Soviet heavy armor and Imperial computer technology. The result is the Future Tank X-1, a humanoid tank controlled by an advanced artificial intelligence.

Military leadership[]

During the Second World War[]

During the Third World War (I/II)[]

During Third World War (III)[]

During The Uprising[]



  • In early versions of Command & Conquer: Red Alert, NATO and UN insignia was used. It is unknown why this was changed to a more fictional Allied faction.
  • According to early alpha screenshots and early promotional material of Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2, the official team colour for the Allies was to be green, which was changed to blue early on in development.
  • Two versions of the Allied logo were seen in Red Alert 3 and associated media: one in which the eagle's beak is open, and one in which the beak is closed.

Videos showing UN insignia[]

Victory video (found in RA1 beta build 0.09c)
Defeat video (found in RA1 beta build 0.09c)

Gallery of insignia variations[]

Early Concepts[]

Gallery of loading screens[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Command & Conquer: Red Alert: Field Manual. Hart, Victoria. Las Vegas, Nevada: Westwood Studios, 1996.
  2. Assault destroyer/Profile
  3. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Soviet mission 10: "Liability Elimination".
  4. 4.0 4.1 Red Alert 1 cutscene script, p. 8
  5. Red Alert, Soviet campaign, mission 1 intro and Covert Cleanup
  6. Counterstrike Sarin gas mini-campaign
  7. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Soviet mission 2: "Guard Duty".
  8. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Soviet mission 3: "Covert Cleanup".
  9. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Allied mission 1: "In the thick of it".
  10. Nadia mentions Berlin was taken by Stalin's birthday, December 18
  11. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Allied mission 2: "Five to one".
  12. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Allied mission 3a: "Dead End".
  13. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Allied mission 3b: "Dead End".
  14. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Allied mission 4: "Ten to one".
  15. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Red Alert - Counterstrike. Allied mission 4: "Fall of Greece 1: Personal War".
  16. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Red Alert - Counterstrike. Allied mission 5: "Fall of Greece 2: Evacuation".
  17. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Allied mission 5a: "Tanya's Tale".
  18. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Allied mission 5b: "Tanya's Tale".
  19. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Allied mission 6a: "<none>".
  20. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Allied mission 6b: "<none>".
  21. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Allied mission 7: "Sunken Treasure".
  22. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Allied mission 8a: "<none>".
  23. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Allied mission 8b: "<none>".
  24. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Soviet mission 8a: "<none>".
  25. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Soviet mission 8b: "<none>".
  26. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Red Alert - The Aftermath. Allied mission 5: "Negotiations".
  27. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Allied mission 9: "<none>".
  28. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Allied mission 10a: "Suspicion".
  29. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Allied mission 10b: "Evidence".
  30. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Allied mission 11a: "<none>".
  31. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Allied mission 11b: "<none>".
  32. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Allied mission 12: "Takedown".
  33. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Allied mission 13: "Focused Blast".
  34. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Red Alert - Counterstrike. Allied mission 6: "Siberian Conflict 1: Fresh Tracks".
  35. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Red Alert - Counterstrike. Allied mission 7: "Siberian Conflict 2: Trapped".
  36. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Red Alert - Counterstrike. Allied mission 8: "Siberian Conflict 3: Wasteland".
  37. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Allied mission 14: "No Remorse".
  38. 38.0 38.1 Westwood Pacific, Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2. Cinematic: "Intro Movie", a00_f00e.bik.
  39. Westwood Pacific, Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2. Installation.
  40. Red Alert 2 official site: Soviet History (archived). Westwood Pacific, 2000.
Factions of the Command & Conquer Universes
RA3 Allies emblem Allied Personnel RA3 Allies emblem
RAR Allies Logo Allied Second World War Arsenal RAR Allies Logo
Join the winning side! Allied Third World War Arsenal We have hot food, women and guns for everyone!
Allied (Java) Red Alert Mobile Allied Arsenal Allied (Java)
RAM Logo Allies Red Alert iOS Allied Arsenal RAM Logo Allies
RA3 Allies emblem Allied Red Alert 3 Arsenal RA3 Allies emblem