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Call of Duty Wiki
The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6

"I got it on good authority that the senator stole some - let's call it "sensitive information" - from the people I work for. We think he's having it smuggled inside something from tonight's silent auction. Find this for me, Senator McKenna will find some time for you. I'll make sure of that. Keep in touch."
— Gabriel Armato to Jess Burke.

Gabriel Armato is character featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6. He is a fixer for one of New York’s crime families.


Gabriel Armato is a fixer for one of the New York crime families. He had worked with Sevati Dumas in the past, making them an acquaintance of sorts. During the political event at Capitol Station, Armato is seen having conversation with two attendees.

Blood Feud[]

Armato drove Case and Sev in a white van after the death of Johannes Essaïdi.

Most Wanted[]

Depends on the player's choice, William "Case" Calderon meets up with Armato in order to get access to Senator Jack McKenna. In exchange for the retinal scan, Case must acquire some "sensitive information" that the Senator stole from one of the families. Case sneaks through a computer and hacks it where the "sensitive information" is an antique clock.

Sneaking through the auction hall, Case gets access to the antique clock from behind, getting a diskette and delivering it to the fixer. As promised, Armato had his associates escort Senator McKenna to the back office of the Constitution Bar in the West Hall. Case sneaks in to the back office, where he uses his spy camera to get McKenna's retinsal scan while's being interrogated by Armato's associates. Armato thanks Case for the business, while he "discusses things" with the Senator

