
Innocents are mortals, witches, magical beings, spirits, and occasionally, warlocks and demons who need protection from evil forces who wish to harm them. It is the sisters' duty as the Charmed Ones to protect them.

In most cases, willfully killing an innocent is enough to turn a person evil and complete an evil transformation.

Notes and Trivia[]

  • The first innocent (Serena Fredrick) on the show was killed and the last innocent on the show (the nameless girl) was saved onscreen. Both were women.
  • There have been a few episodes where no innocent had to be saved by the Charmed Ones, such as in "Morality Bites".

List of Innocents[]

Image Name Episode Reason Status
1x01 Serena Fredrick Serena Fredrick Something Wicca This Way Comes She was a witch targeted by Jeremy Burns. Lost, she was killed by the warlock Jeremy Burns. The sisters didn't know her.
1x01-skaters Skaters Something Wicca This Way Comes They were nearly hit by a car. Saved, Phoebe foresaw their accident and saved them.
BrittanyReynolds Brittany Reynolds I've Got You Under My Skin Javna stole her youth. Saved, youth restored.
1x02-Tia Tia I've Got You Under My Skin Javna stole her youth. Saved, her youth restored.
1x02-elderly-couple Elderly Man I've Got You Under My Skin He and his wife were going to lose their house if they did not win the lottery. Saved, they won the lottery due to Phoebe's premonition.
Mark Chao NEW Mark Chao Dead Man Dating The spirit of a murdered man, whose soul was hunted by Yama Saved, the Charmed Ones protected him from Yama until his body was positively identified and he received a proper burial.
Nick correy and wife Nick Correy Dead Man Dating He and his wife thought Phoebe was trying to extort them. Saved, by Phoebe. She prevented him from being run over by a car
Skye'sdeath Skye Russell Dream Sorcerer Whitaker Berman killed her in her sleep for turning him down. Lost.
1x06-Father Father Trask The Wedding from Hell He was aware of who Hecate really was. Lost. Killed by one of Hecate's Minions
StripperHecate Male Stripper The Wedding from Hell Hecate and her friends devoured him. Lost.
Elliotspencer Elliot Spencer The Wedding from Hell Hecate put him under her spell to make him marry her. Saved. And He also helped the The Charmed Ones to defeat Hecate
Charmed107 640 Aviva The Fourth Sister A teenager, who was manipulated by Kali. Saved, was freed from Kali's possession and Kali was vanquished.
1x08-Man Dr. Oliver Mitchell The Truth is Out There... and It Hurts A scientist who would have been involved in creating a way to kill warlocks such as Gavin. Lost, was killed by Gavin.
1x08-MortalMan Alex Pearson The Truth is Out There... and It Hurts A lab technician who would have been involved in creating a way to kill warlocks such as Gavin. Lost, killed by Gavin.
TanyaParker Tanya Parker The Truth is Out There... and It Hurts She would have a baby who would later invent, with the help of others, a way to kill warlocks like Gavin. Saved, the Charmed Ones killed Gavin and kept Tanya safe.
Charmed110 359 Jaime Wicca Envy A security guard at Buckland Auction House. Lost, killed by Hannah Webster in order to frame Prue.
Clay-saving-phoebe Clay Muniz Feats of Clay A thief who stole a cursed Egyptian Urn. Saved, through a selfless act that redeemed him.
Billywaters Billy Waters The Wendigo Billy hunted the Wendigo after it killed his girlfriend. Lost, he was killed by Agent Fallon a.k.a the Wendigo.
Tanjella Tanjella From Fear to Eternity A witch practitioner who owned a charm shop Lost, was scared to death by Barbas
Zoe Zoe From Fear to Eternity A witch Lost, was scared to death by Barbas
1x14-max-franklin Max Franklin Secrets and Guys Kidnapped by two robbers. Saved, by Prue Halliwell.
Charmed114 674 Gordan Franklin Secrets and Guys Shot in the chest by Mickey Jackson. Saved. Leo healed him.
Gasman Gasman Is There a Woogy in the House? Possessed by The Woogyman. Saved, Phoebe knocked him out. Phoebe later banished the Woogyman.
Whittlesey Beth Whittlesey Is There a Woogy in the House? Possessed by The Woogyman. Saved, Phoebe banished The Woogyman.
BrendanRowe1 Brendan Rowe When Bad Warlocks Go Good He was a warlock who could potentially activate the Rowe Coven. Saved, the warlock brothers killed each other and Brendan became a priest.
DavidOutofSight David Hatcher Out of Sight Kidnapped by the Grimlocks Saved, Prue and Phoebe vanquished the Grimlocks and freed David.
/ Billy Out of Sight Kidnapped by the Grimlocks who stole his vision. Saved, Prue and Phoebe vanquished the Grimlocks and freed Billy.
JacksonWardJudgeRenault Judge Renault The Power of Two He convicted Jackson Ward and had him executed. Lost, killed by Ward's ghost.
1x20-iris Iris Beiderman The Power of Two She was one of the people who trialed against Jackson Ward. Saved, Andy, Prue, and Phoebe arrived on time to save her.
Construction worker Constructioner Worker The Power of Two Jackson Ward was on a vengeance spree and he was one of his targets. Saved, Prue and Phoebe used a potion to lure Jackson to them.
Daisy (Future Whitelighter) Daisy Love Hurts Alec, a Darklighter, wanted her to love him and would kill her if she did not. Saved, Prue vanquished Alec.
MotelManager Motel Manager Love Hurts Alec killed him with his touch of death Lost, killed by Alec
1x22-AndyPhoebe Andy Trudeau Déjà Vu All Over Again Protected the Charmed Ones from Inspector Rodriguez. Lost, killed by Inspector Rodriguez.

Image Name Episode Reason Status
2x04-tina-hitchens-02 Masselins Victims The Devil's Music They were innocent souls. They were devoured by Masselin. Saved, freed from Masselin by the Charmed Ones.
2x04-jenny-05 Jenny Gordon The Devil's Music Swallowed by Masselin. Saved, freed from Masselin by the Charmed Ones.
2x05-ManFood Gorgeous Man She's a Man, Baby, a Man! He was one of the many single men who was a member of Fine Romance. Lost, he was killed by the Succubus, Darla, who drained him from his testosterone.
2x05-owen-grant Owen Grant She's a Man, Baby, a Man! He was one of the many single men who was a member of Fine Romance. Saved, he was locked up in jail by the Charmed Ones for his own safety and freed later when the Succubus was killed.
2x05-insp-smith Inspector Smith She's a Man, Baby, a Man! He was in proximity of Darla when she revived. Lost, he was killed by the Succubus, Darla, who drained him from his testosterone.
TreasurerHunters Treasure #1 and #2 That Old Black Magic They accidentally freed Tuatha Lost, eaten by a Tuatha's Snake. The sisters never knew about them.
2x06-kyle-gwideon-04 Kyle Gwydion That Old Black Magic The Chosen One Saved, and He also saved the sisters.
2x06-betty Betty That Old Black Magic She owned Tuatha's wand. Lost, she was killed by Tuatha.
Michael-Heather Joshua, Michael and Heather That Old Black Magic They were looking for the Blair Witch and unluckily came across Tuatha. Lost, they were killed when Tuatha stole their hearts. The Halliwells never knew about them.
Benbragg Ben Bragg They're Everywhere He was targeted by the Collectors for his knowledge about the Akashic Records. Saved, his brain restored.
Ericbragg Eric Bragg They're Everywhere He was targeted by the Collectors for his knowledge about the Akashic Records. Saved, his brain restored.
/ Guy in Canoe P3 H2O He was in lake of Camp Skylark. Lost, the Water Demon ate him.
Mrs.Johnson Mrs. Johnson P3 H2O The Water Demon drew her down to the dock. Lost, the Water Demon ate her.
/ Children P3 H2O The kids came to the camp to bathe in the lake. Saved, Phoebe sprinkled them with Memory Dust to make them forget about the water.
Sam P3 H2O Sam Wilder P3 H2O Sacrificed himself to protect Prue and vanquish the Water Demon. Lost. He became a Whitelighter again.
2x09-marcy-frozen Marcy Steadwell Ms. Helfire She was a single witch. Saved, Phoebe and Darryl saved her from being killed by Hellfire's explosives and was kept under protective care by Darryl.
Cupid Hate Unnamed Cupid Heartbreak City Drazi stole his ring to destroy the couples he paired, which would slowly kill him. Saved, his ring was returned and Drazi destroyed.
2x11-Man Gilbert van Lewen Reckless Abandon He was another male in the Van Lewen line. Lost, Elias Lundy killed him.
MatthewVanLewen Matthew van Lewen Reckless Abandon He was another male in the Van Lewen line. Saved, after his father abandoned him at the police station he was taken care of by the Charmed Ones.
MarthaDarrell Martha van Lewen Reckless Abandon She was the lover of Elias Lundy. Lost, she killed herself to stop Elias killing her grandson.
2x13 - Tessa Tessa Animal Pragmatism Bitten by the Snake as leverage. Saved.
2x13 Andrea Andrea Animal Pragmatism Bitten by the Snake as leverage. Saved.
Katie Johnston Brooke Brooke Animal Pragmatism Bitten by the Snake as leverage. Saved.
Bane Bane Jessup Give Me a Sign Targeted by Litvack for his knowledge about demons. Saved, returned to prison.
Maggie Murphy Maggie Murphy Murphy's Luck She was a Future Whitelighter targeted by a Spirit Killer. Saved, Prue saved her then cast a spell to protect her.
CharleneH Charlene Hughes Ex Libris Libris targeted her to stop her from exposing the existence of demons. Lost, but her soul was avenged.
Charmed212 107 Dr. Curtis Williamson Astral Monkey He was corrupt after the Charmed Ones' blood was accidently injected in his own blood. Lost, the Charmed Ones could not stop him, he was killed by a round saw blade.

Image Name Episode Reason Status
Dead raver girl with rune on her forehead Raver Girl The Honeymoon's Over She saw a killer, Emilio Smith, about to kill Darryl Morris Lost, she was killed by Emilio
Christopher 3x02 Infobox Christopher Magic Hour Was cursed as a hawk during the day by a sorcerer for loving Brooke Saved, the curse was lifted by the solar eclipse and was reunited with Brooke
BrookeWolf Brooke Magic Hour Was cursed as a wolf during the night by a sorcerer for loving Christopher Saved, the curse was lifted by the solar eclipse and was reunited with Christopher
Kate Main1 Kate Once Upon a Time Was tormented by trolls for protecting Thistle. Saved, the Charmed Ones vanquished the trolls and saved Kate and Thistle.
Thistle Thistle Once Upon a Time A fairy princess who was kidnapped by trolls and saved by Kate Saved, the Charmed Ones vanquished the trolls and saved Kate and Thistle.
Charlotte Warren Charlotte Warren All Halliwell's Eve Ancestor of the Charmed Ones. Kidnapped by Ruth to steal her baby. Saved, the Charmed Ones rescued her, and delivered her baby, and returned mother and daughter with their coven.
Melinda Warren Melinda Warren All Halliwell's Eve Ancestor of the Charmed Ones. Her mother was kidnapped while pregnant with Melinda in hopes of raising Melinda evil. Saved, Charmed Ones rescued her mother and safely delivered Melinda, and returned mother and daughter with their coven.
Deputy Deputy Primrose Empath An officer who was charged with evicting Vince Lost, was killed by Vince after empathy was removed from the demon.
Vince Touch of Death 1 Secretary Primrose Empath An associate of Father Thomas. Lost, was killed by Vinceres in his search for Father Thomas.
Father Thomas Empath Father Thomas Primrose Empath A former empath who passed his abilities onto Vinceres to cripple the demon with emotions. Saved, Prue used her empathy power to vanquish Vinceres.
Terra's Victim Male Victim Coyote Piper A business man who was possessed by Terra Lost, was killed by Terra so she could possess Piper. Was resurrected by the Kierkan and killed by him again.
OldIceCreamMan Ice Cream Man We All Scream for Ice Cream A mortal charged with driving the Ice Cream truck, luring and trapping demonic children in the truck to be consumed by the Nothing Lost, was severly injured by one of the demonic children, and sacrificed himself to the Nothing to give Prue and Victor time to escape.
Witch with Deflection Vivian Blinded by the Whitelighter A witch with the power of deflection. Lost, killed by the warlock, Eames for her deflection power
Unnamed witch blinded bt whitelighter Unnamed Witch Blinded by the Whitelighter A witch Lost, killed by Eames in an attempt to lure out a Whitelighter.
Natalie Natalie Blinded by the Whitelighter A Whitelighter Lost, killed by Eames for her orbing power
Mr. Chang Mr. Chang Wrestling with Demons A target of Tom Peters Saved, Prue and Darryl stopped Tom from killing Chang.
Claudia gibson Claudia Gibson Wrestling with Demons A target of Tom Peters Saved, the Charmed Ones stopped Tom from killing her.
3x12-FranPeters Fran Peters Wrestling with Demons Tom Peters' mother, who Kellman wanted Tom to kill to complete his conversion. Saved, Tom killed Kellman
3x12-TomPeters1.0 Tom Peters Wrestling with Demons Was recruited by Kellman in an attempt to turn Tom into a full demon. Saved, when ordered to kill his mother, Tom instead killed Kellman, and returned to human.
Client-wresting-ring Client Wrestling with Demons He was unable to pay back what he owed and begged Kellman for more time, but he refused. Lost
Bolightfeather Bo Lightfeather The Good, the Bad and the Cursed A Native American in the old west who was killed by Sutter, thus triggering a town's curse, trapping the town in a time loop. Saved, the towns people stopped Sutter from killing Bo.
/ People of a ghost town The Good, the Bad and the Cursed People who lived in a town back in the old west, who were trapped in a time loop for allowing Sutter to kill Bo. Saved, Prue and Cole encouraged the townsfolk to stand up to Sutter, saving Bo and breaking the curse.
Ms.owens Mrs. Owens Death Takes a Halliwell She was Cole's landlord and so could have known where he was hiding. Lost, the Seekers killed her by sucking her brain for knowledge of Cole
Andrea Possible Andrea Death Takes a Halliwell Rookie inspecter with D.A.'s office and Reece Davidson's partner. Lost, was killed by the Seekers
Charmed316 081 Reece Davidson Death Takes a Halliwell Investigator with the D.A.'s office. Lost, was killed by the Seekers
Arielinfobox Ariel Pre-Witched A witch Lost, killed by her familiar, Shadow.
Woman Pre-Witched A random civilian. Lost, fatally stabbed by Shadow in order to force the Charmed Ones into killing him.
Robert pike Robert Pike Sin Francisco Stock Broker infected with Greed Lost, overwhelmed by greed, he was hit by a bus trying to retrieve the box of sins
Charmed318 373 Roger Tremble Sin Francisco Pastor infected with Envy Saved, was subdued by Prue and had his sin removed
Officer Dean Infobox Officer Dean Sin Francisco Police Officer infected with Anger Saved, was subdued by Prue and had his sin removed
3x19-the-prophet Prophet The Demon Who Came in From the Cold He knew of the plans of the Brotherhood of the Thorn Lost, he was beheaded by Trigg
Frank pirelli Frank Pirelli The Demon Who Came in From the Cold A CEO who the Brotherhood of the Thorn wanted dead. Saved, Cole told the sisters the Brotherhood wanted him dead, and they saved him and vanquished the demon posing as him.
Leeza Leeza Exit Strategy A witch who held one half of a powerful amulet. Lost, was killed by Raynor to frame Cole after Cole stole the amulet shortly before.
Janna2 Janna Exit Strategy A witch who held one half of a powerful amulet. Lost, killed by Cole who was being brainwashed by Raynor.
Widower Widower Look Who's Barking A man in grief shortly after losing his wife. Lost, a Banshee, lured by his grief, killed him with her scream
Runaway teen Runaway Teen Look Who's Barking A teen who regretfully ranaway from home. Her fear and sadness made her a target for a Banshee. Saved, the Charmed Ones tracked the Banshee and stoped her from killing the girl.
Griffiths Dr. Griffiths All Hell Breaks Loose He would do an unknown future good, messing up a plan of The Source of All Evil Lost, he was killed by Shax

Image Name Episode Reason Status
4x01-Shane Shane Charmed Again, Part 1 - Charmed Again, Part 2 Used by the Source as a pawn to corrupt Paige Matthews. Saved.
Jake Grisanti Jake Grisanti Charmed Again, Part 2 Used by the Source as a pawn to corrupt Paige. Saved, by Leo.
4x01-Cortez Inspector Cortez Charmed Again, Part 2 The Source of All Evil sent him flying into a wall hanger, piercing his back. Saved, by Leo.
Charmed403 391 Donnie Hell Hath No Fury Attacked by Piper, who was transforming into a Fury. Saved, by Cole.
An Ling An Ling Enter the Demon Targeted by her father's former apprentice, Yen Lo. Saved.
4x04-01 Zen Master Enter the Demon Targeted by his former apprentice Yen Lo, who stabbed him and then trapped him in Limbo, which would keep him from reincarnating. Saved, by An Ling and the Charmed Ones. Reincarnated.
Claudia Claudia Size Matters Shrunk and covered in clay by Gammill. Saved, by the Charmed Ones before Gammill could burn her in a kiln.
Finn Finn Size Matters Betrayed his creator to protect the Charmed Ones. Killed, by Gammill.
Prince The Prince A Knight to Remember The Evil Enchantress cast a love spell on him. Saved, after the Charmed Ones bound the Enchantress's powers.
/ Annoying Man Black as Cole He annoyed Sykes at the alley Lost. The Halliwell Sisters knew about him.
Kari Kari Black as Cole She and her coven was targeted by Sykes. Lost.
Susan Coleman Susan Coleman Black as Cole She and her coven was targeted by Sykes. Saved.
Charmed - 4x09 - Muse to My Ears Moment Muses and Melody Muse to My Ears They were being captured by Devlin, who stole the Ring of Inspiration to channel their powers. Saved.
Glen discovers BOS Glen Belland Trial by Magic Glen was kidnapped by a Rat Demon as leverage. Saved.
Stan Provazolli Stan Provazolli Trial by Magic He was framed by Andrew Wike for killing his ex-wife, Angela Provazolli. Saved.
4x12-Tyler Tyler Michaels Lost and Bound Tyler was targeted by Ludlow and bounty hunters for his power. Saved.
4x16-KarenYoung Karen Young The Fifth Halliwheel Infected with a Power Ball by a Demonic Power Broker that made her dangerous. The demonic power inside her nearly killed her. Saved.
Maria (Future Whitelighter) Maria Saving Private Leo Rick and Nathan Lang targeted her to get to Leo. Lost.
Vampire-queen-feeding Man Bite Me Captured by vampires to be fed to the Vampire Queen. Lost. The Halliwells never knew about this victim.
Hologram of Greg Conroy Greg Conroy Long Live the Queen He was targeted by demons for helping too many mortals, preventing them from becoming demons. Lost.
Selena Selena Witch Way Now? Agent Jackman tried to burn her at the stake. Saved.

Image Name Episode Reason Status
5x01-Mylie Mylie A Witch's Tail, Part 1 She was targeted by the Sea Hag since she failed to find true love. Saved. The Sea Hag was vanquished, and her true love was found with Craig Wilson.
/ Keeper of the Fairy Tales Happily Ever After The Evil Witch from the Magic Mirror wanted control over the Fairy Tales Fortress Lost.
The Keeper's Apprentice Keeper Apprentice Happily Ever After Trapped within the Magic Mirror. Saved, by Piper
5x04Melissa Melissa Siren Song Melissa was targeted by the demon, the Siren. Saved.
Ramus 6 Ramus Witches in Tights He was targeted by Arnon, who wanted his powers. Lost, but his powers were passed on to a young witch named Kevin.
Theresa1 Tereza The Eyes Have It Targeted by Orin and Cree, who wanted the Evil Eye. Lost.
5x06Lydia Lydia Nicolae The Eyes Have It Targeted by Orin and Cree, who wanted the Evil Eye. Lost, killed by Cree, and Orin claimed the Evil Eye from her.
5x06Ava Ava Nicolae The Eyes Have It She was targeted by Orin. Saved. She joined forces with Phoebe Halliwell and Paige Matthews to vanquish Orin together.
Miles Miles A Witch in Time He was at the wrong place at the wrong time Lost, killed in a crossfire.
5x09SamWilder Sam Wilder Sam, I Am Targeted by Rowan, a Tracker. Saved, by Cole Turner.
5x13Jessica Jessica House Call Paige Matthews, under a hex, orbed Jessica to the Underworld. Saved, Leo Wyatt found her.
Sandman sprinkles dream dust Sandman Sand Francisco Dreamin' Targeted by Tracer Demons sent by Axel. Lost, though the Charmed Ones saved the rest of his kind.
5x17Connor Connor Lucky Charmed Targeted by Saleel. Lost.
5x17Liam Liam Lucky Charmed Targeted by Saleel. Lost.
Seamus2 Seamus Fitzpatrick Lucky Charmed Targeted by Saleel. Lost.
5x17P51 Head Councilman, Finnegan and other Leprechauns Lucky Charmed Targeted by Saleel. Saved. All came together to help the Charmed Ones stop Saleel.
Kitkatrina Katrina Cat House The Charmed Ones' former Familiar, known as Kit. She was targeted by a Familiar Hunter. Saved.
Satyr being killed 2 Satyr Nymphs Just Wanna Have Fun He and his nymphs were targeted by Xavier. Lost. Killed by Xavier.
5x19Lily Lily Nymphs Just Wanna Have Fun She and her fellow nymphs were targeted by Xavier and Tull. Lost. Killed by Xavier.
Miranda and daisy arriving at spring Daisy and Miranda Nymphs Just Wanna Have Fun They were targeted by Xavier and Tull. Saved.
5x22-50 The Elders Oh My Goddess! Part 1 - Oh My Goddess! Part 2 They were targeted by the Titans. Lost and saved. Most of them were killed, but some survived.
5x22Cecil Cecil Oh My Goddess! Part 1 He and his fellow Elders were targeted by the Titans. Lost.
5x23-RolandElder Roland Oh My Goddess! Part 2 He and his fellow Elders were targeted by the Titans. Saved.

Image Name Episode Reason Status
6x2Oscar Oscar Valhalley of the Dolls, Part 2 Turned into a dog by an evil witch. Saved, human form restored.
6x3Flo Flo Forget Me...Not Sexually harassed and fired by Mr. Stewick. Saved, time rewound, Paige helped her.
Salesman Salesman The Power of Three Blondes Tried to sell a vacuum cleaner to the Stillman Sisters. Lost, killed by Mabel Stillman.
Benmontana Benjamin Montana Love's a Witch Targeted by Olivia Callaway Lost.
6x15 RichardFading2 Richard Montana Love's a Witch Taken to a cript by Olivia Callaway. Saved.
Larry's soul is saved Larry Henderson Soul Survivor Made a Faustian deal with Zahn. Died, soul moved on to the afterlife.
Derekmortal Derek Little Monsters Became a beast; attacked by manticores. Saved, human form restored; Leo healed him.
5x19Jason Jason Dean Used Karma Kidnapped by Swarm Demons Saved.
Ramona Todd2 Ramona Shaw Hyde School Reunion Locked in a tank by Rick Gittridge as leverage. Saved.
Rathmere2 Rathmere Spin City The Spider Demon contained him for a hundred years to feed off his magic. Lost, his magic completely drained.
Darryl Execution Darryl Morris Crimes and Witch-Demeanors Framed and nearly executed for murdering a man possessed by a Phantasm. Saved, reality warped.
TaliMain Tali Witch Wars Targeted by demons. Lost, killed by a Darklighter.

Image Name Episode Reason Status
7x02-LadyGodiva Lady Godiva The Bare Witch Project She was targeted by Lord Dyson. Saved, after Leo Wyatt vanquished Lord Dyson.
Brenda-cut Brenda Castillo Charrrmed! The immortal pirates kidnapped her Lost, Captain Black Jack Cutting stabbed her with a cursed athamé which aged her to death.
HarriotSavedCharmedCarrierCharmed Harriet Casey Styx Feet Under Harriet and her unborn baby were targeted by Sirk. Saved.
7x07-Quincy Quincy Someone to Witch Over Me His Guardian Angel was captured by Sarpedon. Lost.
Charmed707 033 Guardian Angels Someone to Witch Over Me Many guardian angels were captured by Sarpedon. Saved.
Bug Hall Eddie Eddie Mullen Charmed Noir Eddie blamed himself for his brother's death and stayed trapped inside the crime novel "Crossed, Double-Crossed". Saved.
7x09-innocent man-malvoc Innocent Man There's Something About Leo He was targeted by Malvoc's Clan Saved, after time was reversed and Leo and Piper vanquished the demons.
KyraDemon Kyra Witchness Protection Demons were after her. Lost, Zankou killed her.
Drake-seven-year8 Drake dè Mon Carpe Demon - The Seven Year Witch A good-hearted former demon targeted by the sorcerer. Saved, after the Charmed Ones vanquished the sorcerer to relieve Drake of his contract. Died two weeks later.
Hope8 Hope Little Box of Horrors A Guardian of Pandora's Box targeted by the demon, Katya. Saved. Paige vanquished Katya.
7x18-Darcy Darcy Little Box of Horrors Kidnapped as leverage to make Hope open Pandora's Box. Saved, after Paige found her and orbed her home.
Wendy-box-of-horrors Wendy Little Box of Horrors A girl having an asthma attack while trapped in an elevator. Saved. Paige instructed Linda to sing to Wendy to calm her down.
Trey Trey Little Box of Horrors A man who got electrocuted while trapped in an elevator. Saved. Paige and Roger performed CPR.
Tim 15 Tim Cross Death Becomes Them Murdered by a Raptor Demon. Resurrected as an Undead to haunt Phoebe. Lost, Piper vanquished him.
Joanna-karl Joanna Death Becomes Them Murdered by Zankou. Resurrected as an Undead to attack the Charmed Ones. Lost, Paige vanquished her with a potion.

Image Name Episode Reason Status
8x2Alastair Alastair Malice in Wonderland Lured into a trap by Black Heart and Paul Haas. Found driven insane by Haas's horrifying maze of illusory torture.
8x2Alexis Alexis Malice in Wonderland Lured into a trap by Black Heart and Paul Haas. Likely driven insane by Haas's horrifying maze of illusory torture.
8x2Alicia Alicia Malice in Wonderland She was targeted by Black Heart. Saved, Billie Jenkins came to her rescue.
8x03-LanderAssociates BackgroundCheck7 Maya Holmes Run, Piper, Run Framed for murder by Walter Nance. Saved.
8x05YoungMan Young Man Rewitched Lured into a trap by Antosis and his imps. Saved, Billie Jenkins came to his rescue.
8x05Nurse Nurse Rewitched Lured into a trap by Antosis. Lost, killed by Antosis's imps.
8x05-innocent man-billie Man Rewitched Targeted by Antosis. Saved. Billie Jenkins saved him then sent him to the hospital.
8x07JDWilliams J.D. Williams The Lost Picture Show Sam Wilder's charge from 1955, who was captured in a collage by Vaklav. Sacrificed himself to save Sam and became a Whitelighter.
8x08P11 Woman Battle of the Hexes Terrorized by Tai and his group to lure Billie Jenkins out. Saved.
8x11GrantPelham Grant Pelham Mr. & Mrs. Witch He was targeted by Nanta and Rod Dalvos, who hired Carl and Helen Jenkins to kill him. Lost, shot by Rod Dalvos.
Lo-pan Lo Pan 12 Angry Zen He was targeted by the Charmed Ones who were ordered by Novak to kill him. Saved, Billie Jenkins used her power of Projection to restore the sisters' good nature.
Carl-helen-dinner Carl and Helen Jenkins Generation Hex They were killed to stop Christy Jenkins from losing focus on her mission. Lost, killed by the Noxon Demons
Mikelle Mikelle The Jung and the Restless She was a future Whitelighter. She was killed by Salek, but then made a Whitelighter by the Elders.

Image Name Issue Reason Status
BrittanyCoffin Brittany Reynolds No Rest for the Wicca A victim in a long list of innocents saved by the Charmed Ones. Lost.
A death Brent Brent No Rest for the Wicca Paige's new adolescent witch charge, targeted by Hogan and Neena. Lost. He was killed by Hogan.
/ Marcy Steadwell No Rest for the Wicca A victim in a long list of innocents saved by the Charmed Ones. Lost.
/ Owen Grant No Rest for the Wicca A victim in a long list of innocents saved by the Charmed Ones. Lost.
/ Beth Whittlesey No Rest for the Wicca A victim in a long list of innocents saved by the Charmed Ones. Missing, presumably lost.
TylerSavedBySisters Tyler Michaels No Rest for the Wicca A victim in a long list of innocents saved by the Charmed Ones. Saved.
/ Max Franklin No Rest for the Wicca A victim in a long list of innocents saved by the Charmed Ones. Saved.
9x06-Elise Elise Rothman Morality Bites Back Brutally beaten by Cal Greene. Saved, Paige healed her injuries.
Henry jr biological mother Henry Mitchell Jr.'s Biological Mother Oh, Henry She was caught in a gunfire between the Charmed Ones, Rennek, and a demon that ultimately killed her. Lost.
Issue 8 preview 7 Henry Mitchell Jr. Oh, Henry His biological mother was killed in a gunfire between the Charmed Ones, Rennek, and a demon. Paige saved him by orbing him out of his mother's womb. Saved.
9x08-KyleNeena Kyle Brody Oh, Henry Killed by a Darklighter Arrow. His powers were taken by Neena. Lost, soul moved on to the Afterlife.
Nancy (Leo's Charge) Nancy The Darklight Zone Killed by a Rennek. Lost.

Image Name Issue Reason Status
/ Alysha The War on Witches Almost suffered from the exposure and attacks by Izax. Saved.
/ Austin Herrick The War on Witches Almost died from blood loss due to the creation of Books of Light by a demon. Saved.
/ Natalie Yeung The War on Witches Temporary lost her powers because of the witch hunters. Saved.
/ Charlene Bells The War on Witches Temporary lost her powers because of the witch hunters. Saved.
/ Monica The War on Witches Temporary lost her powers because of the witch hunters. Saved.
/ Vanessa The War on Witches Temporary lost her powers because of the witch hunters. Saved.
/ Salem witch coven The War on Witches Temporary lost their powers because of the witch hunters. Saved.
/ Congressman Ward Let Gorgons Be Gorgons He was targeted by Stheno and Euryale, who magically turned him to stone. Saved.
/ Carolyn Barnes Let Gorgons Be Gorgons She was targeted by Stheno and Euryale, who magically turned her to stone. Saved.
/ Vaughn Ramsey Let Gorgons Be Gorgons He was targeted by the gorgon sisters, who magically turned him to stone. Saved.
/ Halliwell's patrons and staff Let Gorgons Be Gorgons They were all poisoned with ambrosia. Saved, Paige healed them.

Image Name Issue Reason Status
Innocent-gaxageal Gaxageal's Host No Country for Old Ones His body became a vessel for Gaxageal, and later vanquished by the Charmed Ones. Lost.
Bevin Bevin Magically Malicious His shillelaghs were being targeted by Fritz and Valen. Saved.
/ Leprechauns Magically Malicious Their shillelaghs were being stolen by Fritz and Valen. Saved.
Aidel Aidel The Perks of Being a Whitelighter He was kidnapped by Valen to lure the Charmed Ones into a trap. Saved.
/ Unnamed innocent The Perks of Being a Whitelighter His blood was used to activate the Ancient Athame. Lost.
/ Unnamed witch The Perks of Being a Whitelighter Her blood was used to activate the Ancient Athame. Lost.
Cole-death Cole Turner Whatever Happened to the Demon with a Soul? He was targeted by Valen since his blood was needed for the activation spell of the Ancient Athame. He sacrificed his soul to save Coop from being obliterated by said weapon. Lost.
Angel-death-comics Angel of Death The Perks of Being a Whitelighter Valen targeted him after failing to attack Cole. His blood was used to activate the Ancient Athame. Survived.
Knox-sacrifice Montgomery Knox Hard Knox Life He became the host of the Old One, Dominus. Lost.
Prue-soul-extraction Benjamin Turner The Curious Case of Benjamin Turner, Something Old, Something Prue - The Reason His soul was split in two and had to be retrieved. After resurrecting in his son's body, Benjamin was to be sacrificed in the Old Ones' resurrection ritual. Saved, both times.
Kareem-tyler-demon Kareem Scales Happy Ending He was captured by Tuatha. Saved.
Mr-mrs-scales Mr. and Mrs. Scales Happy Ending Tuatha threatened their lives to make Kareem reveal Tyler's identity. Saved.
Knox Academy dorm hallway Knox Academy Students Happy Ending - The Reason They were to be host bodies for the Old Ones. Saved.
10x17-aerokinesis Victor Bennett Effigy He was attacked by an evil Prue. Saved.
10x18-remote-teleport Tyler Michaels Something Old, Something Prue - The Reason He was to be sacrificed for the Old Ones' resurrection. Saved.
10x19-the advent Kyra Something Old, Something Prue - The Reason She was to be sacrificed for the Old Ones' resurrection ritual. Saved.
10x19-the advent Coop Halliwell Something Old, Something Prue - The Reason He was to be sacrificed for the Old Ones' resurrection ritual. Saved.
