Time Traveling is the magical process of moving through space and time into the past, the future, and back to one's present. It is commonly achieved through the casting of certain spells, while aspects of time travel can also be accessed as a branch of the power of Temporal Manipulation, such as Temporal Displacement which allows users to send or bring other beings and objects through time without being able to physically travel through time themselves.
Methods for Time Travel[]
Time Travel Spells[]
The most common method for time traveling is through the usage of certain spells. Some spells like the Call to a Restless Spirit are able to astral project the caster into the past. Although, they are unable to physically interact with the world of the past due to only being spectators in astral form.
Physically traveling through time is known to require a powerful, temporal item to make it happen in order to ground the travelers within the timestream. For instance, when Macy Vaughn as the Source altered reality in 2019, Marisol Vera showed Mel and Maggie Vera a spell to restore balance, which Mel used in conjunction with her Time Bracelet to make the spell powerful enough to return them to the needed moment. Additionally, Celeste's pocket watch was readjusted in 2021 to allow time travel, enabling Mel and Abigael Jameson-Caine, and later Macy and Maggie to travel with a spell to the future, and back with a return spell.
Temporal Displacement[]
Time witches, such as Mel Vera, may develop the ability to send objects or people through time and space without traveling themselves, as a by-product of their Temporal Manipulation. Witches with this ability can send objects and people to different times, such as the past or future, and are able to send their consciousness to another time in order to retrieve an object and bring it to the present. It is unknown if users of this ability can naturally develop the ability to physically send themselves through time. Due to this limitation, this power could be considered a lesser variation of time travel.
In "Kappa Spirit", after realizing that the "new" sorority pledge was in fact a ghost and haunting the Kappa sisterhood, Maggie Vera convinced her sister, Mel Vera, to help her. Using the Call to a Restless Spirit, a spell from the Book of Shadows that allows one to travel to the past via astral projection in order to figure out the source of a ghost's restlessness, Mel and Maggie are projected back to 1989 where they witnessed Brenda being publicly humiliated.
They also saw their mother, Marisol Vera, who was having a discussion with a friend about their elder sister, Macy Vaughn, whom she was pregnant with at the time. Marisol believed that there was something wrong with the baby, but the spell ended before either sister could learn more.
In "'The Source Awakens", as Macy was being consumed by her emotions, due to having merged with the Source, Mel and Maggie found themselves trapped in a warped reality in which Macy was never resurrected through Necromancy. They found their mother who was still alive in this alternate reality, and she guided them to the spell for Balance Restoration in the Book of Shadows. The spell transports them back in time to the moment that the Power of Three was broken, which was just before Macy resurrected Galvin Burdette in "Red Rain".
In "Triage", Mel asked Celeste if there was a way to travel into the future because when she had her time powers, she had hidden a piece of the Source at Evergreen Cemetery in Hilltowne 2070. Celeste loaned Mel her magical pocket watch and informed her that she would only have fifteen minutes before reciting a spell to send Mel and Abigael Jameson-Caine into the future. After retrieving the piece, Abigael cast the spell to return Mel and herself back to their own time.
In "Perfecti Is the Enemy of Good", Mel was placed under a magically induced coma after she was attacked by the Perfecti. While comatose, Mel found herself in a dreamworld version of Vera Manor and was greeted by her future self, who transferred her unborn baby into present-day Mel for its protection.
In "Schrodinger's Future", Macy and Maggie borrowed Celeste's watch to travel to SafeSpace, Seattle in the year of 2026 in order to find out what happens in the future that drives future Mel to transfer her unborn baby to her present self. They arranged for the watch to give them thirty minutes instead of fifteen. However, once in the future, they accidentally walked into a trap set by future Abigael and the watch broke. Upon contacting Celeste and Harry Greenwood through Macy's earbugs, they were able to find a piece to replace the broken one and return to the present, though having been there for too long, Macy and Maggie aged rapidly upon their return. However, this was remedied when Mel gave each of them some of the Temporal Tea.
In "I Dreamed a Dream…", future Mel came to the present after Macy sacrificed herself to stop the Whispering Evil and saved the world from destruction. Future Mel then retrieved her unborn baby and returned to her own time as contractions began to occur in order to not risk having the baby in the wrong time.
In "Unlucky Charmed", Mel decided that she needed to restore her time powers in order to help with the battle against the Tallyman. Although unsuccessful in restoring her power to freeze, Mel did manage to unintentionally and unknowingly send her consciousness back in time to when she and her ex-girlfriend Ruby broke up.
While further attempting to regain her Temporal Stasis in "Ripples", Mel tried to freeze time around Maggie's clock, but when it vanished instead, she believed she had incinerated it. However, several hours later, the clock returned, in the same place and displaying the same time, leading Mel to realize that she had actually sent it into the future.
Believing she had a better grasp on her new time-traveling power, having practiced sending a sandwich back in time before pulling it into the present in "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Sandwich", Mel planned to send Maggie and Kaela Danso back in time ten minutes to stop a hobgoblin from activating a set of Annihilation Quartz in the Blue Camellia. However, distracted by the date on a painting hanging on the wall of Roxie's office, Mel accidentally sent them back to 1926 instead and needed Maggie and Kaela to alert her of the time they're in by setting an alarm on a similar painting near the bar before she could reach back in time and pull them back to the present.
In "Be Kind. Rewind.", months after Inara transformed the world into one where she was the most powerful, all magical beings lost all memories of their past, and all humans were turned into plants and trees, the Vera-Danso Charmed Ones decided to travel back in time to change the outcome. They managed to sneak into the chamber containing Black Amber Tree and restore their powers but were ambushed by Inara, who killed Mel, Jordan Chase, and Harry. After escaping back to the manor, Kaela manifested a videotape containing all of the information they needed their past selves to know, and Maggie, who mimicked Mel's time powers, sent it through time seconds before they were destroyed by Inara. The tape was found by Joséfina Reyes in the kitchen of the manor while she was running late and frantically getting ready for Dev Banerjee's memorial service.
Known Users[]
- Original Power
- Mel Vera (Temporal Displacement and through time travel spells)
- Through spells, artifacts, power stealing, etc.
- Maggie Vera (through time travel spells and by mimicking Mel's Temporal Displacement)
- Macy Vaughn (through time travel spells)
- Kaela Danso (temporarily displaced by Mel's time power)
- Abigael Jameson-Caine (through time travel spells)
- Celeste (through time travel spells)[1]
- In the original series, time travel was a neutral ability that allowed users to travel through time via various methods. It was used repeatedly throughout the show.
- In "Unlucky Charmed", Mel managed to send her consciousness back in time to witness a past event. In the original series, Phoebe's power of Premonition advanced to Astral Premonition, which allowed her to send her astral form back or forward in time to experience events.
- Mel learns in "Ripples" that it is possible to send objects through time without the user time traveling themselves. According to Mel in "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Sandwich", while still new to her powers, she can't physically travel through time herself, only send her consciousness in order to pull back to the present what she desires.
- It's currently unknown if users of the power of Temporal Manipulation may develop the ability to send themselves physically through time. In "Perfecti Is the Enemy of Good" and "I Dreamed a Dream…", a future version of Mel was shown wearing some sort of bracelets, presumably a type of time bracelets, while visiting the past, but it's unclear if she time traveled through an advancement of her time power or through the usage of a spell. However, while leaving present Mel and Maggie in "I Dreamed a Dream…", future Mel was not shown reciting a return spell.
- ↑ While she did not travel through time herself, she did cast the spells that sent others through time.