
"I have known you your entire life, there is not a mean bone in your body."
Piper talking to Phoebe.[src]

Phoebe Halliwell is the third Charmed One, the younger sister of Prue and Piper, and older maternal half-sister of Paige Matthews. She is the mother of P.J., Parker, and Peyton Halliwell[3]. Phoebe is the third-born and last child of Patty Halliwell and Victor Bennett. She is also the wife of Coop Halliwell.[4]

She was once pregnant with and lost a son while she was married to her ex-husband Cole Turner.

Phoebe was often considered the weakest of the Charmed Ones by demons due to her primary powers being more inclined to be passive than active. However, she consistently proved them wrong with her formidable martial-arts skills and her remarkable spell-casting talent. Her Wiccan powers gradually evolved, coming to include dangerously offensive aspects that could match those of her sisters: Premonition, Levitation, Empathy, and Psychic Reflection. Besides these advanced powers, Phoebe possesses the basic powers of a witch: the ability to cast spells (which is her specialty), brew potions, scry for lost objects and people, and divine for pieces of information. Last but not least, Phoebe could access the Power of Three, the collective power of the Charmed Ones.

Phoebe is a famous columnist, and occasionally a reporter at the Bay Mirror and is the author of the best-seller "Finding Love".


Early life

Patty: "Your road's been the longest, Phoebe. But I was never worried about you. You know why? Because I had a premonition the day you were born"
Phoebe: "You did?"
Patty talking to Phoebe.[src]
Little Phoebe

Phoebe in 1976.

Phoebe was born on November 2nd, 1975 to the Warren witch Patty Halliwell and the mortal Victor Bennett. On March 24th, 1975, Phoebe's birth power of premonition manifested itself through her mother while still in the womb, granting Patty a vision of the future. Following this event, the unborn Phoebe combined her magic with her two older sisters, Prue and Piper, to use the Power of Three to send their future selves back to their time.

Prue, Piper and Phoebe as children

A picture of Prue (right) and Piper (left) holding their little baby sister, Phoebe

Sometime after she was born, her maternal grandmother, Penny, bound her powers and erased all her magic-related memories, along with her sisters' powers and memories, in order to keep her safe from the warlock Nicholas, who was promised their powers in a pact.[5]

Unfortunately for her, almost three years after her birth, Phoebe's mother was killed by the Water Demon. As a result, Phoebe never really knew her mother, and this loss ultimately had a significant impact on her and her sisters' lives to the extent that she once confessed that if she had one wish to be granted, she would ask for time alone with her mother.[6]

At the age of ten, Phoebe was transported to the year 2002 by a spell cast by her future self, where she met two older versions of herself as well as those of her sisters Piper and Paige. She was taken to the Heavens by her Whitelighter, Leo, for safety. After she helped her older self listen to her heart about marrying Cole, she returned to her own time, where Grams quickly erased her memory of the time travel.[7]


Phoebe after being caught shoplifting.

Phoebe was a good student, and once earned an award for Student of the Month but became somewhat of a juvenile delinquent in her teenage years by causing trouble around her school and even engaging in shoplifting. This change of character was often credited to the fact that Grams had tried to often control her, which led to dedicate herself to rebellion out of spite. However, Piper believed her acting out was due to her unhappiness over her lack of a true mother.[8] She was given the nickname "Freebie" in high school after making out with her old boyfriend in the principal's office.[9]

Becoming a Charmed One

Phoebe: "According to the Book of Shadows, one of our ancestors was a witch named Melinda Warren."
Piper: "And we have a cousin who's a drunk, an aunt who's manic, and a father who's invisible"
— Phoebe and Piper talking about their witch heritage[src]

Phoebe and her sisters on the night that their powers reawakened

On October 1998, Phoebe returned from New York after spending six months there following the death of her Grams. On that night, while playing with the spirit board with Piper, the pointer suddenly moved on its own, spelling out the word "attic." To find out more about it, she went up to the attic where she found the Book of Shadows. Phoebe then cast the Dominus Trinus, which reawakened the powers of the three sisters that were previously bound by their Grams when they were children.

The next day, she received her first premonition—two teenagers getting hit by a car—which allowed her to prevent the accident, though it came at the cost of her being injured. Both Prue and Piper initially did not believe her when she told them that they were the Charmed Ones, but they were forced to acknowledge it as the truth when they each manifested their own powers. Later, all three sisters managed to tap into the Power of Three and vanquished Jeremy.

Unlike her sisters, Phoebe embraced her destiny as a Charmed One with open arms and convinced them to embrace their magic as well. With the help of their magical destiny, she and Prue were finally able to heal the rift that stemmed from their dramatic differences.

However, as the least rule-abiding one of the four sisters, Phoebe frequently saw magic as a tool, which led her to often break the most basic of Wiccan rules: magic is not meant to be used for personal gain. Her disregard for the restrictions eventually led to her active powers of levitation and empathy being stripped from her after she excessively exploited them for her own personal gain. This served as a hard yet necessary lesson, given that while it finally taught her the importance of rule-abiding, it also meant that she was forced to learn to depend more on her personal self, such as her basic common sense, her natural spell-writing talent, and, of course, her academic knowledge of magic. It was an experience that she sincerely took to heart, evidenced by the fact that even after she regained all of her former powers and developed new abilities, she remained a more careful and conscientious witch, one who took great care to consider the possible consequences of using magic and to be mindful of hurting others with it.

Despite anything and everything, she was consistently the most spirited and spontaneous Charmed One.

Graduating from College


Piper wakes up Phoebe

Phoebe: "It's eight o'clock, it's eight o'clock! I'm late for my finals!"
Piper: "Phoebe, whoa! Relax, it's Thursday. Your finals are tomorrow."
— Phoebe and Piper sharing a sisterly moment.[src]

As Phoebe's personality matured and her knowledge of witchcraft became more extensive, she decided to get a job but was relatively turned off by the fact she was not educated enough to obtain jobs that interested her. This ultimately led to Phoebe deciding to return to college, and she worked hard to ensure that she was able to balance her studies on top of her responsibilities as a Charmed One, which she took very seriously.


Phoebe graduates

However, this balancing act proved to be extremely difficult for her, as she and her sisters were subjected to frequent demonic attacks, and her instinct to protect the innocent often got in the way of her studies and nearly derailed her intent to pass all of her final exams. Fortunately, Phoebe eventually overcame all obstacles and passed her exams, allowing her to later graduate from college with a B.A. in Psychology. While this achievement was a huge source of pride for her, her duties as a Charmed One ultimately prevented her from using her degree for two years after she graduated.[10]

Falling in Love with Cole Turner


Cole and Phoebe

"The safest place Cole knows is with me."
—Phoebe talking about Cole[src]

Phoebe met Cole Turner while she was in college. He was the assistant district attorney in charge of a case in which she was involved. Unbeknownst to the sisters, Cole was a half-demon known as Belthazor who was sent by the Triad to kill the Charmed Ones. The two fell in lust and flirted with each other for several months until Cole eventually asked Phoebe out on a date, which she happily accepted. However, Cole had unintentionally fallen in love with her, which prompted him to purposely fail his missions from the Triad in order to protect her.


Cole asks Phoebe to strip his powers

During one of his botched and half-hearted attacks on the Charmed Ones, Cole was inadvertently hurt. However, his betrayal enraged the Triad, who then tried and failed to kill him. Cole's injury eventually led to Phoebe discovering his true identity as both he and Belthazor were injured in the spot.

A hurt and angry Phoebe wanted to vanquish him until he finally convinced her of his love by saving her life. She then decided to fake his death to protect him from her sisters. This complicated her relationship with her sisters until the guilt she felt due to lying to them motivated her to eventually tell the truth; first to her Whitelighter, Leo, and then to her sisters, Piper and Prue.

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Phoebe trying to save Cole from Raynor

A few months later, Cole returned to San Francisco. Although Phoebe was dismissive of him at first, she was eventually persuaded when he began dedicating himself to help do good deeds to prove his intentions. Cole even went so far as to agree to rid himself of his powers forever, but this act was delayed when the Brotherhood of the Thorn attempted to merge with the human society.

However, she was forced to watch as a mind-controlled Cole assassinated a witch, not knowing that it was all Raynor's doing in a bid to destroy her love for Cole. Shortly after, a Banshee attacked her and she was forced to confront her root pain: Cole. He explained that it was all a misunderstanding set up by Raynor in order to turn her against him, and she decided to take him back once again.

Prue's Death and Finding Paige


Phoebe and Cole save Paige.

"Shax was just the messenger. We need to get The Source."
—Phoebe talking about avenging Prue.[src]

On May 17, 2001, Phoebe's oldest sister, Prue Halliwell, was killed in battle by the demon Shax. The tragic and unexpected loss of their sister was devastating for both Piper and Phoebe, though the former was more open than the latter regarding how badly she was shaken by it. However, Phoebe tried to remain strong and collected for Piper's sake and worked hard to make sure everything was taken care of so no one else would have to worry about it.


Paige, Phoebe, and Piper, the reconstituted Charmed Ones

At her sister's funeral, she met a woman named Paige Matthews, and when they shook hands, she had a premonition that Paige would be killed by Shax, the same demon who killed Prue. With Piper too overwhelmed with grief to help, she decided to team up with Cole so they could save Paige.

With Cole's investigation, they found out that she was a potential Charmed One who may be able to reconstitute the Power of Three. They then interrogated Grams and Patty and found out that Paige was their younger half-sister, who was given up at birth for protection. Paige then arrived at the house and shook hands with her older half-sisters, and the Power of Three was then recreated.

Phoebe also played a significant role not only in helping Paige to mature into their Charmed heritage, but also to ensure that Paige and Piper came to understand and love each other as sisters. Though she was just as grieved as Piper over Prue's death, and she once confessed that she was actually frightened and doubtful of whether they could continue to fight the good fight without her, she eventually learned to move on with life. With Piper now the oldest sister and therefore the natural leader of the reconstituted Charmed Ones, Phoebe took on the mantle of the mediator between Piper and Paige (whose initial relationship resembled that of the one shared between her and Prue's during their early years, though less hostile in comparison), and also focused on honing her power of levitation as well as her spell-writing talents.

Becoming the Queen of the Underworld


Phoebe and Cole discuss their relationship

Piper: "Phoebe what's going on"
Phoebe: "I'm embracing my new destiny"
— Phoebe decides to become Cole's Queen[src]

Cole Turner absorbed the powers of the Source so that the Charmed Ones could vanquish him. However, after the vanquish, the essence of the Source stayed in Cole and slowly started to corrupt him. Phoebe's powers alerted her that something was wrong, especially after feeling a premonition about Cole being blocked, however she remained oblivious to the matter.


Phoebe marrying Cole, not knowing that he is the Source

Cole then tricked Phoebe into marrying him through a Dark Binding ceremony. Shortly after, Phoebe found out that she was pregnant. With the pregnancy, she began manifesting the ability to shoot flames from her hands and the power of teleportation.

When she found out the truth through a premonition, she was in shock, however, the Seer convinced her to become the Queen of the Underworld. She then vanquished an evil Wizard who was trying to take Cole's position as the Source and joined Cole as his queen.


Phoebe joins Cole as Queen of All Evil

Phoebe tried to live the life of the queen of all evil, but a combination of pregnancy hormones and demonic tonics made her so cranky that she ended up vanquishing five of Cole's best demons. Because she missed her sisters, and because saving innocents was "who she was," Phoebe then tried to play both sides of good and evil before realizing that she had to choose.

She later discovered that Cole knew about The Seer's tonics completely eating away at her good nature. Shortly after, she found out that Cole killed one of her innocents and she chose to rejoin her sisters in opposing him. Together, they cast the spell which used the power of their ancestors to vanquish Cole.

Because of Cole's death, the Source had completely taken over the unborn baby Phoebe was carrying. After the child was stolen by the Seer, Phoebe came to terms with the fact the evil spawn never truly belonged to her.

Getting Divorced from Cole Turner


Phoebe ends her marriage

"I do love you...and I always will. But it doesn't change anything. It doesn't matter. It's over between us"
—Phoebe finally admits her feelings to Cole[src]

Phoebe was still trying to put her life back together and her time as Queen of the Underworld behind her when Cole returned from the Demonic Wasteland. Despite their unchangeable mutual love, she believed that they could not be together because he now had countless demonic powers—though he did his best to do good deeds—and she was still a good witch. Her traumatic experiences from being the Queen of the Underworld and carrying the unborn Source also played a hand in her reluctance to their relationship.


Phoebe visits a fortuneteller

Hence, Phoebe decided to file for divorce. However, Cole could not accept that their marriage was over and continued to pursue her, but it only made Phoebe's love for him gradually turn into hatred as he succumbed to evil once again and attempted to turn her as well. Her powers eventually became inactive due to her attempts to avoid Cole by overworking herself at the Bay Mirror. She tried to solve this problem by going to a gypsy fortuneteller.

Lydia, another gypsy, told her that her powers were not working because she's working too hard and was neglecting her powers. By balancing her time at work and with family, her powers become active once again and even advanced to the point that she can see the future in color and experience the event as if she had astral-projected into her future self.

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Phoebe, before she vanquishes Cole

Cole, blaming Paige's appearance as the start of his and Phoebe's problems, becomes an Avatar in order to have the power needed to change history, thus creating a new reality where Paige never reconstituted the Charmed Ones as she was killed by Shax, thus allowing demons to take over the world. In this alternate reality, Phoebe is still married to Cole, but she hates him just as much as she does in the original world, only remaining married to him in order to ensure what happened to Prue doesn't happen to Piper.


Cole is vanquished

Living in a world with neither her sisters nor Cole's love, Phoebe gratified herself through casual sex with random men and even demons. She had guarded herself against love and was not as open as she once was. During an unexpected yet honest conversation between her and Cole, she confessed that she also did not know why their love had soured into hatred but concluded that perhaps it was because they were not meant to be together after all.

Paige, however, manages to orb into this reality by accident and is able to make things right by recreating the Power of Three again. Phoebe, this time, personally vanquishes her former love. Paige was then transported back to the rightful timeline where she informed Phoebe and Piper of the events that occurred and of Cole's death. After the sisters confirmed that Cole was truly gone for good, Phoebe once again concluded that she and Cole were just not meant to be.

Phoebe Becomes an Empath

"Just a sec. I think that's what I am now. An empath. I am an empath. That's my new power. Or at least an advancement of my premonition power, I don't know"
—Phoebe talking about her new power.[src]

Phoebe feels Piper's pain

In 2003, Phoebe discovered that besides being a witch, she was also destined to be an Empath, gaining the ability to feel other people's emotions. Initially, Phoebe was excited to have gained a new power but eventually grew to fear it as she recalls how it almost killed Prue.

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Piper's emotions leaving Phoebe.

However, Leo explained that her becoming an empath may have happened a little early because she was meant to use her new power to save Piper, who became trapped in an emotional cocoon when Leo became an Elder. After saving Piper, who because of her hidden emotions had become a Valkyrie, Phoebe attempted to gain control over her new power, though it proved to be difficult especially with her and Jason Dean's growing feelings for each other.

Over time, she began to find some control over her empathic abilities, and with Piper's blessing, she moved to Hong Kong with Jason. Unfortunately, her relationship with him eventually came to an end when he found out about her witch heritage.

Visions of Utopia


Kyra shares her vision with Phoebe.

In that same year, Phoebe is sent on a vision quest by Enola, a young shaman at Magic School. She is taken into a possible future without the constant demon attacks where she is pregnant. This would not be the last time Phoebe is given a vision of a peaceful future.

However, shortly afterward, all three of Phoebe's active powers were taken away by the Tribunal because she had been misusing her premonition power. Fortunately, within a few months, she regained her premonition powers and was able to form a bond with the Seer, Kyra, who offered the side of good information on the Avatars in exchange for being made human.


Phoebe with her daughter pj in the future.

Kyra shared with Phoebe a vision of the Avatars' ultimate goal -- Utopia, a world free of the battle between good and evil. In this future, Phoebe discovers that she has a daughter.

Phoebe was overjoyed with what she saw, however, she soon realized that the Avatars' future involved killing people who didn't fit their perfect world and convinced her sisters to stop them. This action erased the Utopian future.

Over time, Phoebe began to doubt whether or not she would ever have the little girl she foresaw, becoming obsessed with finding the right man who would give her this child. Subsequently, this also caused her to lose faith in her powers.

Temporary Retirement and becoming Julie Bennett


Phoebe as Julie.

"I'm not your sis, I'm your cousin remember"
—Phoebe and Piper talking about their new disguise.[src]

After Phoebe and her sisters' astral selves destroyed Zankou and the Nexus in the basement of Halliwell Manor, everyone, both mortal and supernatural, believed they were dead because of the blast created by the blast. This was their chance to finally lead a normal life.

Season 8 - episode 1 - Still Charmed & Kicking

Phoebe's memorial

The sisters decided to leave their charmed life behind and start over. That is when Phoebe decided that the sisters should choose one appearance and make it a permanent one by the use of a spell. The sisters and Leo changed identities, becoming the cousins of their father Victor.

Phoebe's new alias was Julie Bennett and everyone else but her loved ones could only see her "new look". They soon realized, however, that hiding from their identities was a mistake, so after consulting the Department of Homeland Security, she and her sisters returned to their normal lives.

Finding Her True Love


Coop in Phoebe's home

"For though I've loved before, I've never really known love, until I met Coop"
—Phoebe talking about Coop[src]

Phoebe moved out of the manor and got her own apartment in the city. Soon after, she met Coop, who turned out to be a Cupid that was sent by the Elders to help her find her true love. Phoebe at first, disliked Coop and was annoyed and irritated that the Elders would think she needed help to find love, but Coop knew that she was just scared because of all her previous heartbreaks and disappointments and reassured her that her future daughter was destined.

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Phoebe and Coop in her apartment.

Over time, she grew to trust Coop and sought his advice on both magical and family matters. However, Phoebe's continuing reluctance and Coop's persistence led to them challenging, amusing, and exciting each other. Over time, little by little, they began to develop feelings for each other but hid them to save themselves from the trauma Piper and Leo went through. Phoebe finally told Coop that it was him she wanted and the two ignited their romance with a passionate kiss.


Coop and Phoebe share a passionate kiss.

Even though they both believed that their love was forbidden, Coop still insisted that they could have a life together and was willing to fight for them. However, while Phoebe loved him, she was afraid of getting hurt. Coop was hurt, but he stuck by her and continued to support her during magical affairs. Soon afterward, Phoebe found out that the Elders actually sent Coop to her, in the hopes that she would fall in love with him. Delighted, Phoebe and Coop were finally able to embrace the love for each other.

Ultimate Battle & Victory

Ultimate Power

Phoebe empowered by the Hollow

Phoebe: "First the Triad..."
Piper: "Then Billie and Christy."
— Piper and Phoebe before the Ultimate Battle.[src]

When Phoebe found out that Billie Jenkins was (part of) the "Ultimate Power," she was reluctant to vanquish her, which lead to a disagreement with Piper, until a spell was cast on her because of Billie. Left with no choice but to fight, the sisters acquired the Hollow to became strong enough to destroy Billie and Christy and the evil Triad. The powers from the Hollow, however, led to the destruction of the Manor, which killed Phoebe and Paige in the explosion.

Phoebe lying dead in ruins

Phoebe lying dead in the ruins of the Manor

Coop was devastated when he learned of Phoebe's death and gave a bereaved Piper his ring so that she could travel back in time to save both her sisters. Piper and Leo then used the ring to travel back to the past and enlisted the help of Patty and Grams.

Piper, Patty, Leo, and Grams then traveled to 2006, arriving right on the moment that, the Charmed Ones and the Jenkins' started to battle. Piper, Patty, and Penny stopped the final battle from happening by sending the Hollow back to its resting place. Phoebe and Paige are saved, alive again. Time then adjusted itself to its new future. Not long after, the Charmed Ones killed the Triad and came out victorious.

Peaceful Times


Phoebe writing her entry; after the ultimate battle

"So much has happened in the last eight years. So much has been gained and lost. Still, in some ways, I feel like my life is really just beginning. And it was."
—Phoebe talking about the last eight years[src]

After the Ultimate battle, Phoebe and her sisters started writing about their experiences over the last eight years in the Book of Shadows so they can pass it down the way it was passed down to them. With most of the powerful demons vanquished, Phoebe and her family were free from fighting demons for one year and six months. During this time, Phoebe and Coop started to date and she also continued her work at the Bay Mirror.

Marrying Coop and First Child


Phoebe marrying Coop

Coop: "That's why I chose this spot to propose. I needed all the help I could get. We'd only been dating a few months."
Phoebe: "Kind of hard to say no when you're at the genesis for all love on the planet"
Coop and Phoebe on how he proposed to her.[src]

After dating for a few months, Coop took Phoebe to Cupid's Temple and proposed. She accepted and was later married to her true love by an Angel of Destiny at the newly regained Magic School. While on their honeymoon, she got pregnant with their first child. Nine months later, she gave birth to their daughter, P.J. Halliwell.


Phoebe's newborn, Baby Prue, comes into her powers

Sometime before or after baby Prue's birth, Phoebe moved out of her condo and bought a house with Coop, which the couple and their daughter currently live in.

At the end of her maternity leave, Phoebe found that she did not want to return to work and leave her newborn daughter. However, after deciding that she had to, Phoebe and Coop discover that little Prue has come into her powers as she kept beaming her mommy back home every time she would try to leave.

Phoebe's Powers Return


Phoebe having a premonition

"First Levitation. Now Empathy"
—Phoebe and Piper discussing her returned powers[src]

Phoebe's premonition power appears to have advanced, evident by the fact that she was able to receive one upon command while she and Piper were attending their friend Brittany's funeral. She wanted to know how Brittany died, so she impulsively touches the coffin and receives a premonition, seeing Brittany looking very old. She explains to Piper that she's as old as when Javna stole her youth nearly ten years before.

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Phoebe using her Empathy power after regaining it back

Later that same day, she regained her levitation power. While looking through the Book of Shadows in the Manor, she receives a premonition so powerful that it causes her to hover in the air. As she levitates, she foresees all of the innocents that she and her sisters have saved, in grave danger.

A couple of days later, she regained her gift of empathy; while at work, she was reluctant to take part in Elise's latest publicity stunt, until her empathy power kicks in, and she feels the incredible love of a couple who turned out to be Romeo and Juliet. Later, when she got home, she shares the happy news that her Empathy powers are back. It is during this time that Phoebe decides to write a book.

Fear of Her Power & Hurting Cal


Phoebe recalls her execution.

"That happens less than a year from now and I still don't know what I did to him…what this new power's supposed to be."
—Phoebe talking about her new power.[src]

After Phoebe discovered that her publicist and close friend, Mika was dating Cal Greene, she became worried that the future she saw eight years earlier where she used a new power to kill Cal for murdering a close friend, would eventually come true. She did not understand her new power and was afraid that she would use it to hurt him. Her sisters tried to calm her down and reassure her that things have changed. They told her to use her empathy power to figure Cal out though she got no results. Coop then discovered that Mika and Cal's relationship was not destined to last which Phoebe thought meant that Cal was going to kill her. Phoebe then discovered that Cal had a history of abusing women and confronted Elise who, because of threatening messages from Cal, stopped printing the stories in the Bay Mirror. Phoebe then rushes to inform Mika, who had already been told of Cal's abusive history by Elise and had confronted him about it which made him angry. Later that night, while doing her webchat with Mika and her sisters in tow, Phoebe has a premonition of Elise's funeral, realizing that the close friend that Cal was going to murder was not Mika, but Elise. Phoebe then ran to Elise and discovered that she had been brutalized and shot by Cal, and realized, through her anger, that her new power is the ability to manipulate people's emotions, allowing her to overcharge their heads, effectively killing them. Despite wanting to kill Cal in revenge, Phoebe heeds Piper's warning and tells a healed Elise her secret in order to get her help in getting Cal locked up. After the situation was resolved, Phoebe uses her lesson of trust that she learned during her book.

First Wedding Anniversary


Phoebe and Coop celebrating their anniversary

"Cupid's Temple, my favorite view of the Italian Coastline"
Coop took Phoebe to the temple on their one year anniversary[src]

Due to the revelation that Cal Greene was dating one of her friends, Phoebe stressed herself out by trying to save Mika's life and stop the events she witnessed in the future from coming true. However, Coop made sure that they got to celebrate their first wedding anniversary. He took her back to Cupid's Temple, as it is her favorite place to be. While at the temple, he tried to ease her worries and offer her his advice and called in a favor to get information for her.

Averting the Apocalypse

Levitation 7

Neena attacking the sisters

"I'm a multi-tasker. I can find Piper and figure out a way to deal with Neena"
—Phoebe talking to Coop[src]

About a month after she faced Cal Greene and her empathy power advanced, Phoebe and her sisters came face to face with Neena, who was waging a battle against the Elders. Neena was able to send Piper to another dimension with her portal creation power while Phoebe levitated to evade Neena's power. As Phoebe and Paige desperately try to get Piper back, Leo recognizes Neena and ordered them to orb away. Back at the manor, he explained to the sisters that Neena is the first witch.

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Coop helping Phoebe.

A plan was devised, which Phoebe hated, for Leo and Paige to go to the Heavens glamoured as demons to do some reconnaissance. Both Leo and Paige were quickly captured. Back at the Manor, Coop tried his best to reassure Phoebe that things would work out. Phoebe then realized that just as Coop would go to the ends of the Earth for her, Neena would do anything to find her love. Recognizing that they were searching for the wrong person, she altered their plan to trying to find Neena's beloved to solve all of their problems.


Phoebe, Paige, and Piper using telepathy through the Power of One

Phoebe then used the spell to call blood to blood to find her ancestor, which failed, nearly destroying the attic in the process. Paige's body then orbed in, unconscious and barely breathing. Phoebe tried but failed to sense any emotions from her. A frustrated Phoebe confessed to Coop that she wasn't sure she could save everyone on her own, but he assured her that she wasn't alone, she had him. Phoebe then realized that she could use the Power of One to contact her sisters. She then performed a ritual, drawing a triquetra on the floor and communicated with her sisters telepathically. She told them that the world was being torn apart at the seams and encouraged them to find their way back to her, coming up with a plan to stop Neena before she destroys the world.

Piper and Phoebe then lead the battle against Neena and reclaim the Heavens. During the battle, Phoebe used her power to project all of Neena's emotions back at her, though it also knocked her down. However, it was able to incapacitate Neena long enough for the entire Warren line of witches to bind her magic. Even though Phoebe sensed that Neena believed the things she had done was right, after the battle the Angels of Destiny still banished her to her failed dimension.

Reunions and Reconciliations

Phoebes pregnant

Cole informing Phoebe she is pregnant again.

Phoebe was shocked to be happily reunited with her oldest sister Prue, who had taken on the alias Patience after taking over the body of a comatose witch, resulting in Phoebe's power advancements. Before Prue, came her ex-husband Cole, who had been employed by her mom and Grams to find Prue. Phoebe refused to listen to anything Cole had to say and demanded him to leave despite him having turned over a new leaf after his death. However, upon allowing herself to listen to his heartfelt apologies, Phoebe accepted what he had to say and made amends with her former flame once and for all. Upon their reconciliation, Cole told Phoebe that she was once again pregnant.

Birth of her Second Daughter


Phoebe right after giving birth to Parker.

Eight months later, Phoebe gave birth to her second, and what she thought was her last, daughter, naming her Parker Halliwell. However, Phoebe was worried about what Parker actually was as she was born during a chaotic time when magic had been stripped from witches and other magical beings and given to humans. During this time, Phoebe's book release was pushed back by her publisher because mortals could now cast love spells of their own.

After her powers were returned, she later joins forces with her family, Darryl and many of their friends to fight against Rennek and take back the Nexus of the All. By entering the Nexus, her powers are momentarily expanded, but she is unable to reflect emotions back at her demon-opponents, mainly because they are creations of Rennek's magic. Though she and her sisters are unsuccessful at taking down Rennek, Prue manages to steal his magical possessions (the Empyreal Sword and the Grimoire) and use their powers, as well as the power of the Nexus to vanquish Rennek and then restore the world to its order.

Losses and Suffering

One year later, Phoebe faced a great loss: Cole Turner, who sacrificed himself to protect her husband when the Ancient Athame destroyed his soul. While no longer in love with him, Phoebe mourned him. Worse, Prue's presence was beginning to hurt her family, because her soul and the All were reaching out to find what it had lost—the Power of Three. If the situation continued, every direct family member will die, including their children.

During this time, Coop, Henry, and Tyler ventured off to the Demonic Wasteland to recover half of Benjamin Turner's lost soul, as Coop felt responsible for honoring Cole's sacrifice. The quest turned catastrophic, and Coop became possessed by Benjamin's soul while Tyler became a conduit for vanquished enemies to return to Earth. After the matter cleared, Coop had to face punishment for neglecting his duty and going out of his way: he was deemed guilty by the Court of Love and forced to separate from his family, with the exception only on their wedding anniversary. It was during this time that Phoebe felt her third daughter with her empathy power and realized she was pregnant.

The Charmed Ones confronted Tuatha, who was possessing Tyler through the Old One, Heremus. They come out of the battle appearing victorious, with Tuatha and Heremus vanquished, but in truth, Prue had merged with the latter. When she started turning on her family, her sisters refuse to give up on her despite the Elders' urging. Since Phoebe was pregnant and most vulnerable, she was forced to stay at Magic School with the rest of her family for their safety. However, she experienced a premonition with Prue choking Coop and teleported to him. She failed to rescue her husband but was able to reunite with her sisters and meet up with Amelia, Darryl, and Andy to form a plan. Amelia transferred their souls into Darryl's body and brought them to Prue's location. With Darryl's touch, they entered her mind and were able to briefly talk to her before Heremus took over again. Not wanting Phoebe in danger, Piper ordered Coop to take her back to Magic School.

With Paige on the brink of death, the Power of Three shifted back to Prue, and Phoebe came up with a way to make her come to her senses, by casting a spell to project her memory as the sister she had always been. This was enough to wake her up, but not enough to expel the demon. After Piper sacrificed Prue, the order was restored. Everyone suffered the losses but also rejoiced in what they had recovered.

Seven months later, Phoebe gave birth to her third daughter and named her Peyton. Since Paige was suffering total amnesia, Phoebe and Amelia join their powers to help her regain her memory at a slow pace.

Later life

Charmed822 734-1-

Phoebe in the future.

With the destruction of all the strong demons of the past, Phoebe was finally able to have a normal life (she still helped innocents, but things became much calmer than her early years). Phoebe continues to give advice through her advice column in The Bay Mirror to all who needed it but was more interested in helping her readers find love.

Phoebe has also published a New York best-selling book called "Finding Love". She was last seen with her husband, Coop, rushing off for the birth of their third daughter, while Billie tended to their two other girls.

The magical lives of Phoebe and her sisters as the Charmed Ones are written in the history books of Magic School [11] as well as their own Book of Shadows, which has grown thicker by the time they are 80.


" Always was the restless one. Just like your Grams."
Gideon to Phoebe[src]

In the beginning, Phoebe was first introduced as a free-spirited, rebellious, and open-minded young woman who helped her older sisters embrace their Charmed destiny. She was also unafraid to try new things and dared to be different from the vast majority of others, though it often put her at odds with her oldest sister, Prue, who once confessed that she had always admired Phoebe's confidence and courage, but also saw her as utterly irresponsible because of those traits.

One constant feature about Phoebe would be her creative mind as well as her excellent memory, which led her to become the best spell-caster out of the four sisters. She is also quick-witted and resourceful, knowing how to pick locks and pockets and change the tires of a car. Even Piper once commented that she would never have the kind of "street-smarts" that Phoebe possessed. Besides this, due to her powers and her degree in psychology, Phoebe is sensitive and compassionate towards others and is capable of giving sound advice to her sisters and, later, the readers of her column as well.

She also has been shown to have the inability to keep secrets.

Another prominent trait of Phoebe is her dedication to the Craft: out of the four sisters, Phoebe was often the most passionate about magic and saw her unique heritage as something that truly distinguished herself and her sisters from others. In fact, her enthusiasm was a prominent contribution to Prue's and Piper's acceptance of their Charmed destiny, and whenever her older sisters were tempted to give up their magic, Phoebe was always the most vocal in objections, and never failed to remind them both of all the good the three were able to accomplish through their powers. However, her passion for magic also had a downside: she frequently found it hard to abide by the basic Wiccan rule that magic was not meant to be used for personal gain, which led to her being stripped of her active powers when she excessively exploited them.

Besides this, due to her being the only Charmed One to be born in the Halliwell Manor (above the Nexus), Phoebe was more susceptible to being influenced by evil than her sisters. This susceptibility, coupled with her impulsiveness, once led her into becoming the Queen of the Underworld, and though she ultimately returned to the Charmed fold, it still left her with emotional scars that prevented her from finding love. Hence, when a series of events caused her to re-encounter Cole years after his supposed permanent vanquish, she lashed out at him despite his having turned over a new leaf, for she had grown to hate him as much as she loved him due to their previous tumultuous romance.

Despite her flaws, it must still be noted that Phoebe was always fiercely loyal to her loved ones (a Warren trait). Even after she supposedly turned against her sisters by becoming the Queen of the Underworld, Phoebe still cared for them, and part of why she ended up choosing them over Cole was the realization that, despite her betrayal, her sisters still respected her choices, and did not try to use magic to change her mind (which Cole failed to do so). This shows that, though she was willing to make great sacrifices for love, there were still lines that Phoebe would not cross, and she had heartfelt respect for the basic concept of one's free will.

She was also able to turn the loss of her active powers into somewhat of a valuable life-lesson instead of a punishment - she established herself as still being a powerful force to be reckoned with through what magical skills she retained, such as her common sense, her formidable spell-casting talent, and even her potion-brewing abilities. After she regained all of her former powers, and they even advanced to enable her to access new abilities, Phoebe demonstrated a new sense of care and caution that she never had previously, showing that she had truly matured from her experiences, and had grown to be more mindful of the possible consequences stemming from using magic recklessly. Last but not least, Phoebe showed herself to be a woman who was willing to accept responsibility for her previous mistakes - despite her initial hostility towards Cole when she re-encountered him after she had heard his heartfelt apologies, she acknowledged that she was also to blame for how their romance ended in tragedy, and the two came to true reconciliation.

Physical Appearance

Small triquetra The Phoebe Halliwell article has a Photo Gallery.

Phoebe's appearance underwent more changes than any of the other characters in the series.

  • Hair: In her early twenties she has a bob hairstyle and she often wears it free-flowing. She also went blond for a short while, and later darkens the color to a sandy brown. She then cuts her hair to a moderate length and returns it back to a dark brown color, wearing it with bangs or a tiny fringe. She lets her hair grow and returned to a brunette color with layers a few months later, wearing it up in hairnets on a few occasions. Phoebe then cuts her hair to a pixie cut, then lets her hair grow out and has it in curls and ponytails more often and seems to have darkened it. She grew it long again and lightened the color once more.

Her future self is shown to have waist-length wavy hair in a slightly darker hue.

  • Aliases: As the alias Julie Bennett, Phoebe has long, dark brown/black hair with loose curls.
  • Wardrobe: Her fashion sense changes considerably from her early to late twenties. Phoebe started to wear very fashionable clothing. She also favors black dresses when going out. For a while, she wore a lot of skimpy clothes but returned to wearing less revealing outfits, developing a fondness for ethnic designs and patterns.
  • Make-up: Phoebe normally wears natural colors and sometimes displays dark shades. On occasion, she will wear pinks and sometimes wear a more dramatic look to her eyes than before. Later on, she wears a far more natural look with considerably more blush and rarely a nice plum color.

Powers and Abilities

Basic Powers
  • Spell Casting: The ability to cast spells and perform rituals. Phoebe is considered the best spell writer of all four sisters.
  • Potion Brewing: The ability to brew potions.
  • Scrying: The ability to locate a person or object by the use of a scrying crystal, a map, and sometimes other tools.
  • Mediumship: The ability to see and commune with spirits of the dead.
Active Powers
  • 4x13Premonition

    Phoebe receiving a vision

    Premonition: The ability to see events of the past, present, and future. This power allows her to create psychic links and share/receive/trigger visions with and onto other psychics. This is Phoebe's primary Wiccan power.
    • Intuition: The ability to sense when something is about to happen before it does. This allows her to sense and predict attacks.
    • Astral Premonition: The ability to receive visions of the future while simultaneously astral projecting into said future.
  • 5x21 Levitation

    Phoebe levitating out of danger.

    Levitation: The ability to propel oneself into the air and hover. She can also extend her levitation power to other people and objects through physical contact.
  • EmpathyPunch

    Phoebe turning violent due to sensing anger.

    Empathy: The ability to feel, sense, and understand other people's feelings, emotions, and intentions.
    • Psychic Reflection: The ability to reflect emotions and/or memories back onto a person or onto another being.
    • Channeling: The ability to draw upon the powers of other beings, thus allowing the channeller to harness or exploit the activated powers of those they are channeling.
      • Deviation: Phoebe can deviate attacks back at enemies by channeling their emotions.
      • Power Replication: The ability to channel and replicate the powers of other magical beings within close proximity.
Other Powers
  • The Power of Three: The collective power of the Charmed Ones which enhances their powers.
    • High Resistance: This ability is active when Phoebe is in unity with her sisters. It is also active while channeling the powers of another magical being.
  • Remote Beaming: The ability to teleport her husband Coop to her just by focusing on him.
  • Temporary Powers: Powers that Phoebe temporarily gained when she was transformed into or swapped powers with other beings.
Natural Abilities
  • Expert Hand-To-Hand Combatant: To make up for initially only having a passive power, Phoebe took classes in self-defense and taekwondo. She also trained with Cole for a short period of time. She eventually became the most effective hand-to-hand fighter out of all the four sisters.
    • Enhanced Agility: Defined as moving quickly and easily from one motion to another. She acquired this skill through intense combat training, which was later enhanced because of her levitation power.

Romantic Life


Coop Halliwell: a Cupid, Phoebe's third husband and her one true love.

Coop Halliwell

Coop is Phoebe's third husband and a Cupid. He was sent by the Elders to help her open her heart to love again, but they eventually fell in love with each other. After finding out that their relationship was permitted, she opened herself up to him and they married soon after, with Coop taking her family name. Together, they have three daughters.

Cole Turner

Cole Turner: Phoebe's first real love and first husband.

Cole was Phoebe's first husband and one of the biggest loves of her life, as well as one of the most significant love stories in the show. Cole was a half-demon named Belthazor sent by the Triad to find a way to kill her and her sisters, but in the end, he fell for her, and she fell for him. Their relationship lasted for two-and-a-half years until Phoebe ended it by vanquishing him. Though they are no longer together, Cole is still watching over her in a spiritual plane and has come to terms with his fate.

Other Relationships
  • A list of Phoebe's past relations was summed up by Cupid when he asked the sisters for help.[12] Additionally, when Cole was trying to get close to Phoebe while working for the Triad, he kept notes on her past relationships.[13]
  • Jimmy: Jimmy was Phoebe's boyfriend during her teenage years. Other than the fact that he was her first boyfriend and that he drove a 65 Lincoln, nothing else is known about him.

Hans Fein

  • Hans Fein: Hans was Phoebe's boyfriend in late 1998. Phoebe and Piper used the Charm of Love ritual and cast the Love Spell causing Phoebe to go to Quake and met Hans. Though they had a lovely start, the spell began to get out of hand causing Piper and Phoebe to attract every male with their wanted characteristics. Eventually, Phoebe and Piper reversed the spell. By reversing the spell, Hans's memory was erased.[14]

Clay Muniz

  • Clay Muniz: Months after Phoebe left New York, her ex-boyfriend Clay Muniz came to town after helping steal a cursed urn in Egypt. Their relationship instantly got back on track and turned sexual. He tried to have Prue auction the urn off, but when she learned it was stolen she had it removed from the auction. The Guardian of the Urn attacked Clay, but an act of selflessness in saving Phoebe redeemed him and the Guardian disappeared. After saving her from getting bit by the snake. Clay and Phoebe said their final goodbyes and left on good terms.[15]

Owen Grant

  • Owen Grant: Phoebe met the young handsome doctor named Owen Grant at a dating service called "Fine Romance" during a demonic investigation. The two felt immediately attracted to each other, but when Phoebe gets a vision of Owen becoming the victim of a succubus, she and her sisters work hard to protect him. After Prue started a riot in an assembly, she and Owen got arrested. Phoebe asked Darryl to keep him locked up in order to keep him safe. After the succubus was destroyed, he was released and they went out on a date at P3.[16]

Billy Appleby: the character of Kill It Before It Dies.

  • Billy Appleby: Phoebe's lifelong Prince Charming came to life from an old movie named "Kill It Before It Dies" in the form of a movie character called Billy Appleby. Phoebe's childhood dream man coming to life, the two spent the whole day flirting and shared a single kiss. Phoebe was then forced to return him back into the movie but not before he could restore her faith in men. A year later, Cole uses his quotes from the movie to seduce Phoebe to get close to her in order to kill The Charmed Ones.[17]

Miles: the guy who had to die.

  • Miles: Phoebe was in a relationship with this man in late 2002. Their relationship became so intimate that she started having premonitions of his death every time she touched him. Because he was meant to die, her continuous rescues led her to her death. Cole then had a warlock sent to the past to change this, but eventually, the warlock turned to a new path and killed Phoebe and Paige. Piper was able to alter this when she went back in time to the day Miles was shot to death and warned her past self to delay Phoebe, allowing him to die.[18]

Jason Dean, the owner of The Bay Mirror.

  • Jason Dean: Three weeks after Wyatt's birth, Phoebe met the new owner of the Bay Mirror, Jason. She found his professionalism annoying but was also attracted to him. Eventually, he worked up the courage to ask her out on a date, in which she accepted. Few months after they began their relationship, Jason moved to Hong Kong. He asked Phoebe to go with him but she didn't. Thanks to Phoebe's growing empathy power, Phoebe initially only felt powerful lustful feelings coming from Jason but then discovered that he had fallen in love with her. They remained in a serious relationship for a year which led to Phoebe moving to Hong Kong with him. While in San Francisco, he discovered she was a witch and decided to take some time away from her, and eventually, they parted ways.[19]

Leslie St. Claire, her ghostwriter.

  • Leslie St. Claire: Much later, Phoebe decided to take a sabbatical from work. Her editor Elise Rothman, instead of just rerunning Phoebe's column for two months, hired a ghostwriter, Leslie St. Claire. Phoebe fell for him and vice versa, though she did not want her column to be written by a male writer. Leslie eventually left, feeling that Phoebe had too much to hide for his taste because Phoebe kept standing him up at their dates, and could never explain why as she was doing witch-related activities.[20]

Drake dé Mon

  • Drake dè Mon: Phoebe gained a passionate romantic interest in the new literature teacher at Magic School, an ex-demon, Drake. Unfortunately, his only problem was that he was destined to die two weeks after meeting her because of a deal made with a sorcerer. He and Phoebe spend time together over the next two weeks, falling in love with each other in the process. He managed to fulfill his mission; to help Phoebe restore her faith in love again. It was revealed that Cole was actually the one who sent him, believing that Phoebe never really held onto love because of him.[21]

Dex Lawson: Phoebe's second husband.

  • Dex Lawson: In late 2005, Phoebe, under the disguise of Julie Bennett, met an artist named Dex Lawson, who was interested in her column. Phoebe got a premonition of them getting married when they shook hands, and after some advice from Piper, decided to get closer to see if she could find love with him. Eventually, they fell for each other. While under a spell cast by Billie, the two got married. After the spell ended, they decided to stay married to see how this turned out. The day after, however, she removed the disguise and told Dex her real identity as Julie and a witch. Unable to handle it, he had their marriage annulled.[22]

Professional Life


Phoebe working at Buckland's.


Phoebe working at SWA Properties.


Phoebe on her billboard.


The promotional poster of Phoebe's book.

  • New York: Phoebe worked multiple jobs while she was living in New York. She mentioned having worked as a bartender for a short while.[23] Later, Piper told Prue that Phoebe worked at the Rainbow Room as a hostess where she met Clay. Sometime later, she started working at the Chelsea Piers. It was later mentioned that she worked as a bartender for a short while.[24]
  • Unemployed: Phoebe comes back to San Francisco in 1998 completely broke, owning scarcely more than the clothes on her back, a bicycle, and an umbrella, hoping to move back into the Halliwell Manor (which at the time was under the residence of Prue and Piper) that had been willed to them by their Grams.
  • Hotel Neptune: On the day of Prue's birthday, Phoebe wishes to get Prue a really good birthday present but had no money. So seeing an advertisement in the paper for a hotel psychic she briefly worked as a fortune-teller called "The Amazing Phoebe" at a hotel but gave it up after she'd earned enough money to buy Prue's present.[25]
  • Buckland Auction House: Phoebe takes on the job as Prue's assistant at Buckland Auction House however she gives up the job by the end of the episode as she didn't really feel that she could handle the number of premonitions of the past she would get from all the antique objects at the auction house.[26]
  • SWA Properties: Phoebe was then hired as a secretary at SWA Properties. Her new boss, having an affair with another man, instructed Phoebe to lie to her husband if he were to call or visit. Unable to lie, she quit her job to keep her self-respect.[27]
  • College Student: Later, she decided to go to college. She went through nearly eighteen months studying psychology and eventually graduated in late 2001. Phoebe then eventually goes back to college to improve her advice column in 2005, although it is unknown whatever happens after.[28][29]
  • The Bay Mirror: After graduating from college with a B.A in Psychology, Phoebe lands a steady and successful job as an advice columnist for the newspaper, her column is titled "Ask Phoebe." Phoebe becomes somewhat of a celebrity with the general public, this is attributed to her extremely real and insightful advice. Her popularity can be seen in the many advertisements seen throughout the show entitled "Ask Phoebe: She has all the answers." Elise refers to Phoebe as the "heart and soul" of the paper.[30]
  • Author: Thanks to advice given to her by none other than Juliet, Phoebe is inspired to write a book. The book became a New York Best-Seller and was entitled "Finding Love".


  • Phoebe: Is the Latinized form of the Greek name Φοιβη (Phoibe), which meant "bright, pure" from Greek φοιβος (phoibos). In Greek mythology, Phoibe was a Titan associated with the moon. This was also an epithet of her granddaughter, the moon goddess Artemis. The name appears in Paul's epistle to the Romans in the New Testament, where it belongs to a female minister in the church at Cenchreae. In England, it began to be used as a given name after the Protestant Reformation. A moon of Saturn bears this name (in honor of the Titan).
  • Halliwell: Derives from any of the several places named with the Old English pre 7th Century elements "halig" meaning "holy", plus "well(a)", a well or spring. These places include Halliwell in Lancashire, recorded as Haliwell circa 1200; Holwell in Dorset and Oxfordshire appearing respectively as Halegewelle and Haliwelle in the Domesday Book of 1086; Halwell and Halwill in Devonshire, recorded as Halgewilla in 1086, and Holywell in Northumberland, Kent, Cambridgeshire, and Cornwall.


Phoebe Mermaiddd

Phoebe as a Mermaid.

  • Phoebe was the first sister to write a spell in the Book of Shadows. However, Piper was the first sister to ever write anything in the book.
  • Phoebe was the first sister to create her own spells and also brew her own potions.
  • Phoebe is the author of the most powerful spell the Charmed Ones possess.[31]
  • It's mentioned several times that Phoebe's favorite story was Cinderella.

Phoebe as a rebellious teenager.

Patty as a waitress

Phoebe gave her mother a premonition while she was at work.

  • Phoebe's astrological sign is Scorpio, like her older sister Prue, and her ancestor Melinda Warren.
  • Phoebe is one of the only witches shown on the screen to manifest her powers from the womb. Patty Halliwell had a premonition of the three sisters going to the past in That '70s Episode while she was pregnant with Phoebe, and also had a premonition of Piper's wedding day on the day the Phoebe was born. The other witches are Wyatt Halliwell, the unborn Source, and Melinda Warren.
  • When the sisters' ancestor, Melinda Warren, looks into the future with her power of premonition through Phoebe, she tells them that she sees "many more generations of my beautiful daughters." Ironically, Phoebe is the only sister who has all girls.
  • Phoebe is also the only sister to continue the tradition of giving her children names that begin with the letter P.
  • Phoebe's job at The Bay Mirror is foreshadowed in the season 2 episode Heartbreak City when she helps a Cupid bring together people by giving them love advice.
Coop EngagedConfused1

Coop her husband; who's also a cupid.

  • Phoebe is a huge fan of the TV series Sex and the City, even to the point where the 2005 episode Malice in Wonderland featured a myriad of references to that show and Phoebe narrating the episode in the style of Carrie. Ironically, the most famous real-life Halliwell, Geri "Ginger Spice" Halliwell, once appeared on an episode of Sex and the City as a character named Phoebe over two years before Malice in Wonderland.
  • Her hair and clothing styles change the most out of all the Charmed Ones.
  • Phoebe is the only Charmed One who didn't have braces during her teenage years.
  • Phoebe was the first Charmed One to have a power advance. In Season 1 episode The Witch is Back, she gained the ability to have visions of the past.
  • Phoebe was or thought she was, pregnant by both of her ex-husbands but never ended up having children with them. The unborn source with Cole was never born and Phoebe turned out not to be pregnant with Dex.
  • In The Honeymoon's Over, Phoebe says to Prue that they had a deal that she wouldn't use her active power on her until she has an active power to use on Prue. In this, she foreshadowed her own power of Levitation.
  • Phoebe is the only Charmed One to be sent to jail in the past (That '70s Episode, Witchstock), present (The Bare Witch Project), and future (Morality Bites).
  • Phoebe is the only sister not to have two sisters killed in the same time where she survives. Prue lost both Phoebe and Piper during Déjà Vu All Over Again, Piper lost both Phoebe and Paige in A Witch in Time and Kill Billie: Vol. 2, and Paige lost her sisters in Someone to Witch Over Me.

Phoebe wants to enjoy her new life.

  • In Once Upon a Time, a brief glimpse of Phoebe's personal/legal records is shown while Cole was reading them in order to try and pretend that they have common interests. This revealed several snippets of personal information about Phoebe, including:
  • Her favorite film is Kill It Before It Dies (which is a key point in Chick Flick).
  • Her favorite artwork is "The Birth Of Venus" by Sandro Botticelli
  • Her favorite book is Sense & Sensibility by Jane Austen
  • Her favorite song is "Bittersweet Symphony" by The Verve
  • Phoebe was the sister to be the most interested in magic in Season 1, and the sister who was most interested in being a mortal in early Season 8.
  • Characters underestimating Phoebe's powers is a recurring theme in the show. The Source of All Evil once remarked that her powers were "hardly worth taking", Ms. Hellfire wrote her powers as "negligible" in her notes and Mitzy Stillman was disappointed to learn that she'd get Phoebe's powers instead of Paige's. Phoebe herself was insecure about not having an active power early in the show.
  • In Season 3's Once Upon A Time, it was shown that she shared an "imaginary friend" with her sisters, called Lily, who later turned out to be a Fairy.
  • In an alternate reality created by Lord Dyson to kill Lady Godiva, Phoebe was married to Leslie St. Claire and had an unspecified number of children with him.[32]
  • All of Phoebe's powers manifested in the first episode of a season. Her premonition ability manifested in Something Wicca This Way Comes (the first episode of Season One). Her levitation power manifested in The Honeymoon's Over (the first episode of Season Three) and her empathic ability manifested in Valhalley of the Dolls, Part 1 (the first episode of Season Six). She also received her power of Psychic Reflection in the second volume of the Season 9 comics.
  • Of all the Charmed Ones, Phoebe has co-existed with an alternate version of herself within the same time and space the most, the total being 6 times:
  • Additionally, Phoebe and Prue are the only sisters that have coexisted with two alternate versions of themselves within the same time and space: Prue did when she summon her clones in Which Prue is it, Anyway? and Phoebe did when she summoned her future and childhood self in The Three Faces of Phoebe


Alyssa Still3

Alyssa Milano


Lori Rom (right) portrayed Phoebe Halliwell in Unaired Pilot.

  • In 2007, AOL named her the seventh greatest witch in television history.
  • Alyssa Milano portrayed the character in all but one episode during the series' run, placing her second behind Holly Marie Combs, who appeared in all 179 episodes. The exception was the unaired pilot, in which Phoebe was played by Lori Rom, who left the production after one episode. According to the released information, the reason behind said leaving was because the show's theme was controversial to her religion.
  • Ariel the Little Mermaid's appearance was based on Alyssa Milano, who was 16 at the time. Alyssa later played a mermaid on the show.
  • Both Phoebe and Alyssa are vegetarians.
  • Phoebe and Cole were briefly referenced in the movie Big Fat Liar when Amanda Bynes said: "So I was watching Charmed on The WB Television Network last night and right when Alyssa Milano was about to cast a spell on her cute demon boyfriend[...]"
  • Maggie Vera

    Maggie Vera: Phoebe's reboot counterpart.

    Phoebe's counterpart in the reboot series is Maggie Vera, who is a college freshman with the power of telepathy. She is the only sister to have a different power but still requires physical touch to be effective. Two other similarities are Maggie's major in psychology and her relationship with half-demon, Parker Caine.
    • In season two, she lost her powers and gained the ability of foresight.
    • Joey Falco the showrunner of Season 4 revealed in an Interview that Phoebe was supposed to appear at the end of Season 1 in order to launch a Charmed Multiverse, but The CW rejected the idea at the time. [33]
    • This idea was later revisited in Season 4 of the reboot when a Whitelighter from the Halliwell's universe reached out to Vera-Danso Charmed Ones' universe for help. They were brought to an interdimensional space shaped like a video store, which was heavily hinted to have been created by Phoebe herself (described as a "Charmed One with incredible powers of Premonition").
    • The reboot features a character named Julie Hoffman, who has a relationship with a man named Jason, a likely homage to Phoebe's alias in season eight and her relationship with Jason Dean.
  • Phoebe's zodiac sign is Scorpio.


See also

External links

