Unova Route 23

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Route 23
Route 23
Map description
A mountain path of no return with overwhelming cliffs.
Required for navigation
Connecting locations
Victory Road
Route 23
Giant Chasm
Unova Route 23
Location of Route 23 in Unova.
Pokémon world routes
Route 22       Route 1

Route 23 (Japanese: 23番道路 Route 23) is the final numbered route in Unova. It is located in northeastern Unova and connects the Giant Chasm to Victory Road. It can only be accessed after the player has defeated Ghetsis in the Giant Chasm's deepest part.

Route description

Route 23 connects Victory Road with the Giant Chasm. It is a mountain-like road, with many mountainous features, such as ponds and crevasses. The northwest portion of the route features a puzzle involving Strength and Cut. There are narrow paths between trees and raised platforms, making it hard to navigate and find the right path.


Item Location Games
Heart Scale Heart Scale At the end of a stream past the first house (requires Cut or Surf)  B2  W2 
TM Fire TM35 (Flamethrower) Gift from old man in the second house (requires Surf)  B2  W2 
Rare Candy Rare Candy East of Ace Trainer Juliet (hidden)  B2  W2 
Iron Iron On mountaintop south of Black Belt Luke above Ace Trainer's house  B2  W2 
Star Piece Star Piece ×2  B2  W2 
Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry ×2  B2  W2 
TM Normal TM05 (Roar) Next to Pokémon Ranger Steve  B2  W2 
Ultra Ball Ultra Ball At a dead end in the beginning of the forest section (requires Cut) (hidden)  B2  W2 
Repeat Ball Repeat Ball At a dead end above Ace Trainer Tom (requires Cut)  B2  W2 
HP Up HP Up At a dead end west of Black Belt Benjamin (requires Cut)  B2  W2 
Calcium Calcium At a dead end in the southwestern-most section of the forest, past Hiker Doug (requires Cut)  B2  W2 
Full Heal Full Heal On the pedestal where Azelf appears (requires Cut)  B2  W2 
Yellow Shard Yellow Shard In a rock south of the Strength puzzle (requires Cut and Strength) (hidden)  B2  W2 
Green Shard Green Shard In a grass patch to the northeast of the Strength puzzle (requires Cut and Strength)  B2  W2 
Max Potion Max Potion Near Battle Girl Tiffany on a mountaintop (requires Cut and Strength)  B2  W2 
PP Up PP Up On a lone mountaintop (requires Cut and Strength) (hidden)  B2  W2 
TM Dark TM12 (Taunt) On a lone mountaintop (requires Cut and Strength)  B2  W2 

Hidden Grotto

When the contents of the Hidden Grotto in this location regenerate, the following items may spawn at the following rates:

Visible items
Item Rate
Poké Ball Poké Ball 12.5%
Great Ball Great Ball 5%
Ultra Ball Ultra Ball 2%
Potion Potion 6.25%
Super Potion Super Potion 2.5%
Hyper Potion Hyper Potion 1%
Repel Repel 6.25%
Super Repel Super Repel 2.5%
Max Repel Max Repel 1%
Fire Stone Fire Stone 0.25%
Water Stone Water Stone 0.25%
Thunder Stone Thunderstone 0.25%
Leaf Stone Leaf Stone 0.25%
Hidden items
Item Rate
Damp Mulch Damp Mulch 6.25%
Growth Mulch Growth Mulch 6.25%
Stable Mulch Stable Mulch 6.25%
Gooey Mulch Gooey Mulch 6.25%
Tiny Mushroom TinyMushroom 7.5%
Big Mushroom Big Mushroom 2.5%
Red Shard Red Shard 1%
Green Shard Green Shard 1%
Yellow Shard Yellow Shard 1%
Blue Shard Blue Shard 1%
Rare Candy Rare Candy 0.25%
PP Up PP Up 0.5%
PP Max PP Max 0.25%

Fake items

Item Location Games
None Amoonguss ×3
  • In a grass patch on mountaintop with Black Belt Luke
  • In a grass patch west of Hiker Doug
  • In a grass patch to the immediate east of the Strength puzzle
 B2  W2 


Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Golduck Golduck
B2 W2
Grass Grass
50 10%
Gligar Gligar
B2 W2
Grass Grass
49 10%
Throh Throh
B2 W2
Grass Grass
48, 49 25%
Sawk Sawk
B2 W2
Grass Grass
48, 49 25%
Amoonguss Amoonguss
B2 W2
Grass Grass
49 10%
Mienfoo Mienfoo
B2 W2
Grass Grass
48 15%
Bouffalant Bouffalant
B2 W2
Grass Grass
49, 51 25%
Rufflet Rufflet
B2 W2
Grass Grass
47 5%
Vullaby Vullaby
B2 W2
Grass Grass
47 5%
Dark grass
Golduck Golduck
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
55 10%
Gligar Gligar
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
54 10%
Throh Throh
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
53, 54 25%
Sawk Sawk
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
53, 54 25%
Amoonguss Amoonguss
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
54 10%
Mienshao Mienshao
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
53 15%
Bouffalant Bouffalant
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
54, 56 25%
Rufflet Rufflet
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
52 5%
Vullaby Vullaby
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
52 5%
Rustling grass
Gliscor Gliscor
B2 W2
Rustling grass Rustling grass
51 5%
Audino Audino
B2 W2
Rustling grass Rustling grass
48-51 80%
Throh Throh
B2 W2
Rustling grass Rustling grass
51 5%
Sawk Sawk
B2 W2
Rustling grass Rustling grass
51 5%
Emolga Emolga
B2 W2
Rustling grass Rustling grass
49 10%
Buizel Buizel
B2 W2
Surfing Surfing
40-55 30%
Basculin Basculin
B2 W2
Surfing Surfing
40-55 70%
Basculin Basculin
B2 W2
Surfing Surfing
40-55 70%
Surfing in rippling water
Buizel Buizel
B2 W2
Rippling water Rippling water
40-55 60%
Floatzel Floatzel
B2 W2
Rippling water Rippling water
45-55 10%
Basculin Basculin
B2 W2
Rippling water Rippling water
40-55 30%
Basculin Basculin
B2 W2
Rippling water Rippling water
40-55 30%
Poliwag Poliwag
B2 W2
Super Rod Fishing
40-70 70%
Basculin Basculin
B2 W2
Super Rod Fishing
40-60 30%
Basculin Basculin
B2 W2
Super Rod Fishing
40-60 30%
Fishing in rippling water
Poliwhirl Poliwhirl
B2 W2
Rippling water Rippling water
40-70 65%
Poliwrath Poliwrath
B2 W2
Rippling water Rippling water
50-70 5%
Basculin Basculin
B2 W2
Rippling water Rippling water
40-60 30%
Basculin Basculin
B2 W2
Rippling water Rippling water
40-60 30%
Hidden Grotto
Golduck Golduck
B2 W2
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
50-55 2%
Gligar Gligar
B2 W2
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
50-55 1%
Zangoose Zangoose
B2 W2
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
50-55 7.5%
Seviper Seviper
B2 W2
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
50-55 7.5%
Absol Absol
B2 W2
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
50-55 2%
Special Pokémon
Azelf Azelf
B2 W2
Premier Ball Only one
65 One
Amoonguss Amoonguss
B2 W2
Gift Fake item
56 Three
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.

Special encounters

An Azelf appears here after speaking to Professor Juniper in the Cave of Being. If defeated or run from, it respawns after entering the Hall of Fame.

Psychic Unknown
Held item:
Azelf Lv.65
Future Sight
Psychic Special
Nasty Plot
Dark Status
Psychic Special
Last Resort
Normal Physical

Three Amoonguss appear here as fake items. They each have a 50% chance of holding a TinyMushroom, a 25% chance of holding a BigMushroom, and a 1% chance of holding a BalmMushroom. They will respawn every time the player participates in the Funfest Mission "Mushrooms' Hide-and-Seek!".

Grass Poison
Effect Spore
Held item:
Amoonguss/ Lv.56
Poison Status
Grass Status
Clear Smog
Poison Special
Grass Special


Trainer Pokémon
Battle Girl Brenda
Battle Girl Brenda
ジュン Jun
Reward: $1696
Throh Throh Lv.53
No item
Ace Trainer Grant
Ace Trainer Grant
タイキ Taiki
Reward: $3180
Emolga Emolga Lv.53
No item
Jellicent Jellicent
No item
Hiker Don
Hiker Don
タモツ Tamotsu
Reward: $1632
Piloswine Piloswine Lv.51
No item
Probopass Probopass Lv.51
No item
Ace Trainer Juliet
Ace Trainer Juliet
コトノ Kotono
Reward: $3180
Swanna Swanna Lv.53
No item
Galvantula Galvantula Lv.53
No item
Black Belt Luke
Black Belt Luke
シンペイ Shinpei
Reward: $1696
Sawk Sawk Lv.53
No item
Pokémon Ranger Steve
Pokémon Ranger Steve
スティーブ Steve
Reward: $3120
Stunfisk Stunfisk Lv.52
No item
Amoonguss Amoonguss Lv.52
No item
Pokémon Ranger Lena
Pokémon Ranger Lena
レナ Rena
Reward: $3180
Floatzel Floatzel Lv.53
No item
Lucario Lucario Lv.53
No item
Requires Cut
Hiker Doug
Hiker Doug
トモタカ Tomotaka
Reward: $1696
Boldore Boldore Lv.53
No item
Aggron Aggron Lv.53
No item
Ace Trainer Miki
Ace Trainer Miki
ミキ Miki
Reward: $3240
Scolipede Scolipede Lv.54
No item
Arcanine Arcanine Lv.54
No item
Black Belt Benjamin
Black Belt Benjamin
テツジ Tetsuji
Reward: $1696
Gurdurr Gurdurr Lv.53
No item
Scrafty Scrafty Lv.53
No item
Ace Trainer Tom
Ace Trainer Tom
ケント Kento
Reward: $3240
Magmar Magmar Lv.54
No item
Mamoswine Mamoswine Lv.54
No item
Requires Cut and Strength
Battle Girl Tiffany
Battle Girl Tiffany
チサト Chisato
Reward: $1696
Gurdurr Gurdurr Lv.53
No item
Mienshao Mienshao Lv.53
No item


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Access to
Nature Preserve
Blueberry AcademyTerarium

This article is part of Project Routes, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every route in the Pokémon world.