Chainsaw Man Wiki

Power ( (パワー) , Pawā?) is the 4th chapter of the Chainsaw Man manga series.


Denji and Aki start to live together, but Aki gets annoyed by mess Denji does and the amount of time he uses the bathroom. Aki receives a call for an appearance of a Fiend and they go to investigate. Heading towards the room with the fiend, Aki explains that a Fiend is a devil that had taken over a dead body of a person. Aki orders Denji to kill the Fiend and show his devil power, but Denji decapitates and kills the devil, explaining that his power looks painful and he wanted to give painless death to the Fiend. Aki gets angry and explains that Fiends are Devils too and he shouldn't sympathize with them. Since devils killed his family, he wants to kill them in the most suffering way possible. Denji says that if there are devils he can be friends with, he will be, as he doesn't have any friends, hearing that Aki leaves the room.

Denji then reveals he in reality he didn't want to use his chainsaws as he saw some porn magazines and the chainsaws will spray blood all over them. Denji then mentions that while Aki is still chasing his dream, Denji is already living his, but it still feels like he is missing something. He wonders if Makima has a dream and thinking of her, he comments that he wants to touch some boobs. Denji then realizes that what he thought to be impossible is now possible with his current life. He believes he found a serious dream and that is to touch some boobs.

Back at work, Makima informs Denji that she is pairing him with with a buddy of hers for small-scale missions and warns him she is a Fiend. Power then makes an entrance announcing her name. Denji starts to wonder if Fiends can be Devil Hunters, but as he sees her chest, he quickly accepts it and gets excited to work with her.


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Chapters and Volumes
Volume 1 1234567
Volume 2 8910111213141516
Volume 3 171819202122232425
Volume 4 262728293031323334
Volume 5 353637383940414243
Volume 6 444546474849505152
Volume 7 535455565758596061
Volume 8 626364656667686970
Volume 9 717273747576777879
Volume 10 808182838485868788
Volume 11 899091929394959697
Volume 12 9899100101102103
Volume 13 104105106107108109110111112
Volume 14 113114115116117118119120121122
Volume 15 123124125126127128129130131132133
Volume 16 134135136137138139140141142143
Volume 17 144145146147148149150151152153
Volume 18 154155156157158159160161162163164
Volume 19 165166167168169170171172173174175
Volume 20 176177178179180181182183184185186
Chapters not yet in tankōbon format 187188189190191192193194195196
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Intro arc
Chapters 1234
Volumes 1
Episodes 12