Deploys a UAV to scan the maps for 30 seconds and reveal enemy locations. Enemies with the second tier perk UAV Jammer will not be detected by the UAV.
Deploys an attack helicopter, either an AH-1 Cobra or Mi-24 Hind (depending on which team the player is on), to engage enemy players for one minute. It can be shot down with RPG-7s, launched grenades, or concentrated gun fire.
Calls in a pack of vicious dogs for one minute time. If dogs are killed, more spawn. Friendly dogs appear as tan and black German Shepherds, enemy dogs appear as solid black German Shepherds. In core game modes, two bites from a dog are required to be killed.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2[]
In Modern Warfare 2, players can choose up to three killstreak rewards they can earn, rather than just the standard three. At the start, the player can only use UAV, Care Package and Predator Missile, with the option to unlock one new killstreak at each of the following levels: 10, 15, 23, 35, 47, 51, 55, 59, 63, 66, 68 and 69 (all killstreak rewards will be unlocked at level 69). When a killstreak of eight or more is activated, a message will notify all players in the match, showing the callsign and the streak being used (except in Hardcore or when the killstreak is a Stealth Bomber being deployed by the opposing team). Even though a Tactical Nuke is announced to both teams, the player's callsign on the top-right corner will only be shown to players on that player's team.
It is worth noting that two killstreaks that share the same killstreak amount cannot be used together, one must be picked over the other. For example, for the seven kills slot the player can use either the Harrier Strike or the Attack Helicopter, but not both, as well with nine kills slot the player can use either the Pave Low or the Stealth Bomber and the 11 kills slot the player can choose from either the AC-130 or the Chopper Gunner.
For controllable killstreaks (Predator Missile, Chopper Gunner and AC-130), if the player is killed while operating the killstreak, the player can continue using the killstreak until it is done and then respawn or enter spectator mode as normal. The only exception to this is Search and Destroy.
Player must throw a red smoke grenade to mark the location of an air drop package containing a random killstreak or ammo. The package can kill players if it lands on them. Can be taken by anybody. It takes longer for anybody but the user to obtain the package, leaving them vulnerable.
Player must throw a red smoke grenade to mark the location of an air drop package containing an M134 Minigun configured as an automatic M5 sentry gun. The same rules for the care package apply. A single slash from a knife or gunfire will disarm it. Has a 90 second time limit. It can be temporarily disabled by a flash or stun grenade.
Initiates an airstrike on a targeted area much like the Airstrike in Call of Duty 4. The user can control the direction from which the airstrike comes.
Deploys a small airstrike from two AV-8B Harrier IIs followed by one that will hover over the designated area and attack enemies with its under-mounted turret. Can be destroyed. Will disperse rockets and destroy enemy helicopters as its primary target if there are any in the sky. This will also leave the player vulnerable on the ground until they deploy the harrier.
Deploys an Mi-24 Hind or AH-1 Cobra attack helicopter armed with a single machine gun that flies around the map and attacks enemy players. Can be destroyed. Non-Flyable.
Deploys a C-130 cargo plane that drops four Care Packages. Crates can be stolen, but C-130 cannot be destroyed. Is not affected by an EMP (though it cannot be called in during an active enemy EMP).
Deploys a Pave Low armed with two Miniguns. It has a single flare for defense against missile launchers that lock targets. The Pave Low is essentially a better version of the Attack Helicopter. Can be destroyed.
Deploys a B2 Spirit that is invisible to the enemy's radar. The bomber carpet bombs a specific line, designated by the player. Cannot be destroyed. Players can experience shell shock when near their own or an enemy's bomb explosions and survive (the only time a player experiences it in multiplayer).
Deploys an AH-64 Apache or Mi-28 Havoc attack helicopter, armed with a 25mm cannon, controlled by the player on the ground. The player can be killed on the ground, but, can still finish the session in the chopper. Can be destroyed.
Deploys a Lockheed AC-130 gunship controlled by the player on the ground. It is equipped with a 25mm Gatling gun, 40mm cannon and a 105mm howitzer, each with an infinite amount of ammunition, but with reload times. The user is vulnerable while using the gunship. Can be destroyed by a launcher or a predator missile. Immune to regular guns. It has 2 flares meaning at least 3 rockets must be shot.
Deploys an electromagnetic pulse that destroys enemy killstreaks and disables enemies' HUDs, mini-map and electronic attachments, such as Holographic Sight. Also disables already deployed equipment, but those deployed after EMP will not be affected.
Calls in a nuclear strike that detonates after 10 seconds, killing all players that are spawned at the time the nuke goes off on the map and ending the match in favor of the nuke user's team, regardless of the current match score or time left (except in Free-For-All, in which the player with leading points still wins). The player gets points for the deaths of the enemies killed.
Call of Duty: Black Ops[]
Black Ops features a similar customizable killstreak reward system to Modern Warfare 2. All killstreak rewards are available for purchase, via CoD Points, at rank 10.[1] Kills from killstreak rewards don't count towards higher killstreaks unlike previous titles, which means that players must kill the required number of enemies themselves. Also, the Tactical Nuke has been removed.
Displays enemy positions on mini-map, updating every 3–4 seconds for 45 seconds. It cannot detect enemies using Ghost and can be shot down. 100 XP for calling it in, 75 XP for shooting it down.
A remote-controlled car strapped with explosives. Controllable for 30 seconds when it self-destructs. Can be detonated prematurely by pushing the fire button. 100 XP for calling it in, 80 XP for destroying it.
Airdrop a SAM (Surface-to-Air Missile) Turret. It targets all aerial killstreaks, including Valkyrie Rockets, and has infinite ammunition. 100 XP for throwing the marker, 300 XP for shooting the CH-47 Chinook down and 75 XP for destroying the turret itself.
Airdrop a random killstreak reward, ammunition, a Death Machine or a Grim Reaper. 150 XP for throwing the marker. 300 XP for shooting the CH-47 Chinook down. The crate will NOT be destroyed if the chopper is shot down; however, if the Chinook is killed fast enough, the Care Package will not fall in the intended location. Can be "rerolled" with Hardline Pro and booby trapped with Hacker Pro.
Airdrop a placeable Sentry Gun that shoots at enemies when it detects them. These turrets can be killed by any form of damage and is automatically destroyed in one stab. 150 XP for throwing the marker, 300 XP for shooting the CH-47 Chinook down and 150 XP for destroying the turret itself.
Call in a AH-1 Cobra attack helicopter that can be destroyed; however, it possesses a set of flares. It uses a target map like the Mortar Team or Napalm Strike. Unlike Chopper Gunner and Gunship, it cannot be controlled. 200 XP for calling it in, 300 XP for shooting it down.
A surface-to-air missile launcher with two controllable missiles. Can be used to take down other killstreak rewards. 200 XP for throwing the marker, 300 XP for shooting the CH-47 Chinook down, 100 XP for shooting a launched rocket.
Call in an SR-71 Blackbird which shows enemies and the directions in which they are facing. Unlike a Spy Plane, it cannot be shot down. Ghost and Ghost Pro do not prevent users from being detected by the SR-71 Blackbird. 250 XP for calling it in.
Be the door gunner of a Huey as it makes circles around the map. It can be shot down but has 1 set of flares. Enemies are highlighted with red squares. 300 XP for calling it in, 400 XP for shooting it down.
Call in a pack of vicious attack dogs that hunt down enemy players and kill them in one hit. Replacement dogs are available for dogs killed, albeit limited, and any dogs alive after approximately a minute will automatically run out of the map. 350 XP for calling it in, 30 XP per dog killed.
Pilot a Mi-24 Hind helicopter gunship. The pilot has UV-32 rockets and a 12 mm nose cannon. The HUD for the gunship in the mission "Payback" is used for this killstreak. Enemies are highlighted with red squares. 350 XP for calling it in, 400 XP for shooting it down.
An entirely different killstreak system is used in the SharpshooterWager Match game mode. In Sharpshooter, going on a killstreak earns the player perks. Gaining a perk does not cause the player to lose another perk.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 replaces killstreaks with Pointstreaks. The M.O.A.B., at 25 kills, is the only killstreak in the game.
Call of Duty: Black Ops II[]
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 uses killstreaks only in the SharpshooterParty Games mode. Scorestreaks are used in other modes. In Sharpshooter, going on a killstreak earns the player perks. Gaining a perk does not cause the player to lose another perk.
You mark a location for air support to rain fire from above in a massive line that both kills enemies on impact and also leaves behind a fiery wake that cannot be crossed by hostiles until it disperses.
A beam shaped, non-lethal, area denial weapon. Enemies entering the beam have similar effects to a stun grenade, reduced movement speed, blurred vision, and removed UI.
The Intelligent Munitions System is loaded with 4 smart explosives that eliminate enemy personnel and vehicles within range. When triggered, it will eject an explosive upwards, which then locks onto its target and propels towards them.
Juggernaut Recon gear delivered by care package. The suit is equipped with a Radar that pings nearby enemies. Contains a riot shield, Haymaker, and smoke grenade.
An unmanned rocket equipped drone loiters over the targeted areas. On each activation the drone selects the targeted location with the largest number of viable targets to bombard with rockets. Can be activated up to three times.
If Predator Missiles from both the enemy team and the friendly team are in the same place, the icon in the minimap will be shown as yellow.
Killstreaks were originally divided into categories and players could select up to three of them.[source needed]
There are chatter sounds for a MH-6 Little Bird killstreak. However, this killstreak is cut from the final game. Also, chatter sounds for enemy Predator Missile, Sentry Gun, and Airstrike can be found in game files, but they're not used.
If one switches teams on a private match after having earned a killstreak without using the killstreak first, the player will lose the killstreak.
Killstreaks are still destructible after a match ends, meaning if the player fires a rocket or AC-130 guns at an enemy aircraft, one can still get points if the match ends before the rocket/round hits.
In the Modern Warfare 2 Official Strategy Guide, in the Multiplayer section, there is a picture of a Tactical Nuke referred to as "Nuclear Strike", with a photo of a mushroom cloud instead of a radiation logo. In that same picture, the Predator Missile goes by the name "Hellfire".[2]
NPC pilots who pilot or facilitate killstreaks such as the VTOL Jet, Precision Airstrike, et cetera have specific voice lines on certain situations such as confirmed kills with a successful airstrike, or if they are taking enemy fire.
If the player is in the Coalition team and calls for White Phosphorus, the pilot will say, "This is Striker 3-1. Dropping Whiskey-Pete (or Whiskey-P) on your mark." This is a spin-off of the World War 2 term for white phosphorus, Willie Pete.
Operators have unique voice lines when calling for any killstreak.
Cruise Missiles can be destroyed with a Trophy System, and can be blocked by a Riot Shield.
A player can pilot a Cruise Missile and can crash it into a VTOL Jet or a Gunship, earning unique Boss Fight points.
VTOL Jets can have different camos, ranging from having no camo to a jungle digital camo.
Care Packages can be hit with launchers when mid-air, pushing them away from the map.
A Chopper Gunner can be marked for a Precision Airstrike.
The Advanced UAV is visible to all players when it is deployed. It can be targeted with launchers having IR systems, but it cannot be shot down.
VTOL Jets cannot target enemies if they are in smoke.
If a VTOL Jet has locked on a target, its shots can penetrate plywood and sheet metal.
Gunships and Chopper Gunners have thermal imaging.
The Gunship pilot will announce if ammunition for any armament is ready for use.
When controlling a killstreak, players can hear the Operator breathing as they use the control pad to man the killstreak.
Players who are controlling manual killstreaks can be killed (which even includes getting executed). However, this doesn't stop the player from using the killstreak and they are notified by the distinctive "death" sound effect.