Windy Prairie

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The starting area of the level

Windy Prairie (Japanese: かぜのだいそうげん Breezy Meadow) is the second level in Pokémon Rumble. Its bosses are mostly of the Flying-type, and it appears to lend itself mostly to Flying and Normal-type Pokémon with a few Grass-types.

Normal Mode

Pokémon Types Move Boss Move Rank
Pidgey Pidgey Normal Flying Quick Attack B
Pidgeotto Pidgeotto Normal Flying Gust B A
Pidgeot Pidgeot Normal Flying Gust B (Boss) S
Rattata Rattata Normal Tackle C
Raticate Raticate Normal Hyper Fang C A
Spearow Spearow Normal Flying Peck C
Fearow Fearow Normal Flying Aerial Ace C S
Meowth Meowth Normal Fake Out C A
Persian Persian Normal Power Gem Fury Swipes C (Boss) A
Bellsprout Bellsprout Grass Poison Vine Whip B
Weepinbell Weepinbell Grass Poison Poison Powder B A
Victreebel Victreebel Grass Poison Acid A S
Farfetch'd Farfetch'd Normal Flying Aerial Ace C B
Doduo Doduo Normal Flying Fury Attack C
Dodrio Dodrio Normal Flying Tri Attack C S
Exeggcute Exeggcute Grass Psychic Barrage B
Exeggutor Exeggutor Grass Psychic Seed Bomb B S
Lickitung Lickitung Normal Lick C B
Tangela Tangela Grass Vine Whip A S
Tauros Tauros Normal Take Down A S
Ditto Ditto Normal Struggle S
Aerodactyl Aerodactyl Rock Flying Wing Attack Ancient Power A (Boss) S
Dratini Dratini Dragon Twister A S
Dragonair Dragonair Dragon Dragon Rage A S
Dragonite Dragonite Dragon Flying Dragon Rage S (Boss)

Advanced Mode

Pokémon Types Move Boss Move Rank
Lickitung Lickitung Normal Lick A
Tangela Tangela Grass Vine Whip C
Starly Starly Normal Flying Tackle B
Staravia Staravia Normal Flying Wing Attack B A
Staraptor Staraptor Normal Flying Take Down Wing Attack B (Boss) S
Bidoof Bidoof Normal Tackle C
Bibarel Bibarel Normal Water Hyper Fang Water Gun C (Boss) S
Pachirisu Pachirisu Electric Spark C A
Cherubi Cherubi Grass Leech Seed C
Cherrim Cherrim
Overcast Form
Grass Magical Leaf C S
Ambipom Ambipom Normal Double Hit B S
Drifloon Drifloon Ghost Flying Astonish B
Drifblim Drifblim Ghost Flying Ominous Wind B S
Buneary Buneary Normal Pound C
Lopunny Lopunny Normal Dizzy Punch C A
Glameow Glameow Normal Fake Out B
Purugly Purugly Normal Body Slam B A
Chatot Chatot Normal Flying Chatter C A
Riolu Riolu Fighting Force Palm B S
Lucario Lucario Fighting Steel Aura Sphere S (Boss)
Lickilicky Lickilicky Normal Knock Off Power Whip A (Boss) S
Tangrowth Tangrowth Grass Knock Off C A
Togekiss Togekiss Normal Flying Extreme Speed A S
Rotom Rotom Electric Ghost Discharge A S
Mesprit Mesprit Psychic Extrasensory EX Mode Only



In other languages

Language Title
French Plaines Verdoyantes
German Die Windauen
Italian Prateria Vento
Spanish Pradera Viento

Pokémon Rumble locations
Silent Forest | Windy Prairie | Rocky Cave | Fiery Furnace | Bright Beach | Eternal Tower | Battle Royale

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This article is part of both Project Locations and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on locations in the spin-off games.