Effect Spore (Ability)

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Effect Spore ほうし
Flavor text
Generation III
Leaves spores on contact.
Generation IV
Contact may paralyze, poison, or cause sleep.
Generation V
Contact may poison or cause paralysis or sleep.
Generation VI
Contact may poison or cause paralysis or sleep.
Generation VII
Contact with the Pokémon may inflict poison, sleep, or paralysis on its attacker.
Generation VIII
Contact with the Pokémon may inflict poison, sleep, or paralysis on its attacker.
Generation IX
Contact with the Pokémon may inflict poison, sleep, or paralysis on the attacker.

Effect Spore (Japanese: ほうし Spore) is an Ability introduced in Generation III.


In battle

Generation III

When a Pokémon with this Ability is hit by a move that makes contact, there is a 10% chance that the attacking Pokémon will become either poisoned, paralyzed, or asleep, with a 3.3% probability each.

If a Pokémon with this Ability is hit by a multistrike move that makes contact (such as Fury Swipes), each hit has an independent chance to activate this Ability.

If a Pokémon is immune to some of the status conditions, then the chance of inflicting each of the remaining conditions is constant, so the total chance of successfully inflicting a condition decreases.

Generation IV

When a Pokémon with this Ability is hit by a move that makes contact, there is a 30% chance that the attacking Pokémon will become either poisoned, paralyzed, or asleep, with a 10% probability each.[1]

Generation V

When a Pokémon with this Ability is hit by a move that makes contact, there is a 9% chance of poison, 10% chance of paralysis, and 11% chance of sleep.[2]

Generation VI onward

Grass-type Pokémon, Pokémon with Overcoat, and Pokémon holding Safety Goggles are now immune to Effect Spore.

Outside of battle

Effect Spore has no effect outside of battle.

Pokémon with Effect Spore

# Pokémon Types First Ability Second Ability Hidden Ability
0045 Vileplume Vileplume
Grass Poison Chlorophyll None Effect Spore
0046 Paras Paras
Bug Grass Effect Spore Dry SkinGen IV+ Damp
0047 Parasect Parasect
Bug Grass Effect Spore Dry SkinGen IV+ Damp
0285 Shroomish Shroomish
Grass Grass Effect Spore Poison HealGen IV+ Quick Feet
0286 Breloom Breloom
Grass Fighting Effect Spore Poison HealGen IV+ Technician
0590 Foongus Foongus
Grass Poison Effect Spore None Regenerator
0591 Amoonguss Amoonguss
Grass Poison Effect Spore None Regenerator
0755 Morelull Morelull
Grass Fairy Illuminate Effect Spore Rain Dish
0756 Shiinotic Shiinotic
Grass Fairy Illuminate Effect Spore Rain Dish
0829 Gossifleur Gossifleur
Grass Grass Cotton Down Regenerator Effect Spore
0830 Eldegoss Eldegoss
Grass Grass Cotton Down Regenerator Effect Spore
Please note that Abilities marked with a superscript are only available in the stated generation or later.
  • For Generation III and IV games, ignore Hidden Abilities.

In other games


Games Description
MDRB Attackers are poisoned, paralyzed, or put to sleep.
MDTD Poisons, paralyzes, or puts to sleep any attacker who lands a direct-contact attack.
MDS Poisons, paralyzes, or causes sleep in attackers who land direct-contact attacks.
BSL こうげきしてきた ポケモンを どく まひ すいみん じょうたいの どれかにする
MDGtI May inflict a bad status condition on the attacker who hits it with a direct attack.*
When the Pokémon is hit with a direct attack like Tackle or Scratch, the attacker is sometimes afflicted with the Poisoned, Paralysis, or Sleep status condition!*
SMD When the Pokémon is hit with a contact move like Tackle or Scratch, the attacker is sometimes afflicted with the poisoned, paralysis, or sleep status condition!
MDRTDX When the Pokémon is hit with a contact move, like Tackle or Scratch, the attacker is sometimes afflicted with the Poisoned, Paralysis, or Sleep status condition.

In animation

Pokémon animated series

Effect Spore played a major role in The Power of Us. Team Rocket attempted to raid Fula City's Pokémon Research Pavilion, but only got away with a solution of Effect Spore made by Toren. They later dropped it on accident, which released a toxic gas that in turn triggered a devastating fire. Both disasters endangered Fula City, but Ash and the citizens worked together to successfully combat both.

In the manga

Pokémon Adventures


In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 孢子 Bāaují
Mandarin 孢子 Bāozǐ
Finnish Itiövaikutus
French Pose Spore
German Sporenwirt
Hebrew נבגי השפעה Nivagei Hashpa'ha
Italian Spargispora
Korean 포자 Poja
Polish Efekt Pyłu
Portuguese Brazil Esporo de Efeito
Portugal Efeito Esporo
Russian Эффект Споры Effekt Spory
Spanish Efecto EsporaVI+
Efec. EsporaIIIV
Vietnamese Bào Tử

Variations of the Ability Cute Charm
Cute CharmEffect SporeFlame BodyPoison PointStatic

Related articles


This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.