The Four Sisters, Part 1 is the 14th issue of the Charmed Comcs: Season 10 published by Zenescope Entertainment.
For a complete plot of The Four Sisters, Part 1, go here. |
With the temporary spell wearing out, the Charmed Ones race to find a way to protect their family from Prue's powers without killing her. As they prepare to do a dangerous spell, the shape-shifting Big Bad that has seized control of one of their own is setting its plan in motion.
- Benjamin Turner
- Kyra
- Cupid Judge
- Angel of Death
- The Tribunal
- Iota
- Gamma
- Neena
- Tyler Michaels
- Kareem Scales
- Zankou
- Angels of Destiny
- Javna (flashback)
- Montgomery Knox (image only)
Magical Notes[]

The sisters casting the spell.
To Call a Lost Witch[]
- Powers of the witches rise,
- Course unseen across the skies.
- Come to us, who call you near.
- Come to us and settle here.
- Blood to blood, I summon thee.
- Blood to blood, return to me.
- The sisters attempt a spell in an unknown language to share the power of the All, but they are interrupted.
- Molecular Combustion: Used by Piper to open the doors.
- Portal Creation: Type of Teleportation used by Tyler.
- Particle Swarm: Used by Zankou to attack Kyra and Ben.
- Flight: Type of Transportation used by the Cherub.
- Orbing: Type of Teleportation used by Paige.
- Fireballs: Used by Zankou as he attempted to attack the sisters.
- Prue channeled enough power into Zankou to cause him to combust and revert to Tyler.
- Prue forms blue energy in her hand as she recognizes Tyler as Heremus' host.
Notes and Trivia[]
- This is the first two part story since Season 6.
- This issue seemingly picks up right after the previous one, as the sisters storm Cupid's Temple after Coop was taken.
- Many magical beings from previous seasons and issues return in this issue.
- The Angel of Death, Angels of Destiny, Avatars, the Tribunal, the Elders and the Cupid Judge appear as part of the new tribunal.
- Zankou and Javna manifest through Tyler.
- Neena is summoned by Prue.
- It is revealed that the Angel of Death survived being stabbed by the Ancient Athame.
- This is the first issue to introduce Encantadas.
- Prue's face on the cover was based on that of actress Natalie Dormer.
Previous Episode: Court of Love |
Next Episode: The Four Sisters, Part 2 |
Episodes: Season 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 Comics: 9 - 10 |